| Hi,
Here is a demo CSD that uses a (heavily) modified SEMI system to
produce two notes initially a step apart, with the lower note bending
up to the frequency of the higher note and then using a vibrato. This
is called a "unison bend" in rock guitar terminology.
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 1
0dbfs = 1
zakinit 1, 2
instr 1
ziw p5, p4
instr 2
ia zir p4
k1 line ia, p3, p5
zkw k1, p4
instr 3
k1 oscil .5, p5*120/60, p6
k1 = (k1+.5)*(p8-p7)+p7
k2 linseg 1, p3-(1/kr*120/60*3), 1, 1/kr*120/60*3, 0
k3 = k1*k2
zkw k3, p4
instr 4
k1 zkr 0
k2 zkr 1
a1 oscil .3, cpspch(p4)*2^(k1/12)*2^(k2/12), 1
a2 distort a1, 0, 2
out a2
instr 5
a1 oscil .3, cpspch(p4), 1
a2 distort a1, 0, 2
out a2
f1 0 4096 10 1 ; sine
f2 0 1025 -7 -1 1024 1 ; saw
i1 0 0 0 0
i4 0 5 9.11
i2 .1 .2 0 2
i5 0 5 10.01
i3 1 3.8 1 2 1 -.5 .5
Notice how there are two zak channels for controlling pitch - one for
the bend up and the other for the vibrato, because I couldn't figure
out how to do both at the same time. Maybe I'm missing something?
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