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[Csnd] Csound 5.08Beta

Date2008-03-06 10:24
Subject[Csnd] Csound 5.08Beta
Friends (and enemies and those indifferent)

Following a number of technical problems I can announce that the Beta
version of Csound 5.08 is now available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux
on Sourceforge.  While this is marked as Beta, it is believed to be
complete.  The main point for testing is the installers.  If you are
adventurous, or have some of the mythical spare time, we would
appreciate receiving reports, both good and bad, so we can move to a
definitive release very soon.

Draft release notes are below
==John ffitch

Command line and Top level changes:
        Added --csd-line-nums= option.
        Major changes to score error reporting; now accurately reports
                the line numbers for the chain of inputs for most errors. 
        Change to gettext localisation; French and Columbian-Spanish
                translations available.
        Messages about loading opcode plugins modified so can be suppressed
        New "no-carry" operator (!) for score language that prevents
                implicit carrying of p-fields in i-statements. 
        Added --syntax-check-only commandline flag (exclusive with
         is accepted as an alternative to 
        Line numbers of errors in CSDs are now reported using the CSD
                line numbers instead of the temporary ORC and SCO line
                numbers *unless* the --csd-line-nums=0 option is given. 
Bug fixes:
        pan2: Corrected so it agrees with documentation
        hilbert had its outputs reversed, now correct.
         works again according to the manual.
        Fixes in the { and } score looping statements.
        CsoundFile class now implemented in the Python module on OSX

new opcodes etc:
        image opcodes
        pvsbandp and pvsbandr: filters using spectral domain
        New opcodes powershape, polynomial, chebyshevpoly, pdclip,
                pdhalf, pdhalfy, and syncphasor. 
       CsoundAC now available for MacOSX

A number of internal changes

	gettext version
        pvsscale: Improved algorithm for SDFT case so no ampltitude variation
        partikkel: Internal changes to partikkel, interpolation of waveform 
                   read and windowing, allowing more precise pitch synchronous
                   granular synthesis. 

Date2008-03-06 10:32
FromRory Walsh
Subject[Csnd] Re: Csound 5.08Beta
Currently only the double precision windows version is available so us 
real-timers, as opposed to old-timers, need to hang on a bit longer. 
Speaking of which how does the OSX installer work, there only seems to 
be one package for that, is the user given a choice when installing?


jpff wrote:
> Friends (and enemies and those indifferent)
> Following a number of technical problems I can announce that the Beta
> version of Csound 5.08 is now available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux
> on Sourceforge.  While this is marked as Beta, it is believed to be
> complete.  The main point for testing is the installers.  If you are
> adventurous, or have some of the mythical spare time, we would
> appreciate receiving reports, both good and bad, so we can move to a
> definitive release very soon.
> Draft release notes are below
> ==John ffitch
> ========================================================================
> Command line and Top level changes:
>         Added --csd-line-nums= option.
>         Major changes to score error reporting; now accurately reports
>                 the line numbers for the chain of inputs for most errors. 
>         Change to gettext localisation; French and Columbian-Spanish
>                 translations available.
>         Messages about loading opcode plugins modified so can be suppressed
>         New "no-carry" operator (!) for score language that prevents
>                 implicit carrying of p-fields in i-statements. 
>         Added --syntax-check-only commandline flag (exclusive with
>                 --i-only)
>          is accepted as an alternative to 
>         Line numbers of errors in CSDs are now reported using the CSD
>                 line numbers instead of the temporary ORC and SCO line
>                 numbers *unless* the --csd-line-nums=0 option is given. 
> Bug fixes:
>         pan2: Corrected so it agrees with documentation
>         hilbert had its outputs reversed, now correct.
>          works again according to the manual.
>         Fixes in the { and } score looping statements.
>         CsoundFile class now implemented in the Python module on OSX
> new opcodes etc:
>         image opcodes
>         pvsbandp and pvsbandr: filters using spectral domain
>         New opcodes powershape, polynomial, chebyshevpoly, pdclip,
>                 pdhalf, pdhalfy, and syncphasor. 
>        CsoundAC now available for MacOSX
> A number of internal changes
> 	gettext version
>         pvsscale: Improved algorithm for SDFT case so no ampltitude variation
>         partikkel: Internal changes to partikkel, interpolation of waveform 
>                    read and windowing, allowing more precise pitch synchronous
>                    granular synthesis. 
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2008-03-06 10:33
FromVictor Lazzarini
Subject[Csnd] Re: Csound 5.08Beta
and as usual the additions to changelog that were left
behind (probably my fault):

