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[Csnd] Proof of Concept: Opencv + OSC + Csound

Date2012-06-01 22:33
FromMatti Koskinen
Subject[Csnd] Proof of Concept: Opencv + OSC + Csound

got a simple example working using Opencv + OSC + Csound. Opencv grabs 
frames from webcam, the simplest form was just to weave a laser pointer 
and use the position of the spot to generate an OSC message sent to 
Csound, which played it. The csd was from flossmanuals by Alex Hoffman. 
The other way round is not ready yet, but as Opencv can play almost all 
kind of videos, sending OSC from csd could start playing  one, as Enrico 
Francioni requested. Please keep waiting... Also the pico projector I 
have, works now with Opencv. The whole code doesn't use anything else 
than liblo and opencv, and if projector needed libam7xxx, so  it should 
compile  on any opencv-supported platform.


Date2012-06-02 00:45
FromAdam Puckett
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Proof of Concept: Opencv + OSC + Csound
Do you host the code anywhere?

On 6/1/12, Matti Koskinen  wrote:
> hi,
> got a simple example working using Opencv + OSC + Csound. Opencv grabs
> frames from webcam, the simplest form was just to weave a laser pointer
> and use the position of the spot to generate an OSC message sent to
> Csound, which played it. The csd was from flossmanuals by Alex Hoffman.
> The other way round is not ready yet, but as Opencv can play almost all
> kind of videos, sending OSC from csd could start playing  one, as Enrico
> Francioni requested. Please keep waiting... Also the pico projector I
> have, works now with Opencv. The whole code doesn't use anything else
> than liblo and opencv, and if projector needed libam7xxx, so  it should
> compile  on any opencv-supported platform.
> -matti
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Date2012-06-02 07:58
FromMatti Koskinen
SubjectFwd: Re: [Csnd] Proof of Concept: Opencv + OSC + Csound

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Csnd] Proof of Concept: Opencv + OSC + Csound
Date: 	Fri, 1 Jun 2012 19:45:39 -0400
From: 	Adam Puckett 
Reply-To: 	csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
To: 	csound@lists.bath.ac.uk

No yet, need to polish it and put OSC-receiver into the code. Hopefully very soon.


Date2012-06-02 08:36
FromMatti Koskinen
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Proof of Concept: Opencv + OSC + Csound
On 2.6.2012 2:45, Adam Puckett wrote:
> Do you host the code anywhere?
I just uploaded it to http://www.mattikoskinenphoto.com/code
