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[Csnd] Using CsoundVST in Cubase

Date2008-05-28 02:16
From"Don Kralik"
Subject[Csnd] Using CsoundVST in Cubase
Jim, Mike,

I have the same problem as Jim does though I am running Cubase SX3.  I 
figured it was probably due to an older version of Cubase so did not bother 
to post till now. Installing latest version of C++ re-distibutable did get 
rid of the runtime error message though. With CSound bin folder in my 
plug-in path I get all the dll's showing up in the plugin manager but they 
are marked unable to load.

Looking forward to further info. If CSound VST can not run under Cubase SX3 
please let me know and I will upgrade.


Don Kralik
Garwood, NJ 07027