New HRTF opcodes by Brian Carty: hrtfmove, hrtfmove2 and hrtfstat


At 10:24 06/03/2008, you wrote:
>Friends (and enemies and those indifferent)
>Following a number of technical problems I can announce that the Beta
>version of Csound 5.08 is now available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux
>on Sourceforge.  While this is marked as Beta, it is believed to be
>complete.  The main point for testing is the installers.  If you are
>adventurous, or have some of the mythical spare time, we would
>appreciate receiving reports, both good and bad, so we can move to a
>definitive release very soon.
>Draft release notes are below
>==John ffitch
>Command line and Top level changes:
>         Added --csd-line-nums= option.
>         Major changes to score error reporting; now accurately reports
>                 the line numbers for the chain of inputs for most errors.
>         Change to gettext localisation; French and Columbian-Spanish
>                 translations available.
>         Messages about loading opcode plugins modified so can be suppressed
>         New "no-carry" operator (!) for score language that prevents
>                 implicit carrying of p-fields in i-statements.
>         Added --syntax-check-only commandline flag (exclusive with
>                 --i-only)
>          is accepted as an alternative to 
>         Line numbers of errors in CSDs are now reported using the CSD
>                 line numbers instead of the temporary ORC and SCO line
>                 numbers *unless* the --csd-line-nums=0 option is given.
>Bug fixes:
>         pan2: Corrected so it agrees with documentation
>         hilbert had its outputs reversed, now correct.
>          works again according to the manual.
>         Fixes in the { and } score looping statements.
>         CsoundFile class now implemented in the Python module on OSX
>new opcodes etc:
>         image opcodes
>         pvsbandp and pvsbandr: filters using spectral domain
>         New opcodes powershape, polynomial, chebyshevpoly, pdclip,
>                 pdhalf, pdhalfy, and syncphasor.
>        CsoundAC now available for MacOSX
>A number of internal changes
>         gettext version
>         pvsscale: Improved algorithm for SDFT case so no ampltitude variation
>         partikkel: Internal changes to partikkel, interpolation of waveform
>                    read and windowing, allowing more precise pitch 
> synchronous
>                    granular synthesis.
>Send bugs reports to this list.
>To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Date2008-03-06 10:42
From"Oeyvind Brandtsegg"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Csound 5.08Beta

Date2008-03-06 12:16
FromCesare Marilungo
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Csound 5.08Beta
There's also the jacktransport opcode.


Victor Lazzarini wrote:
> and as usual the additions to changelog that were left
> behind (probably my fault):
> New HRTF opcodes by Brian Carty: hrtfmove, hrtfmove2 and hrtfstat
> Victor
> At 10:24 06/03/2008, you wrote:
>> Friends (and enemies and those indifferent)
>> Following a number of technical problems I can announce that the Beta
>> version of Csound 5.08 is now available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux
>> on Sourceforge.  While this is marked as Beta, it is believed to be
>> complete.  The main point for testing is the installers.  If you are
>> adventurous, or have some of the mythical spare time, we would
>> appreciate receiving reports, both good and bad, so we can move to a
>> definitive release very soon.
>> Draft release notes are below
>> ==John ffitch
>> ========================================================================
>> Command line and Top level changes:
>>         Added --csd-line-nums= option.
>>         Major changes to score error reporting; now accurately reports
>>                 the line numbers for the chain of inputs for most 
>> errors.
>>         Change to gettext localisation; French and Columbian-Spanish
>>                 translations available.
>>         Messages about loading opcode plugins modified so can be 
>> suppressed
>>         New "no-carry" operator (!) for score language that prevents
>>                 implicit carrying of p-fields in i-statements.
>>         Added --syntax-check-only commandline flag (exclusive with
>>                 --i-only)
>>          is accepted as an alternative to 
>>         Line numbers of errors in CSDs are now reported using the CSD
>>                 line numbers instead of the temporary ORC and SCO line
>>                 numbers *unless* the --csd-line-nums=0 option is given.
>> Bug fixes:
>>         pan2: Corrected so it agrees with documentation
>>         hilbert had its outputs reversed, now correct.
>>          works again according to the manual.
>>         Fixes in the { and } score looping statements.
>>         CsoundFile class now implemented in the Python module on OSX
>> new opcodes etc:
>>         image opcodes
>>         pvsbandp and pvsbandr: filters using spectral domain
>>         New opcodes powershape, polynomial, chebyshevpoly, pdclip,
>>                 pdhalf, pdhalfy, and syncphasor.
>>        CsoundAC now available for MacOSX
>> A number of internal changes
>>         gettext version
>>         pvsscale: Improved algorithm for SDFT case so no ampltitude 
>> variation
>>         partikkel: Internal changes to partikkel, interpolation of 
>> waveform
>>                    read and windowing, allowing more precise pitch 
>> synchronous
>>                    granular synthesis.
>> Send bugs reports to this list.
>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
>> "unsubscribe csound"
> Victor Lazzarini
> Music Technology Laboratory
> Music Department
> National University of Ireland, Maynooth
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
> "unsubscribe csound"


