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[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FLbutton

Date2008-05-21 21:42
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FLbutton
I noticed the FLsetVal_i issue as well.

Seems to me I got around this by doing a little extra arithmetic in my code. 
The way FLsetVal_i works with FLslider is indeed counter-intuitive.

This situation is an example of a perhaps frequently met issue: something 
about an opcode doesn't really work the expected way. You adjust for it in 
your code. The opcode is then fixed so that it works as expected. Your piece 
then doesn't work correctly any more.

It's difficult to know what to do in such cases.

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Luís Antunes Pena" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 4:30 AM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: FLbutton

Yes, I think too that the manual should have a note to clarify this 

Another issue is the FLsetVal_i. It doesn't work if you invert the min
and max values of FLslider (see csd file attached), i.e., if you want
to have the minimum value of the slider at the bottom and the maximum
value above - which is the usuall way a potentiometer work.

And, there is this strange note on the manual:


              FLsetVal is not fully implemented yet, and may crash in 
certain cases (e.g. when setting the value of a widget connected to a
        FLvalue widget- in this case use two separate FLsetVal_i).

Is this stil actual?


Art Hunkins schrieb:
Yes, but it surely would be nice to be able for it to be able to trigger
other code as well.

This must have been part of FLbutton's original intent; otherwise mode 1 is
very misleading.

At the very least, FLbutton docs should include a clarification.

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Victor Lazzarini" 


Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 7:40 AM

Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: FLbutton

Type 1 is probably best used to start instrument instances.

At 12:33 19/05/2008, you wrote:


if this is the expected behaviour, it's somehow strange because you're
alowed to trigger the event only once ...

Is there any other possibility to have simple trigger-button like a bang in



Andres Cabrera schrieb:


I haven't tried it, but I think it is the expected behavior. Type 1 is
just a trigger, while type 2 is a switch. You're right about the value
staying on, it is more intuitive, but I think the button was made to wrok
like that.



On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Luís Antunes Pena
<k_o_m_p@yahoo.de> wrote:

The FLbutton opcode seams not to work correctely. I supose when one
presses the button it should change the output to ion and return to ioff
after leaving the button. Type "1" changes only once from ioff to ion. Is
this the expected behavior?  Type "2" changes the output correctly to ioff
after pressing the button again. I attached a simple example to
demonstrate this.

(running Csound 5.08 - Intel)





  sr        =  44100

  ksmps        =  10

  nchnls    =  2

  ix_panel  =  100

  iy_panel  =  100

        FLpanel   "bang", ix_panel , iy_panel, 250, 200

  ion        =  1

  ioff        =  0

  itype        =  1

  iwidth    =  50

  iheight   =  50

  ix        =  5

  iy        =  5

  iopcode   =  -1            ; deactivate opcode option

  gkbutton, gibutton_h    FLbutton          "bang", ion, ioff, itype,
iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, iopcode



    instr 1

        printk2 gkbutton



i1  0  6000




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Victor Lazzarini

Music Technology Laboratory

Music Department

National University of Ireland, Maynooth

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