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[Csnd] Android Csound wav file memory

Date2012-08-27 02:09
FromRoger Kelly
Subject[Csnd] Android Csound wav file memory
I know that the NDK is not limited to the heapsize of Java android apps.  Does anyone know what an upper limit might be for loading soundfiles using GEN01?

Date2012-08-27 11:45
FromTito Latini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Android Csound wav file memory

Date2012-08-27 12:01
FromTito Latini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Android Csound wav file memory

Date2012-08-27 15:22
FromTito Latini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Android Csound wav file memory

Date2012-08-27 16:49
FromRoger Kelly
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Android Csound wav file memory
Thanks.  Do you know how this limit applies to the Android build?  I am trying to see how  GEN01 runs if it allocates memory out of the application heap or a separate native heap on Android.  The application heap on Android is quite small.

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Tito Latini <tito.01beta@gmail.com> wrote:
ok, checked. No problems for the allocation of the memory. I tested a
fgen with more than 1GB in deferred mode (forget my prior msg about
30bit, it is another history). We cannot use `loscil' because it is
limited to 2^25 - 1. I used `lposcilsa' in my test.

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Date2012-08-27 17:01
FromTito Latini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Android Csound wav file memory