| you can do it already just do
[440*2] etc
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan McConnell"
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 3:56 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Csound 5.08Beta -- Further suggestion
> On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 10:24:59AM +0000, jpff wrote:
>> Friends (and enemies and those indifferent)
> Oh, friends, surely!
>> on Sourceforge. While this is marked as Beta, it is believed to be
>> complete. The main point for testing is the installers. If you are
>> adventurous, or have some of the mythical spare time, we would
>> appreciate receiving reports, both good and bad, so we can move to a
>> definitive release very soon.
> Small technical suggestion from a newbie: the items 'p1', 'p2',
> in .orc files are the main numerical parameters to be called
> from .sco files. Would it be possible to change the code
> slightly so that these parameters could accept not only input
> of the form 440 or 1.2 but input of the form
> 440*2 , 1.2*1.5, etc. Don't we all have occasion to
> slow down the output, or speed up the output, or put something
> in a higher octave, etc? It would IMHO make editing, and
> hence experimenting, much easier if one didn't have to change
> every parameter value "by hand", but could simply introduce
> a multiplicative factor . . .
> Please excuse if this suggestion is out of line!
> Best wishes,
> Alan
> --
> Alan McConnell : http://patriot.net/users/alan
> There are many good Impeachment sites; one of the best is:
> www.waifllc.org
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