| Yes, with a little digging, I discovered that the ProscanPLT4311 is
MIPS-based (Actions 7013-based).
So, why would the Csound5 apps run, but the Csound6 ones not? Are they built
for different architectures?
Art Hunkins
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Yi"
To: "Csound"
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] CSound Android questions
I just looked at the log and I'm pretty sure the problem is that the
the device uses a MIPS processor and we only compile for arm. All of
the libraries would need to be rebuilt with mips to support that
To note: IMO, the vast majority of devices are ARM. There are Android
devices with x86 and Mips, but we haven't been building to support
those. I suppose we could add additional architectures, but it'd
require some testing (I don't know if there's a MIPS emulator for
Android; if not, we'd need you to test).
On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 9:13 PM, Jacques Leplat wrote:
> Hello,
> Just tried it on my pad: downloaded & installed the apk then ran a simple
> csd OK.
> The log you gave seems to point to the loading of shared libraries being
> the
> problem.
> I do get “sticky” shared libraries when a new version of csound for
> android
> comes along: the previous libraries tend to stay in memory even though a
> newer app is trying to load them (possibly newer code).
> You could try rebooting your pad, then trying to run the csound6 app
> again.
> A bit of a shot in the dark, but it might help sort the problem out.
> All the best,
> Jacques
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 19:39, Art Hunkins
> Thanks for the suggestion, Jacques.
> I installed the Android System Info app to my Proscan tablet, and captured
> the long log.
> I abstracted the portion that refers to a Csound6.apk run I attempted
> (with
> the result described in my original mail below). That portion is attached.
> Is it obvious from the extract what has gone wrong?
> Thanks for clarification from anyone.
> Art Hunkins
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