From our Propellerhead person at Line 6 Customer Support:
Starting with version 6, Reason is now considered a full-functioning
audio/MIDI recording application. To further add to this, the upcoming
6.5 Update (due out later this year) will now allow for 3rd party
“rack extensions” (i.e. plug-ins) which is a new precedent for
Propellerhead SE.
Hope that's helpful and we can do something with that.
--- encino_man@netscape.com wrote:
From: "Partev Barr Sarkissian"
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Csound in a DAW
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 15:53:40 -0700
Reason is no longer MIDI only. Reason 6, is a DAW with the ability
to do external sampling. I work at Line 6, and we are the Propellorhead
distributor in North America. I'll pick the brains of our Propellorhead
person and get some more particulars from him tomorrow, when I go into
Csound, Max/MSP, DP, Pro Tools, Reason, ReWire, et al,.... a mix of
some great apps and plug-ins, that would make for some power music
recording and performing.
-Partev :-)
--- peimankhosravi@gmail.com wrote:
From: peiman khosravi
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Csound in a DAW
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2012 23:13:54 +0100
But isn't that midi only? If only life was that simple and 127 steps
was a good resolution! If it was then I would start using Reason and
give up Csound altogether :p
On 9 June 2012 22:49, andreas russo wrote:
> actually, using something like the IAC driver in OSX would let you automate, but it clearly isn't the most straightforward option, plus I can't imagine anyone looking at it with a good eye in a fast-pace professional environment.
> but then again, Csound isn't exactly your ordinary Reason instrument. =)
> Andreas
> On Jun 9, 2012, at 17:40, peiman khosravi wrote:
>> If it's using Jack then protools also works with jack and Csound.
>> Trouble is you can't automate anything. Of course there is always
>> csLADSPA that works inside ardour but I never found it very smooth as
>> it would make Ardour crash occasionally (when consolidating). Not to
>> mention that Ardour's automation editing is pretty much non existent,
>> which defeats the object.
>> Rory, we are all waiting for the day :-)
>> P
>> On 9 June 2012 20:43, Tarmo Johannes wrote:
>>> hello,
>>> just to mention: on the open source side csound works very well with ardour -
>>> as arouting over jack (jacko opcodes) or as ladspa plugin (But Andreas, of
>>> course, your favourite tools are of another league)
>>> tarmo
>>> On Saturday 09 June 2012 15:24:43 andreas russo wrote:
>>>> rory,
>>>> thanks for the link.
>>>> I'm sure someone (probably Dr. B.) mentioned Cabbage to me some time ago,
>>>> but I completely forgot about it.
>>>> I'm on OSX, and my main DAWs are Logic and Pro Tools.
>>>> I suppose finding some Csound to RTAS version would be impossible.
>>>> how about AU?
>>>> any options?
>>>> Cabbage seems to be pretty amazing though.
>>>> it might be for me to get more into Live.
>>>> On Jun 9, 2012, at 14:11, Rory Walsh wrote:
>>>>> The website:
>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/cabbage/
>>>>> On 9 June 2012 19:10, Rory Walsh wrote:
>>>>>> What platform are you on? I use Cabbage which lets me run Csound
>>>>>> instruments as VST plugins. I'm planning on releasing a new version
>>>>>> for Windows in the next week or so. After that I'll try to update the
>>>>>> OSX binaries. The latest version has made some nice improvements since
>>>>>> the last release but I'll need to test it before releasing. In the
>>>>>> mean time you can try the releases that are currently available to get
>>>>>> a feel for it. There is an integrated help file in the editor that
>>>>>> comes with it. It's the best place to start.
>>>>>> Rory.
>>>>>> p.s. all the other ways you mentioned will work fine btw!
>>>>>> On 9 June 2012 18:54, andreas russo wrote:
>>>>>>> hello list,
>>>>>>> I was wondering how most people (if any) here interface Csound with a
>>>>>>> DAW.
>>>>>>> Soundflower/IAC driver?
>>>>>>> Max for Live?
>>>>>>> are there other tricks that you know of?
>>>>>>> sometimes I wish I could use my Csound instruments in the commercial
>>>>>>> productions I work on, especially when it comes to sound design for
>>>>>>> visuals.
>>>>>>> cheers!
>>>>>>> Andreas
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