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[Csnd] Accessing the api from mzscheme using ffi - no swig involved

Date2008-02-03 16:26
FromCesare Marilungo
Subject[Csnd] Accessing the api from mzscheme using ffi - no swig involved
DISCLAIMER: I've just started learning scheme, let alone the mzscheme 
foreign function facilities. But it works!

(require (lib "foreign.ss"))

(file-stream-buffer-mode (current-output-port) 'line)

(define libcsound (ffi-lib "libcsound"))

(define CSOUND
    (make-ctype _pointer #f #f))

(define csoundCreate
    (get-ffi-obj "csoundCreate" libcsound (_fun _int -> CSOUND)))

(define csoundCompile
    (get-ffi-obj "csoundCompile" libcsound (_fun CSOUND _int _cvector -> 

(define csoundInputMessage
    (get-ffi-obj "csoundInputMessage" libcsound (_fun CSOUND _string -> 

(define csoundPerformKsmps
    (get-ffi-obj "csoundPerformKsmps" libcsound (_fun CSOUND -> _int)))

(define csoundDestroy
    (get-ffi-obj "csoundDestroy" libcsound (_fun CSOUND -> _void)))

(define comm (list->cvector '("csound" "template.csd") _string))

(define cs (csoundCreate 0))

(define (csloop)
    (if (= (csoundPerformKsmps cs) 0) (csloop)))

(csoundCompile cs 2 comm)

(csoundInputMessage cs "i1 0 20 7.00 15000")

(csoundDestroy cs)


