| If you're interested in a mix of technical and cultural issues which
includes Europe, The Americas and Asia:
Organised Sound (CUP)
Its editor, Leigh Landy, also has a new (¿2007?) book out which I can
Understanding the Arts of Sound Organisation, (MIT Press)
PS declared interest: I'm a regional editor for it.
On 25/05/2008, at 12:34 AM, Dave Phillips wrote:
> Greetings,
> Michael Gogins' question re: recorded music got me thinking in
> another direction:
> What music/sound-related hard-copy journals do Csounders read ? I'm
> thinking of subscribing to a few, but before laying out my money I
> thought I'd see what else is out there. I was considering the
> Computer Music Journal and perhaps Electronic Musician or Keyboard.
> However, the emphasis in EM and Keyboard is strongly on commercial
> music software, which is fine (they do publish excellent articles)
> but I'm not so interested in that domain. I'd like to know more
> about what's happening in new music composition, what new
> methodologies might be out there. I'm also not so interested in
> music analysis anymore, but I wouldn't mind reading some analyses of
> new composition techniques.
> I come from the time of Perspectives Of New Music, Soundings, and
> Die Reihe. What's out there these days that's similar ? What's
> recommended ?
> TIA,
> dp
David Worrall.
- Experimental Polymedia: www.avatar.com.au
- Education for Financial Independence: www.mindthemarkets.com.au
Australian research affiliations:
- Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre: www.cmcrc.com
- Sonic Communications Research Group: creative.canberra.edu.au/scrg