Hi just wondering if you've had a chance to look at this ;-) sorry to be
pushy, I'm very keen to get this working though!
Thanks in advance
peiman wrote:
> I think I've narrowed down the problem a little more. I forgot to
> mention that I had added trfilter to the instrument. What happens is
> that if the combination of 0. thresh (for partial) and an internally
> defined f-GEN (using ftgen) for trfilter is used then the instrument
> doesn't last for the specified number of seconds in p3.
> If the table for trfilter is defined globally all is well (regardless
> of the thresh value).
> If table for trfilter is defined internally with thresh set to above
> 0. all is well (apart from the glitches).
> If table for trfilter is defined internally and thresh set to 0 then
> there is the problem.
> Maybe I'm doing something wrong...
> I have an example CSD pasted bellow.
> Many Thanks
> Peiman
> sr=44100
> ksmps=1
> nchnls=2
> gifn ftgen 2, 0, -22050, 5, 1, 1000, 1, 4000, 0.000001, 17050,
> 0.000001 ; low-pass filter curve of 22050 points
> instr 1 ;Partials
> ithresh = p4
> ifnfilt = p5
> itab ftgen 0, 0, 16384, 10, 1
> ifn ftgen 3, 0, -22050, 5, 1, 1000, 1, 4000, 0.000001, 17050,
> 0.000001 ; low-pass filter curve of 22050 points
> ain1,ain2 diskin2 "/Volumes/Peiman_Old_backup/Backupsounds/dutch-pot-
> clean/lid-dop-02.aif", 1,0,1
> fs1,fsi2 pvsifd ain1,2048,512,1 ; ifd analysis1
> fst1 partials fs1,fsi2,ithresh,1,1,200 ; partial tracking1
> fs11,fsi22 pvsifd ain2,2048,512,1 ; ifd analysis2
> fst2 partials fs11,fsi22,ithresh,1,1,200 ; partial tracking2
> fsig1 trfilter fst1, 1, ifnfilt
> fsig2 trfilter fst2, 1, ifnfilt
> aout1 resyn fsig1, 1, .5, 200, itab ; resynthesis
> aout2 resyn fsig2, 1, .5, 200, itab ; resynthesis
> outs aout1, aout2
> endin
> ; ithresh ifnfilt
> ;i1 0 20 0 2
> i1 0 20 0 3 ;this is the problem
> ;i1 0 20 0.001 3
> e
> On 3 Mar 2008, at 15:50, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>> well, that look like a real bug. I'll investigate.
>> But the CSD you sent me lasts for 10 seconds without
>> any problems, so I am not sure what the connection is
>> If you could isolate the problem in a diagnostics CSD, it
>> would help a lot to solve the problem.
>> I seem to recall something odd like that being reported.
>> Can't think what it is now.
>> Victor
>> At 13:52 03/03/2008, you wrote:
>>> Hi Victor,
>>> Sorry for this constant bugging! Another strange thing is now
>>> happening. Following your suggestion I have set the thresh to 0 and
>>> the clicks have disappeared. But as a result, regardless of what p3
>>> says in the score, the note only lasts for about 2 seconds. When I
>>> change thresh to 0.0001 or something the note lasts for the right
>>> amount of time but the clicks come back. Strange...
>>> Thanks
>>> Peiman
>>> On 3 Mar 2008, at 10:34, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>> yes, that would help.
>>>> Victor
>>>> At 09:18 03/03/2008, you wrote:
>>>>> I've been looking at it this morning. It seems that the click
>>>>> happens
>>>>> (or is noticeable) with only one sound source (several samples of
>>>>> the
>>>>> same metallic object). The sound is not very complex though and is
>>>>> rather sine-tone-like so I don't see why these samples in
>>>>> particular
>>>>> are the problem. I can email you the sample off the list maybe?
>>>>> Best
>>>>> Peiman
>>>>> On 3 Mar 2008, at 08:53, victor wrote:
>>>>>> Could be, but it doesn't make much sense.
>>>>>> Victor
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Peiman Khosravi"
>>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 1:24 AM
>>>>>> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: partials opcode and glitches
>>>>>>> Sorry for the delay I just got home! Using your instrument I
>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>> get the glitches. It's the same with more partials, if not worst.
>>>>>>> Do you think it could be an OS X 10.5 problem?
>>>>>>> Thanks again
>>>>>>> Peiman
>>>>>>> On 2 Mar 2008, at 17:25, victor wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sorry, but I can't reproduce any of that here. I used your code
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> plugged in a flute sound from a file. No glitches or things like
>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>> I'll try on a Mac tomorrow, but I can't see that the computer
>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>> be the problem.
>>>>>>>> This is my full instrument:
>>>>>>>> instr 1
>>>>>>>> ain1,ain2 diskin2 "flute.wav", 1,0,1
>>>>>>>> itab ftgen 0, 0, 16384, 10, 1
>>>>>>>> fs1,fsi2 pvsifd ain1,2048,512,1 ; ifd analysis
>>>>>>>> fst partials fs1,fsi2,.003,1,1,100 ; partial tracking
>>>>>>>> aout1 resyn fst, 1, 1, 100, itab ; resynthesis
>>>>>>>> out aout1*10
>>>>>>>> endin
>>>>>>>> The only other thing I can say is to try and increase the number
>>>>>>>> of tracks from 100 to more. It might be that you are running
>>>>>>>> out of tracks (depending on the input, this might happen).
>>>>>>>> Victor
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "peiman"
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 2:52 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: [Csnd] Re: partials opcode and glitches
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply Victor. I just tried tradysn and still
>>>>>>>>> getting
>>>>>>>>> glitches. The clicks are very clear, not just slight
>>>>>>>>> discontinuities.
>>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>>> Peiman
>>>>>>>>> Victor.Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "peiman"
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 2:07 PM
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [Csnd] partials opcode and glitches
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm hoping someone can shed light on this please. When trying
>>>>>>>>>>> to use the
>>>>>>>>>>> partials opcode I am getting these constant glitches in the
>>>>>>>>>>> resynthesis
>>>>>>>>>>> (using the code bellow which is basically taken form the
>>>>>>>>>>> manual
>>>>>>>>>>> example).
>>>>>>>>>>> This is both in render to file and dac options. Is there a
>>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>>> to smooth
>>>>>>>>>>> these glitches? Is this normal?
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm on mac os x 10.5.2
>>>>>>>>>>> Many Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> Peiman
>>>>>>>>>>> itab ftgen 0, 0, 16384, 10, 1
>>>>>>>>>>> fs1,fsi2 pvsifd ain1,2048,512,1 ; ifd analysis
>>>>>>>>>>> fst partials fs1,fsi2,.003,1,1,100 ; partial tracking
>>>>>>>>>>> aout1 resyn fst, 1, 1, 100, itab ; resynthesis
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>> Victor Lazzarini
>>>> Music Technology Laboratory
>>>> Music Department
>>>> National University of Ireland, Maynooth
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>> Victor Lazzarini
>> Music Technology Laboratory
>> Music Department
>> National University of Ireland, Maynooth
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