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[Csnd] Re: lpanal examples please

Date2008-05-17 13:42
Subject[Csnd] Re: lpanal examples please
lpanal seems to break when no sound is found in the file. For instance,
if there is silence at the start, it doesn't work ("gauss: 
but if that silence is removed it works. The pitch tracking is problematic,
though, but lpreson seems to work.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jpff" 
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 1:23 PM
Subject: [Csnd] lpanal examples please

>I am looking at lpanal, and would greatly appreciate being sent a
> short sound file and a command line that worked on csound4 and does or
> does not work on csound5
>  I have had to reconstruct lpanal utility to removed suspect code,
> and so need to know if I have broken things etc.
> So, examples to me with "correct" output if possible.
> ==John ffitch
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