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[Csnd] Re: OPLCsound Advice Request

Date2008-05-24 06:35
Subject[Csnd] Re: OPLCsound Advice Request

As I am awake I will attempt an answer, but Rick or Victor can give
better answers

> 1) In terms of opcodes, complexity, etc., are canonical and OPLC Csound
> different? I'm aware that: a) FLTK is not available; that it's place is
> taken by Python and Victor's csndsugui; b) that realtime complexity must be
> limited. Latency will not be an issue for me, and I *assume* that if my
> instruments are relatively simple, and their number limited, I'll probably
> be OK.

The opcode components missing are:

Loris, STK, spat3d, ambisonics, scanned synthesis, the "control"
opcodes (which I suspect are only used by me and should be removed or
changed anyway), babo and the ATS opcodes; also no fluidsynth.

> 2) I assume sensekey works; I may well try to limit myself to the ASCII
> keyboard instead of getting into on-screen widgets. In this regard, has
> anyone tried to do (UDO?) a custom version of sensekey for the OLPC?
> Especially one that incorporates the OLPC's unique keys and screen-side
> control buttons? I've no idea whether theuttons se keys/b have ASCII
> equivalents or not; does anyone know, and if so, what they are?

I have not actually tied it, but sensekey should work as this is still
Linux.  As far as i can tell at present the keys all have ASCII
values.  My XO is currently not here so I cannot check immediately

> 3) Are there any standard alternative controllers being developed for the XO
> platform that I should know about - designed especially for the young?

Do not know; the machine has USB and that seems to work

Some other comments; the processor is not fast and so realtime
performance is more limited that is commonly expected.  It uses 32 bit
floats.  Misses a number of the less common utilities (atsa, xtrct,
het_export het_import, hetro, lpc_export, lpc_import, pv_export,

==John ffitch