| Thanks, Mike, for the suggestions, but the behavior remains
unchanged. I followed the 5.1 listing exactly, altering only the
paths to the csd file.
I'm using a MusicXPC. The folks who put this computer out a couple of
years ago marketed it as a machine modified to optimize audio work.
Exactly how they modified appears to fall under the proprietary
umbrella, but I have encountered strange behavior with other
software, so I'm inclined the think some of my Csound difficulties are here.
At 08:12 PM 3/24/2008, you wrote:
>I tried this, and it worked for me on Windows.
>If I cd into the 'tutorial' directory it works.
>It also works if I stay in the Csound root directory, but change the
>Python file to say 'tutorial/tutorial2.csd' instead of just 'tutorial2.csd'.
>Hope this helps,
>----- Original Message ----- From: "David Mooney/Maxine Heller"
>Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 4:14 PM
>Subject: [Csnd] Python Tutorial Not Working
>>Hello all--
>>Tried the Python section of the Csound tutorial today and can't get
>>it to work. Specifically in listing 5.1 the print csound.getCSD()
>>command shows an empty orc, except for the options given by
>>csound.setCommand() which are in as expected. The score
>>section is there and is complete, with little squares where there
>>are line breaks. The csd file was created with csedit and runs fine
>>from the command line (just a sine playing three notes). Obviously,
>>with the field empty, csound.perform crashes Idle
>>with the Windows message "pythonw.exe has experienced a problem..."
>>(Maybe it's just pining for the fiords.)
>>csound.load returns 0. csound.setForPerformance returns True. I
>>tried moving the csd file from where it lives, in another
>>directory, to the Python25 directory and it made no difference. In
>>it's home diretory, double "\\" in the path seemed to find the
>>file, as I've seen mentioned on this list. Single "\" or "/" did
>>not. Tried csound.getOrchstra() and it returned '', which makes
>>sense since there is no content. csound.getScore() returns the score.
>>Any idea why the contents of is getting wiped out
>>and how to prevent it?
>>I'm using Csound 5.07 on a WindowsXP machine.
>>David Mooney: dmooney@city-net.com
>>Maxine Heller: mheller@city-net.com
>>Opaque Melodies: www.city-net.com/~moko/
>>Send bugs reports to this list.
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>Send bugs reports to this list.
>To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body
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David Mooney: dmooney@city-net.com
Maxine Heller: mheller@city-net.com
Opaque Melodies: www.city-net.com/~moko/