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[Csnd] Re: Multi-channel file vs. set of stereo files.

Date2008-05-11 15:56
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd] Re: Multi-channel file vs. set of stereo files.
Yes, with fout.

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
>From: Charles Gran 
>Sent: May 10, 2008 10:56 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Multi-channel file vs. set of stereo files.
>I'm working on a piece that has 7 stereo instruments.  I want to
>continue to work on the audio in a DAW (I'm using Sonar4 on XP).  What
>I've been doing is sending each instrument to it's own out.  So
>instrument 7 ends:
>outc ganull, ganull, ganull, ganull, ganull, ganull, ganull, ganull,
>ganull, ganull, ganull, ganull, a1, a1
>and what I am getting is a 14 channel wave file.  This is fine, when I
>import this into Sonar I get 16 mono files.  But it would be nice if I
>could get to 8 stereo files more easily.  For now I can export them
>from Sonar and create the files I need, but I was wondering if csound
>could make the stereo files for me, rather than the single
>multi-channel file.
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