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Re: [Csnd] CSound Android questions

Date2014-01-21 19:39
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] CSound Android questions
Thanks for the suggestion, Jacques.
I installed the Android System Info app to my Proscan tablet, and captured the long log.
I abstracted the portion that refers to a Csound6.apk run I attempted (with the result described in my original mail below). That portion is attached.
Is it obvious from the extract what has gone wrong?
Thanks for clarification from anyone.
Art Hunkins
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] CSound Android questions

There are apps that display system log file contents, such as Android System Info. Not sure which one is best so you may have t hunt google’s play store for the one that you like the most.

All the best,


How is this project (redoing the Android 6.01 apk) going?
A related question for any Csounder on Android:
All Android apps for Csound5 and Csound6 work for me fine on smartphones and tablets *7" and above*.
Recently, however, I purchased a 4.3" Proscan PT4311 tablet (about the size of a smartphone). Csound5 works fine on it; but no version of Csound6 does. Csound6 installs fine, but when the icon is touched, only the very top panel appears momentarily and the screen immediately reverts to the home screen. (This is true even of the current Csound 6.02 app, which is only 3.3MB.)
1) Is a log available anywhere on the device that would indicate the issue?
2) What could be the cause?
One possibility relates to screen resolution: neither for Csound5 or 6 does the Proscan display all the widgets on a single screen. (It shows about 5 sliders, and that is all.) With Csound5, however, the entire screen scrolls and all controls *can* be accessed (if with difficulty). With Csound6, the widget display is fixed - only the console output scrolls (below, and here off-screen). Could perhaps the locked and partial widget display be causing the problem? (On all other devices - including smartphones - the widget display is complete.)
Art Hunkins

Date2014-01-21 21:13
FromJacques Leplat
SubjectRe: [Csnd] CSound Android questions

Just tried it on my pad: downloaded & installed the apk then ran a simple csd OK.

The log you gave seems to point to the loading of shared libraries being the problem. 

I do get “sticky” shared libraries when a new version of csound for android comes along: the previous libraries tend to stay in memory even though a newer app is trying to load them (possibly newer code). 

You could try rebooting your pad, then trying to run the csound6 app again.

A bit of a shot in the dark, but it might help sort the problem out.

All the best,


On 21 Jan 2014, at 19:39, Art Hunkins

Thanks for the suggestion, Jacques.
I installed the Android System Info app to my Proscan tablet, and captured the long log.
I abstracted the portion that refers to a Csound6.apk run I attempted (with the result described in my original mail below). That portion is attached.
Is it obvious from the extract what has gone wrong?
Thanks for clarification from anyone.
Art Hunkins

Date2014-01-21 23:00
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] CSound Android questions
I just looked at the log and I'm pretty sure the problem is that the
the device uses a MIPS processor and we only compile for arm.  All of
the libraries would need to be rebuilt with mips to support that

To note: IMO, the vast majority of devices are ARM. There are Android
devices with x86 and Mips, but we haven't been building to support
those.  I suppose we could add additional architectures, but it'd
require some testing (I don't know if there's a MIPS emulator for
Android; if not, we'd need you to test).

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 9:13 PM, Jacques Leplat  wrote:
> Hello,
> Just tried it on my pad: downloaded & installed the apk then ran a simple
> csd OK.
> The log you gave seems to point to the loading of shared libraries being the
> problem.
> I do get “sticky” shared libraries when a new version of csound for android
> comes along: the previous libraries tend to stay in memory even though a
> newer app is trying to load them (possibly newer code).
> You could try rebooting your pad, then trying to run the csound6 app again.
> A bit of a shot in the dark, but it might help sort the problem out.
> All the best,
> Jacques
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 19:39, Art Hunkins
> Thanks for the suggestion, Jacques.
> I installed the Android System Info app to my Proscan tablet, and captured
> the long log.
> I abstracted the portion that refers to a Csound6.apk run I attempted (with
> the result described in my original mail below). That portion is attached.
> Is it obvious from the extract what has gone wrong?
> Thanks for clarification from anyone.
> Art Hunkins