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[Csnd] pvs and spectral warping (as in GRM tools)

Date2009-03-02 14:15
Frompeiman khosravi
Subject[Csnd] pvs and spectral warping (as in GRM tools)
Hello all,

What is the best way to rearrange amplitude data in an FFT frame using
pvs signal?

I basically want to swap the amplitude data of one bin with another
before synthesizing the FFT frame. So for instance to say that I want
the amplitude of bin one to be swapped with the amplitude of bin 10
and so on, but for every bin. I have tried pvsftw and vcopy but the
result is very wobbly and not what I expected at all.

The aim is to imitate the GRM tools spectral Warp. Is this possible?

Many thanks in advance
