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[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Finding good new music

Date2008-05-11 16:05
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Finding good new music
Thanks, that's PART of an actual answer to my question. So, who ARE these composers who strike you?

Is one of the problems with my question fear of the consequences of omitting names of friends or colleagues? I am so naive...


-----Original Message-----
>From: jpff 
>Sent: May 11, 2008 4:44 AM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Finding good new music
>Joining in late....  I suspect that I do not find that much music that
>is to my taste "good new".  I do however attend concerts as I can
>(not very common here now but thanks to ICMC and LAC that is quite a
>few in a year) and follow up composers who strike me.  I also listen
>to radio -- but as i am in the UK I have easy access to Radio 3 --
>including France Musique on the 'net.  My students often make
>suggestions and lend me CDs, and that has on occasion had positive
>I also like the links on the Csound list to .csd or oggs etc.
>And then there is the music in my head.....
>==John ffitch
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