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[Csnd] ..trying to use fsigs therefore for SDIF style additive synthesis

Date2008-02-10 08:08
FromTim Mortimer
Subject[Csnd] ..trying to use fsigs therefore for SDIF style additive synthesis
OK, the saga continues...

i used an existing .pvx file i had to run through 
-U pv_export 
to get some sort of idea of pertinent header info

I then created the attached testout.txt file & used 
-U pv_import
to create the attached testout.pvx file

& then i play it back using readcreated.csd - also attached

but it sounds "broken"

how can i improve / fix it?

also i note that despite defining the freq of the test bin as 500hz, the
freq seems to change depending on what bin i put the amp & freq data in, &
yet by my understanding (& in fact i did perform some alternate tests at one
stage to to back this up - but of course now failing to be able to
reproduce...) you can pretty much arbitrarily define any freq in any bin?

pvocadditivetest.csd (all in attached zip) tries to go down the same route
using pvsftr to directly supply the data, rather than creating the pvx file.
in some cases, i can see this being a preferred option. Although the
playback is cleaner, the "frequency discrepancy" depending on the bin still
seems to be in effect.

So how can i go about doing this? I appear to be running out of options here
left right & centre.....(adsynt has been about the best of it so far, but
has been VERY cpu expensive to the point of being practically of little use
in terms of the kind of "multi timbral colours" i'm trying to make...)

whether the ultimate instruments are able to run in realtime is of little
concern to me, but i do need to get enough performance to at least edit some
simultaneous SDIF style streams into "multi timbral colours" that i'm happy
with to start writing for them...

pppffffhhhh....(being my deep sigh featuring flappy bottom lip sound...)

http://www.nabble.com/file/p15394222/attachments.zip attachments.zip 

hermetic music * python * csound * possibly mindless ranting
various werk in perpetual delusions of progress....
coming soon.....

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/..trying-to-use-fsigs-therefore-for-SDIF-style-additive-synthesis-tp15394222p15394222.html
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Date2008-02-10 12:10
FromRichard Dobson
Subject[Csnd] Re: ..trying to use fsigs therefore for SDIF style additive synthesis
Tim Mortimer wrote:
> OK, the saga continues...
> i used an existing .pvx file i had to run through 
> -U pv_export 
> to get some sort of idea of pertinent header info
> I then created the attached testout.txt file & used 
> -U pv_import
> to create the attached testout.pvx file
> & then i play it back using readcreated.csd - also attached
> but it sounds "broken"
> how can i improve / fix it?

I get clean sine tones (albeit with hard on/off transients) with 
pvocadditivetest.csd, but clearly not with the frequencies you 
intend...so I assume that is what you mean by "broken". With 
readcreated.csd (and setting aside the opening frame which is DC) there 
are slight discontinuities which I am guessing arise from the use of the 
Hamming window. I have kind of gone off Hamming simply because the 
non-zero ends  so often lead to reconstruction problems of this kind, 
and now would use Hann, or Kaiser when available.

> also i note that despite defining the freq of the test bin as 500hz, the
> freq seems to change depending on what bin i put the amp & freq data in, &
> yet by my understanding (& in fact i did perform some alternate tests at one
> stage to to back this up - but of course now failing to be able to
> reproduce...) you can pretty much arbitrarily define any freq in any bin?

For standard FFT this is not the case. Each bin has a specific centre 
frequency (Sr/FFTsize) and for overlapped frames a more or less narrow 
bandwidth (+- sr/2/overlap) (if I remember the maths offhand!). A single 
FFT frame has bins with essentially no bandwidth at all (i.e. fixed 
frequencies which are harmonics of the FFT fundamental)- a source 
partial is represented by ~all~ the bins, to a greater or lesser extent 
(the one exception is when a cycle fits ~exactly~ in an FFT frame, with 
no windowing other than rectangular). With standard pvoc it is always 
important to ensure the frequency value is put in a bin that can 
accommodate it. In this case (N=2048, sr=48000) the target bin(s) for 
500Hz is bin 23. Or rather, since 500Hz does not sit ~exactly~ on a bin 
centre, you will probably want to put that same frequency in adjacent 
bins too (so at least 22,23,24), with an amplitude shape like the 
central lobe of a sinc function. It is all pretty complicated! Some 
years ago IRCAM patented   an "fft-1" algorithm for doing fast 
additive synthesis via FFT by creating the correct (if truncated) 
bunches of bins for each partial (using anything up to 9 bins for each 
partial IIRC). Getting this right is admittedly probably like pulling 
teeth. And rumour has it it didn't end up being all that fast anyway. 
But it could still be very interesting to come up with a version of 
fft-1 for Csound. Might raise a few hackles in Paris.

One way to see what they are trying to do is just to look at the output 
FFT of an input sinusoid of arbitrary frequency. There will be a peak 
bin of course, plus bins either side at reducing amplitudes (the shape 
and levels depending on the window used). BUT: the left-of centre bin 
may be larger or smaller than the right-of-centre bin, depending. The 
FFT-1 algorithm works out just what each amplitude should be, so that 
the output frequency is nailed exactly.

Use oscillator-bank resynthesis and you then can have any frequency in 
any bin. With the FFT, The greater the overlap, the wider the bandwidth 
of a bin, until in the limit where overlap = 1 sample you have the 
Sliding DFT and hence the Sliding Phase Vocoder (SPV) and each bin 
enjoys the full audio bandwidth. It is especially expensive is it is a 
"no-compromise" algorithm (need something like a 50GFlop machine to do 
it in real time), so you will more likely want to use pvsadsyn which 
tries to do fast oscillators and some  interpolation across frames.

And of course, by specifying  a target bin by number in your score, 
rather than computing it relative to the FFTsize, the output will not be 
consistent (or even particularly predictable) if/when you change the 
fftsize in pvsinit. You would really want to put the desired frequency 
in your score file, and compute the required bin(s) in the orch.

Note that (with respect to your example csd) if you specify amp and freq 
  ftables of 1025, the net FFTsize in pvsinit should be 2048, not 1024. 
For a low bin number it has no obvious negative effect (you are just 
wasting ftable real estate), except that things are probably going in 
incorrect bins.

One of the things one rapidly discovers with all this pvoc/FFT stuff is 
that there really is no free lunch. To get any degree of control and 
predictability takes a lot of computation, whether by creating the best 
bin bunches per partial (and dealing with enveloping of the sounds as 
well!), or by using oscillator-bank resynthesis. There are (we hope!) 
"optimum" realisations in everything, but that does depend on what you 
are trying to do, what control over detail you want, and what 
compromises are acceptable, etc.  Just as large FFT windows have 
problems tracking transients (and non-static frequencies within a 
frame), you will have a job synthesising such things too.

Sorry I cannot devote more time to all these interesting issues - just 
too much other work on at the moment!

Richard Dobson