Date2008-03-06 13:47
From"Andres Cabrera"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Csound 5.08Beta

Date2008-03-06 15:10
FromJacob Joaquin
Subject[Csnd] Re: Csound 5.08Beta
I installed Csound5.08-OSX10.4-Intel.  Had no issues with the installation. 
Rendered some of my more involved CSD files without any noticeable issues. 
Have not tried rendering anything that utilizes FLTK or python.

The Csound Blog 

jpff wrote:
> If you are adventurous, or have some of the mythical spare time, we would
> appreciate receiving reports, both good and bad, so we can move to a
> definitive release very soon.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Csound-5.08Beta-tp15870401p15873189.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2008-03-06 15:56
FromAlan McConnell
Subject[Csnd] Re: Csound 5.08Beta -- Further suggestion

Date2008-03-06 16:04
FromDrake Wilson
Subject[Csnd] Re: Expressions in scores

Date2008-03-06 16:07
FromRory Walsh
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Csound 5.08Beta -- Further suggestion
If I understand correctly you can already do this, just put the 
expression between square brackets like this:

i[1*10] [20*1.5] 20 [300^2]

Suggestions are always welcome!


Alan McConnell wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 10:24:59AM +0000, jpff wrote:
>> Friends (and enemies and those indifferent)
> 	Oh, friends, surely!
>> on Sourceforge.  While this is marked as Beta, it is believed to be
>> complete.  The main point for testing is the installers.  If you are
>> adventurous, or have some of the mythical spare time, we would
>> appreciate receiving reports, both good and bad, so we can move to a
>> definitive release very soon.
> 	Small technical suggestion from a newbie:  the items 'p1', 'p2',
> 	in .orc files are the main numerical parameters to be called
> 	from .sco files.  Would it be possible to change the code
> 	slightly so that these parameters could accept not only input
> 	of the form   440   or  1.2   but input of the form
> 	440*2 ,  1.2*1.5,  etc.  Don't we all have occasion to
> 	slow down the output, or speed up the output, or put something
> 	in a higher octave, etc?  It would IMHO make editing, and
> 	hence experimenting, much easier if one didn't have to change
> 	every parameter value "by hand", but could simply introduce
> 	a multiplicative factor . . .
> Please excuse if this suggestion is out of line!
> Best wishes,
> Alan

Date2008-03-06 16:17
FromAlan McConnell
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Expressions in scores

Date2008-03-06 17:18
From"Dr. Richard Boulanger"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Expressions in scores

Thanks So MUCH for your suggestion.

Your request and suggestion are not CLUTTER at all.

The manual is huge - and we ALWAYS want to know
what users are hoping for, what users don't spot, where users -
especially beginners with Csound - have misconceptions.

These ideas and suggestions result in new features and new
opcodes ALL THE TIME.

