I'm a, sort of old timer. Don't recall the Chorosynth.
My music partner and used to build synth modules, using mostly
SSMT chips and the occasional CEM Curtis Electro Music IC. We
worked from the SSMT app-notes, Don Lancaster's circuit Cookbooks,
and some Sequential Circuits and Emu schematics. Then we would
modify the design to something more along the lines of what we
were tryng to do with it. On rare occasions, we would get to pick
the brains of synth designer Wayne Yntes.
It was controlled with a monophonic keyboard from PAIA and one of
Wayne's monophonic synth keyboards.
Do recall vaguely, late 70's or early 80's an Elektor or Elektuur
magazine, back then when we were building synths. That, Synapse
and one of two others crossed our paths back then. One with a
dark reddish brown, Euro abstract style art cover that issue. And
later days, when I had a few extra dollars I would spring for a copy
of Computer Music Journal (CMJ) if there was an article of specific
interest to something we were doing.
You must know Dr Who and must be borrowing his TARDIS, to be sending
me on such a time-warp down memory lane. Thanks.
If you cross paths with Seppo Nikkilia over at Advance Technologies,
check out some of their stuff. Jean Sibelius on their 24-bit/192-KHz
multi-channel system sounds real good.
--- mjkoskin@kolumbus.fi wrote:
From: Matti Koskinen
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: [Csnd] my lucky day
Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2012 01:12:18 +0300
I found my Chorosynth, a vco,vca monophonic synth I built in the early
80's. The schematic and pcb were on the Elektor magazine, and found the
article in French from the net. The board is bit suffered, there are two
cracks, some ICs are missing, but they're just cmos dividers and nands.
I'm thinking controlling it with Arduino: sending from csound with
serial opcode commands and notes. I've found simple PWM-DAC for Arduino,
which could control the voltages, and Arduino has lots of I/O-pins to
control the switches in Chorosynth. Output is pure analog, don't have
other mixer than Tascam Porta-1,dates also the early 80's.
Sending audio from csound on one computer, mixing the synth output and
recording with other computer, then doing all kinds of processing with
Are there any other old timers on the list familiar with Chorosynth? It
created quite natural chorus effects and also violin, cello and other
string instruments. Real synth with adsr, lfo, vca and vco's with even
portamento to vco's. The keyboard was etched on pcb and playing was
touching the key with a stylus.
Retro is back!
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