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[Csnd] hard-copy journals ?

Date2008-05-24 15:34
FromDave Phillips
Subject[Csnd] hard-copy journals ?

Michael Gogins' question re: recorded music got me thinking in another 

What music/sound-related hard-copy journals do Csounders read ? I'm 
thinking of subscribing to a few, but before laying out my money I 
thought I'd see what else is out there. I was considering the Computer 
Music Journal and perhaps Electronic Musician or Keyboard. However, the 
emphasis in EM and Keyboard is strongly on commercial music software, 
which is fine (they do publish excellent articles) but I'm not so 
interested in that domain. I'd like to know more about what's happening 
in new music composition, what new methodologies might be out there. I'm 
also not so interested in music analysis anymore, but I wouldn't mind 
reading some analyses of new composition techniques.

I come from the time of Perspectives Of New Music, Soundings, and Die 
Reihe. What's out there these days that's similar ? What's recommended ?



Date2008-05-25 05:33
Subject[Csnd] Re: hard-copy journals ?
If you're interested in a mix of technical and cultural issues which  
includes Europe, The Americas and Asia:

Organised Sound (CUP)
Its editor, Leigh Landy, also has a new (¿2007?) book out which I can  
Understanding the Arts of Sound Organisation,  (MIT Press)

PS declared interest: I'm a regional editor for it.

On 25/05/2008, at 12:34 AM, Dave Phillips wrote:

> Greetings,
> Michael Gogins' question re: recorded music got me thinking in  
> another direction:
> What music/sound-related hard-copy journals do Csounders read ? I'm  
> thinking of subscribing to a few, but before laying out my money I  
> thought I'd see what else is out there. I was considering the  
> Computer Music Journal and perhaps Electronic Musician or Keyboard.  
> However, the emphasis in EM and Keyboard is strongly on commercial  
> music software, which is fine (they do publish excellent articles)  
> but I'm not so interested in that domain. I'd like to know more  
> about what's happening in new music composition, what new  
> methodologies might be out there. I'm also not so interested in  
> music analysis anymore, but I wouldn't mind reading some analyses of  
> new composition techniques.
> I come from the time of Perspectives Of New Music, Soundings, and  
> Die Reihe. What's out there these days that's similar ? What's  
> recommended ?
> TIA,
> dp

David Worrall.
- Experimental Polymedia:	www.avatar.com.au
- Education for Financial Independence: www.mindthemarkets.com.au
Australian research affiliations:
- Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre: www.cmcrc.com
- Sonic Communications Research Group:	creative.canberra.edu.au/scrg

Date2008-05-25 13:11
FromDave Phillips
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: hard-copy journals ?
DavidW wrote:
> If you're interested in a mix of technical and cultural issues which 
> includes Europe, The Americas and Asia:
> Organised Sound (CUP)
> Its editor, Leigh Landy, also has a new (¿2007?) book out which I can 
> recommend:
> Understanding the Arts of Sound Organisation,  (MIT Press) 
Excellent, thank you. I'm a long-time fan of Leigh's writing, I'll 
definitely look into these recommendations.

