| I read in a Perl book that it can't be run on a cell phone. Not sure
how out-of-date it was though. I'd be interested in reimplementing
them in C so somebody could compile them for phones, as they probably
have some sort of C compiler.
On 8/26/12, john saylor wrote:
> 1
> i've just released a github repository that uses csound to generate
> short audio bits:
> https://github.com/js0000/perceptible-phone-programming
> the summary is that the scripts would be best run on a phone,
> generating a unique ring-tone each time; and yet, all of them sound
> like the same ring-tone. it might be a paradox.
> fair warning: most of the action is in perl.
> --
> \js [http://or8.net/~johns/] : "complete obscure contrariness"
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