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[Csnd] Re: Palm muting, squealing harmonics, other guitarish effects

Date2010-10-04 07:39
Subject[Csnd] Re: Palm muting, squealing harmonics, other guitarish effects
I'm also intesested in this topic, for palm mutedenvelope you can use linseg 
in this way:
a_envelope linseg 0, .01, 1 , .02, .7, .4, 0 
Don't know if this is the envelope you need but at least is indipendent from 
midi note duration or score note duration (longer notes will be audible only 
for .01 + .02 + .4 seconds).

For harmonics I was also thinking about some kind of notch filter centered on 
the node of the harmonic (frequecy * 2 for middle string and so on) in theory 
should work but I've not tested it yet.



>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: mostawesomedude@gmail.com
>Data: 02/10/2010 23.43
>Ogg: [Csnd] Palm muting, squealing harmonics, other guitarish effects
>So I'm working on a mean lead, and I want to have a chunky palm-muted
>sound when the mod wheel's all the way down. (The mod wheel and pitch
>wheel have a bunch of conditional interactions for bend vibrato,
>slides, etc.) After looking at a couple traces, and playing some
>guitar, I've concluded that the biggest factor in palm muting
>*without* distortion is simply a fixed-size ADSR envelope that only
>lasts about half a second. However, all of the adsr opcodes appear to
>imply the sustain time either from MIDI or from note length in the
>score. Do I have to build my own out of linseg/expseg, or did I miss
>Another thing I wanted to investigate were squealing pinch harmonics.
>I know the theory and technique; I should just have to clip out the
>even harmonics. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem like something that
>can be done easily. Is there some cute trick I haven't seen for doing
>this kind of manipulation? I tried adding up the even partials, but my
>basic waveform is too complex to have predictable partials, so the
>math is always off. I already tried Google; it seems like any search
>for squeals or howls (guitar feedback) ends up at tutorials for the
>Tom Sawyer synth sound. (Don't get me wrong. It's a great sound, but
>not anywhere near what I want.)
>~ C.
>When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir? ~ Keynes
>Corbin Simpson
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