I've made some progress writing a Sugar/Python GUI
script with csndsugui.
One glitch: I need to pause the script for the user
to make some choices before going on. I thought the following code, displaying a
button to click before continuing, should do the trick:
cont = win.button(box,
while cont == 0:
Unfortunately, the script whizzes through this
point with nary a hint of pause. All is fine except "no pause." (I've tried
multiple variations on the "while" line, to no avail. Win.button is
supposed to return either a 0 or a 1.
Art Hunkins
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 5:47
Subject: [Csnd] Re: problems with
I have the impression that the colour scheme for buttons
etc is locked in sugar. Other art (pictures) etc I think can have
their own colour. Perhaps this is something to ask in the
sugar-devel list. I'll investigate when I get some
----- Original Message ----- From: Art Hunkins
<abhunkin@uncg.edu> Date:
Monday, March 16, 2009 1:12 am Subject: [Csnd] problems with
csndsugui To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Having gotten heavily
involved working with Victor's excellent > csndsugui, > the GUI
toolkit for Sugar on the OLPC, I find myself with the > following
> questions. (I've been trying to develop my own Activity GUI >
using Victor's > four Activities as models). > > 1) Can
the off and on colors of buttons be modified in > csndsugui? >
(Especially, I'd like to make "on", green. > > 2) Can buttons be
initialized to "on" (again, in csndsugui - I'd > prefer not > to
have to go deeper, into gtk)? > > 3) Is background (bg) colour
working correctly? In each of > Victor's 4 > Activities, this
colour is a different specification, but always > comes out >
medium gray. I've not been able to modify it either (in the >
csndsugui.CsoundGUI statement). If colour is omitted in this >
statement, the > result is medium gray as well. > > 4) In
*multi-line* text statements, the colour parameter doesn't > seem to be
> working either. An error (in log) is generated. (I'm even having
> trouble > getting colour to work in a single-line statement in
some > instances. > Unfortunately, it's difficult to decipher
the log messages.) > > I'm making progress, and will "get there."
Meanwhile, I'd > appreciate > enlightenment. > >
Art Hunkins > > > > Send bugs reports to this
list. > To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body
> "unsubscribe csound"
Dr Victor Lazzarini, Senior Lecturer,
Dept. of Music, National University of Ireland,