[Csnd] Qutecsound Live event editor save feature
Date | 2010-10-05 18:33 |
From | Dylan Kelly |
Subject | [Csnd] Qutecsound Live event editor save feature |
Hello All, I am a Csound student with Dr. Boulanger at Berklee, and I have been using the live event function to generate note lists. I recently discovered that the live event feature does not have a save ability. Maybe it could have the option to save the notes into the .csd file, or as a separate text file? Of course you can manually insert the text into your score, but without a save feature for the live events, Qutecsound will not warn before it quits, clearing the live event editor. This may cause some users to accidentally lose data. A save feature may not be a necessity, b
ut it may help some users. -Dylan Kelly dskelly@berklee.net |
Date | 2010-10-05 20:50 |
From | Andres Cabrera |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Qutecsound Live event editor save feature |
Hi Dylan, It should be saved as part of your csd. Can you check again, and try to describe under what circumstances it's happening? (I seem to recall in the release version, the shortcut to save does not work from the live event sheets, so you need to save it from the menu, or from the editor). As you mention, changes in the live event editor do not mark a document as changed, so you have to remember to save, but this has also been addressed for the next release. Cheers, Andres On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Dylan Kelly |