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[Csnd] qutecsound problems

Date2009-03-21 20:25
Subject[Csnd] qutecsound problems
Hi, I've been using the Qutecsound front end for a few weeks now and I've noticed some problems. I joined and sent a message to the qutecsound mailing list, but I haven't gotten a reply (sent it on the 18th), so I'm just wondering if perhaps the csound mailing list would be the place to bring up my problems because it's more active or something.

Thanks All,

Date2009-03-21 20:31
FromAndres Cabrera
Subject[Csnd] Re: qutecsound problems
Hi Emerson,

The QuteCsound list is the appropriate one for these questions. The
message you posted did not arrive. Can you send it again? Make sure
you send it to:


On 3/21/09, Emerson  wrote:
> Hi, I've been using the Qutecsound front end for a few weeks now and I've
> noticed some problems. I joined and sent a message to the qutecsound mailing
> list, but I haven't gotten a reply (sent it on the 18th), so I'm just
> wondering if perhaps the csound mailing list would be the place to bring up
> my problems because it's more active or something.
> Thanks All,
> Emerson
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