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[Csnd] Re: Python programming in Surmulot (was: visual envelopes)

Date2009-03-15 19:31
Subject[Csnd] Re: Python programming in Surmulot (was: visual envelopes)
Because the Python bindings for Csound are generatedf with SWIG, and SWIG 
binds only to specific versions of Python, currently only Python 2.5 is 
supported in the Windows installers.

The next supported version of Python will probably be version 3.x.

The only alternative at this time is to rebuild Csound yourself. The Python 
version is passed to Csound's SConstruct file as a command-line option.

Hope this helps,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stéphane Rollandin" 
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 2:55 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Python programming in Surmulot (was: visual envelopes)

> Michael Gogins a écrit :
>> I forgot my second point. If you can call the Csound API directly,
>> then you can create and/or modify function tables in a running
>> orchestra using the API, just as csound~ does.
> ok I tried to understand how this works, and the first thing I had problem 
> with is just
> from csnd import *
> I couldn't get this to work from Python 2.6.1, only from Python 2.5
> I guess this comes from _csnd.pyd, so my first question is: how can I get 
> a _csnd.pyd which is not dependent of a specific Python version (leaving 
> aside Python 3.0 which is not backward compatible AFAIK) ?
> Stef
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Date2009-03-15 19:59
FromStéphane Rollandin
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Python programming in Surmulot
michael.gogins@gmail.com a écrit :
> The only alternative at this time is to rebuild Csound yourself. 

well I'm afraid Python integration with Surmulot will have to wait then :)



Date2009-03-15 21:07
FromStéphane Rollandin
Subject[Csnd] Python programming in Surmulot
eventually I was able to play with the Csound API for Java via Clojure 

so this may be the way to go for Surmulot, having Emacs drive a Clojure 
subprocess. I'll explore this...


Date2009-03-16 16:58
FromAndres Cabrera
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Python programming in Surmulot
You can tie emacs to smalltalk but don't build your own csound ? =)


On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Stéphane Rollandin
> michael.gogins@gmail.com a écrit :
>> The only alternative at this time is to rebuild Csound yourself.
> well I'm afraid Python integration with Surmulot will have to wait then :)
> regards,
> Stef
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe
> csound"



Date2009-03-16 21:09
FromStéphane Rollandin
Subject[Csnd] Re: Python programming in Surmulot
> You can tie emacs to smalltalk but don't build your own csound ? =)

well I take the fact that I have to build csound to start with as a 
clear hint that things won't be smooth on the Python side... (more even 
so if the API wrapper is later on going 3.0 which is a major update with 
many incompatible changes).

I don't want to add an extra layer of complexity to surmulot. it is 
supposed to run in both linux and windows, and if I have to handle all 
possible end-user configurations (OS + Python version) it's going to 
become real heavy.

I found out that using the java API wrapper worked immediately via 
clojure so at this time this looks to me like the simplest way to 
provide API access in surmulot.

actually I don't know if I'm going to use the API at all. TCP/IP, system 
calls and OSC have been enough to implement everything I needed so far. 
I'm just experimenting with the API right now.
