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[Csnd] Android Output

Date2014-01-23 22:31
Subject[Csnd] Android Output
I have successfully installed csound 6 for android on a smart phone but can get any sound out of it. I used the test files to run csound without any errors. Any ideas what might be the problem? I'm on android 4.2.2

Date2014-01-23 22:51
FromTarmo Johannes
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Android Output

just guess: check if you don't have -odac -+rtaudi=null in the options. 'null' 
was required by csound5-android, but seems that not any more so ('-dac' is 


On Thursday 23 January 2014 23:31:04 k_o_m_p wrote:
> Hello,
> I have successfully installed csound 6 for android on a smart phone but can
> get any sound out of it. I used the test files to run csound without any
> errors. Any ideas what might be the problem? I'm on android 4.2.2 Thanks.
> Luis
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