| Hi,
I previously posted to bluemusic-users (for some reason I thought it
might be a blue problem, but it was because I hadn't compiled csound
with jack support, thanks Atte André Jensen). So I'm posting to this
list, because I am still having problems getting Csound5 working on
I have compile Csound5 with support for Jack, and have started Jackd using `jackctl'. I wrote a basic test using one of the www.csounds.com toots as follows:
instr 1 ;untitled
a1 oscil 300000, 440, 1
outs a1, a1
f1 0 4096 10 1 7
i1 0.0 10
I think there is nothing wrong with it. Here is the command line I use to run Csound:
/usr/local/bin/csound5/csound -+rtaudio=jack -B 4096 -o dac ~/sound/temp.csd
and there is no sound.
With the Jack server not started, and a command line of
/usr/local/bin/csound5/csound -B 4096 -o dac ~/sound/temp.csd
there is sound. What is going on here?
I am glad it works (sort of) but am confused as to what is happening.
Any help would be appreciated.