| pvsmaska is partly what I was looking for. Thanks for the replies! But
the data I have is bidimensional, that is, the curve defined by the
ftable changes over time. How could I implement such a variation? Would
a set of tables and ftmorf be a good way? I will give that a try.
Still it is unclear to me how can I extract the spectral envelope of a
signal and store it in an ftable.
Regarding LPC, the result of the analysis is very accurate for vocal
sounds but gives some artifacts for other sound sources. Audiosculpt
uses an analysis type called "true envelope" (for a general discussion
and differences betweem the analysis types,
http://mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/textes/Roebel05a/) which gives much
accurate results in general. Would it be possible to implement such an
analysis with the tools at hand in csound?
thanks again,
victor wrote:
> pvsmaska or pvsfilter?
> Victor
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "atir ajnopse"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 10:20 PM
> Subject: [Csnd] pvs question
>> hi all!
>> For a project I need to do the following thing:
>> extract the spectral envelope from a sound, and use this to filter
>> another sound. In particular, I would like to know if it is possible
>> to implement something on the line of pvsbandp but with an ftable
>> instead of the four points given.
>> Also experimenting with different algorithms for spectral envelope I
>> found that the best/more natural results are achieved with
>> AudioSculpt, with the option "true envelope". Does anyone know what
>> kind of analysis that is, and if it is possible to do it on csound?
>> thanks!!
>> atir
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