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Re: [Csnd] A Final(?) Android Question

Date2013-02-05 21:29
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] A Final(?) Android Question
My son, Dave, also writes with the question below (regarding our joint Android app):
I find that when I record .ogg at a sample rate of 16000 and then use a setting of sr=22050 inside Csound, that the resulting output file sounds sped up when played back.
We are using diskin2 to play the input files, and it is input SR-agnostic. Does it handle .ogg files correctly (and write them)? I assume Dave is specifying "-o outputfile.ogg". Is that sufficient, or does "--format=ogg" or some such also need to be added to <CsOptions>?
I'd like him to use .wav format, but Dave says the files will be too big (even at mono 16000 SR). And .ogg is the Android record alternative
Art Hunkins