In fact,  it wasn't that long ago that you could not do math in p- 
In Barry Vercoe's proprietary version of Csound, you still can't.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Alan McConnell wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 10:04:34AM -0600, Drake Wilson wrote:
>> Quoth Alan McConnell , on 2008-03-06 10:56:31  
>> -0500:
>>> 	Small technical suggestion from a newbie:  the items 'p1', 'p2',
>>> 	in .orc files are the main numerical parameters to be called
>>> 	from .sco files.  Would it be possible to change the code
>>> 	slightly so that these parameters could accept not only input
>>> 	of the form   440   or  1.2   but input of the form
>>> 	440*2 ,  1.2*1.5,  etc.
>> You mean like http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/ScoreEval.html ?
> 	   I have just looked at that URL; I have changed
> 	one of my files, using the suggested syntax, and it works just
> 	as asserted.  So, yes, I meant _exactly_ that.  Please excuse my
> 	ignorance.  "Fools rush in . . . ."
> I apologize to all for cluttering up this fine E-list!
> Alan
> -- 
> Alan McConnell :  http://patriot.net/users/alan
>     There are many good Impeachment sites; one of the best is:
>            www.waifllc.org
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body  
> "unsubscribe csound"

Date2008-03-06 17:26
FromFelipe Sateler
Subject[Csnd] Re: Csound 5.08Beta

Date2008-03-06 20:06
FromAlan McConnell
Subject[Csnd] Undeterred, he tries again

Date2008-03-06 20:19
FromJacob Joaquin
Subject[Csnd] Re: Undeterred, he tries again
I've spent a lot of time doing this in Perl, with great results, and learning
much in the process.  So I certainly encourage you to continue down this

I would like to also suggest looking into ways of doing it completely in the
score.  For example, you can use macros like this:

# define n1 # 440 #
# define n2 # 440*9*.125 #
# define n3 # 440*5*.250 #
# define n4 # 440*4*.333 #
# define n5 # 440*3*.5 #

i 1     0       .3      0       [$n1] 
i 1     .4      .3      .       [$n2] 
i 1     .8      .3      0       [$n3] 
i 1     1.2     .3      .       [$n1] 
i 1     1.6     .3      0       [$n1] 
i 1     2.0     .3      .       [$n2] 
i 1     2.4     .3      0       [$n3] 
i 1     2.8     .3      .       [$n1] 

The Csound Blog 

Alan McConnell wrote:
> Instead of remembering what those notes actually are, one can make a 
> file -- using emacs or vi -- called  myfile.sco.DRAFT .  Here's
> what a hunk of   myfile.sco.DRAFT might look like:
> i 1     0       .3      0       [n1]
> i 1     .4      .3      .       [n2]
> i 1     .8      .3      0       [n3]
> i 1     1.2     .3      .       [n1]
> i 1     1.6     .3      0       [n1]
> i 1     2.0     .3      .       [n2]
> i 1     2.4     .3      0       [n3]
> i 1     2.8     .3      .       [n1]

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Csound-5.08Beta-tp15870401p15883023.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2008-03-06 20:54
FromJohn Lato
Subject[Csnd] Re: Undeterred, he tries again
I used to use Perl a great deal for score processing and generation, but now I tend 
toward other options.  Not that any of these would be necessarily better for you, but 
it's always good to know your options.

1.  Instead of using frequencies in your score, you can use PCH values.  Then in the 
orchestra convert them to cps values with cpspch() (see 
http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/cpspch.html).  You can also use OCT instead of 
PCH, and cpsoct() to convert (depending on the desired math).  I personally find the 
pch values readable, concise, and easy to work with in most cases.

2.  If you're planning on creating very large and/or complicated scores, you might 
prefer a front-end like Blue or Cecilia.  There are also several score-generating 
systems and languages, such as cmask/pmask (cmask is a standalone, 
http://www.kgw.tu-berlin.de/~abart/CMaskMan/CMask-Download.htm, pmask is a python 
library to do the same stuff, part of OMDE, 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pythonsound). ngen 
(http://mustec.bgsu.edu/~mkuehn/ngen/) is another option.  There are several others. 
  Although I have used all of these, my installations of them are several years old, 
so they may have changed in the meantime.

For score generation, at least, I believe the systems in use are at least as numerous 
as the number of csound users.  In addition to those I've mentioned, and myriad more 
"personalized" approaches, at least one prominent csounder creates his scores in 
Excel.  I think most csounders would agree that the immense variety of useful 
approaches to score production is a good thing.


