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interface building [was Re: [Csnd] Table editors]

Date2011-11-07 14:45
Frompeiman khosravi
Subjectinterface building [was Re: [Csnd] Table editors]
I've looked at this before, it's too rudimentary to be really useful.
But as you say it might be a good framework for further development.

It may also be worth looking at Emmanuel Jourdan's  ej.function
external for max which is pure javascript and works beautifully,
complete with curves, zooming and more.

I mentioned this to Andre at the ICMC, I think it might be a good idea
to actually include some sort of simple framework in CsoundQt for
users to write and add their own UI plugins and load them as widgets.
Perhaps javascript would be a good option as this allows a certain
level of interchangeability between max externals. Or maybe java, to
allow cross development between blue and CsoundQt. I'm just thinking
out loud here. I just think that the reason why max is so good for
easy interface building is because it has had years of development as
a graphical environment and building anything like that from the
ground up would require years probably, and perhaps decades in the
case of open source applications (particularly if it is not supported
by a large number of developers).

And now that we are at it, a very useful feature of any interface
building environment is the ability to superimpose widgets with
control over transparency, so for instance one could superimpose a
spectrograph onto a table editor. It's doable in max and very easy too
(note to Victor!!!).



On 7 November 2011 12:16, Tarmo Johannes  wrote:
> Hi,
> There is also a java written table editor FJenie. I did not get exactly how the free-hand drawing works, but perhaps the code can be useful:
> http://coffeeshopped.com/fjenie
> Steven, you are fluent in Java, can you have a look whether it could be useful to embed to Blue or the Csound main package?
> greetings,
> tarmo
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