[Csnd] Graph Widget causes crash
Date | 2010-06-20 13:48 |
From | Christopher Saunders |
Subject | [Csnd] Graph Widget causes crash |
Hi, I've been having terrible luck with the graph widget using Qutecsound
Version 0.4.6. The graph for Kevn values is displayed as a straight line for ever note event. Zooming in causes a crash as soon as one hits "ok" at the bottom of the graph properties window. For example : <CsoundSynthesizer> <CsOptions> -odac </CsOptions> <CsInstruments>sr = 44100 kr = 4410 ksmps = 10 nchnls = 1 gacmb init 0 garvb init 0 instr 128 idur = p3 iamp = p4 ifrq = p5 iatk = p6 irel = p7 icf1 = p8 ;Expon icf2 = p9 ;Expon ibw1 = p10;line ibw2 = p11;line kenv expseg .001, iatk, iamp, idur/6, iamp*.4, idur-(iatk+irel+idur/6), iamp*.6, irel,.01 ;;;;;??DISPLAYS FOR KENV SHOW FLAT LINE ?? --Changing graph widget zoom properties causes csound to crash!!!!!;;;;; anoise rand ifrq kcf expon icf1, idur, icf2 kbw line ibw1, idur, ibw2 afilt reson anoise, kcf, kbw, 2 out afilt*kenv display kenv, idur endin
</CsInstruments> <CsScore>
f1 0 4096 10 1 f2 0 4096 10 1 .5 .333 .25 .2 .166 .142 .125 .111 .1 .09 .083 .076 .071 .066 .062 f3 0 4097 20 2 1 f8 0 1024 5 .01 32 1 288 .8 512 .7 192 .01 f9 0 513 5 .001 128 .8 128 .6 256 1 f10 0 513 5 .01 64 1 64 .5 64 .99 64 .6 64 .98 64 .7 64 .97 32 .8 32 1 f15 0 512 5 1 64 .7 136 .65 312 .001 f16 0 513 7 0 256 1 256 0 f17 0 513 7 0 10 1 246 1 10 0 246 0 f18 0 513 7 0 10 1 502 0 f19 0 1024 -8 .1 512 .9 512 .1 ; INS ST DUR AMPDB FRQ FC1 FC2 RESONGAIN a 0 0 10 ;ins st dur amp frq atk rel cf1 cf2 bw1 bw2 ;============================================================== i 128 1 5 .5 20000 .5 2 8000 200 800 30 i 128 6 5 .5 20000 .25 1 200 12000 10 200 i 128 10 5 .5 20000 .5 2 8000 200 800 30 i 128 14 5 .5 20000 .25 1 200 12000 10 200 i 128 18 3 .5 20000 .15 .1 800 300 300 40 i 128 20 11 .5 20000 1 1 40 90 10 40 i 128 23 7 .4 20000 .05 2 8000 150 100 50 i 128 25 5 .3 20000 2 1 800 2000 200 500 i 128 26 4 .2 20000 .03 .1 5000 200 1000 70 i 128 27 3 .1 20000 1 .1 30 6000 10 400 s e </CsScore> </CsoundSynthesizer> |
Date | 2010-06-20 13:58 |
From | Victor Lazzarini |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Graph Widget causes crash |
What OS? The Graph widget would only show ftables, unless you use the 'disp' opcpde. victor On 20 Jun 2010, at 13:48, Christopher Saunders wrote:
Date | 2010-06-20 14:16 |
From | Andres Cabrera |
Subject | [Csnd] Re: Graph Widget causes crash |
Hi, I think this was a known bug which was fixed in 0.5. Can you try it and let me know if this is the issue? Cheers, Andrés On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Christopher Saunders |