John W. Lato
School of Music
The University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station E3100
Austin, TX 78712-0435
(512) 232-2090

Alan McConnell wrote:
> Assembled Wisdom!
> I seem to have been graciously forgiven for my demarche about what
> can be passed to the parameters.  So here is another suggestion, perhaps
> useful to Unix/Linux users.
> In the following, I am assuming that the orchestra is set up and
> standard, and that the user is busy scoring a piece, writing a perhaps
> complicated .sco file, at any rate one with lots of notes.
> Instead of remembering what those notes actually are, one can make a 
> file -- using emacs or vi -- called  myfile.sco.DRAFT .  Here's
> what a hunk of   myfile.sco.DRAFT might look like:
> i 1     0       .3      0       [n1]
> i 1     .4      .3      .       [n2]
> i 1     .8      .3      0       [n3]
> i 1     1.2     .3      .       [n1]
> i 1     1.6     .3      0       [n1]
> i 1     2.0     .3      .       [n2]
> i 1     2.4     .3      0       [n3]
> i 1     2.8     .3      .       [n1]
> If one thinks of n1, n2, n3, . . . as representing the ascending notes
> of a major diatonic scale, one sees immediately that I'm writing
> "Frere Jacques".
> Now such a file isn't a .sco file, but a DRAFT of one.
> To make a true .sco file, one uses the standard Unix text editor sed,
> in the following way: from the command line one runs the command:
> 	sed -f notefile myfile.sco.DRAFT
> This command leaves the file   myfile.sco.DRAFT alone, but outputs
> something else, depending on the commands contained in   notefile .
> Here is an example of a  notefile:
> #  stuff following the 'pound-sign' is comments
> #  you can describe what this scriptfile is for
> s/n1/440/
> s/n2/440*9*.125/ 
> s/n3/440*5*.250/ 
> s/n4/440*4*.333/
> s/n5/440*3*.5/
> and you can easily believe that the 's' means "substitute" and
> instead of n1 one gets the value 440, instead of n2 one gets the
> value 440*9/8  (but don't use the '/' here! it will confuse sed), etc.
> The output of the above call to sed is written to the terminal, and
> can of course be redirected to a proper myfile.sco.
> The advantages of this are at least two.
> 1.  As remarked, a person can more easily keep track of, and type,
> n1, n2, n3,  etc, rather than 440, 495, 550, 586.66, 660.
> 2.  One may decide that 440 is too high, in which case one can
> change the 440 in the notefile to, say, 400, and make a new
> myfile-lower.sco.  Or one might wish to change the tuning to 
> tempered intervals . . .
> Now I _have_ tested the above, and throw it open for comment,
> criticism and possible adoption.  Of course the running of a
> myfile.sco.DRAFT through such a filter can be used in other
> ways, depending on one's ingenuity(motivated, as always, by
> laziness)
> Best wishes,
> Alan

Date2008-03-06 21:56
FromAlan McConnell
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Undeterred, he tries again

Date2008-03-06 22:12
FromPeiman Khosravi
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Undeterred, he tries again

On 6 Mar 2008, at 21:56, Alan McConnell wrote:

Hmmm . . .  One of my goals in learning C-sound is to learn
how to contrast, and perhaps even to _hear_, the differences
between different tunings.  I am a violinist/violist, and we
often strive, esp in chamber music, for a more
perfect intonation than given by tempered tunings, i.e. the
division of the octave into (multiplicatively) equal intervals.
So making examples of this in csound is definitely one of my
priorities, and PCH seems to me to go in another direction.

You might be interested in this http://www2.siba.fi/PWGL/ it has a great notation editor capable of describing and playing (midi or synthesis) any microtonal tuning.


Date2008-03-13 22:53
FromUğur Güney
Subject[Csnd] Re: Csound 5.08Beta

Date2008-03-13 22:55
FromUğur Güney
Subject[Csnd] Re: Csound 5.08Beta

Date2008-03-14 18:39
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[Csnd] Re: Csound 5.08Beta
Right.  I did not update the front page because it was suggested on the
developer list that we only announce the beta release to the mailing lists
and ask people to test it for us.  The page will be updated when the final
non-beta version of 5.08 is released.

Anthony Kozar
mailing-lists-1001 AT anthonykozar DOT net

> Ug˜ur Güney wrote on 3/13/08 6:55 PM:
> # OK, I found it. here:
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=81968&package_id=120482
> # Sorry...
> -ugur-
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 12:53 AM, Ug˜ur Güney  wrote:
>> # Hi,
>> # I looked at the sourceforge page,
>> http://csound.sourceforge.net/#Downloads , but can not see the
>> 5.08beta version there. Is there a compiled binary version for Windows
>> of it? If it is I can test it.
>> -ugur-

Date2008-03-15 10:17
FromUğur Güney
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Csound 5.08Beta