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[Csnd] Re: Re: How to amaze young computer science & music students with Csound?

Date2007-12-11 15:04
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: How to amaze young computer science & music students with Csound?
I recommend using the MIDI input command-line options, not notnum or veloc. The command-line options place the MIDI key number and velocity number into specified pfields. You still need to use the MIDI opcodes (e.g. midictrl) for MIDI control change messages. 

    Route MIDI note on message key number to pfield N as MIDI value [0-127].
    Route MIDI note on message key number to pfield N as cycles per second.
    Route MIDI note on message key number to pfield N as linear octave.
    Route MIDI note on message key number to pfield N as oct.pch (pitch class).
    Route MIDI note on message velocity number to pfield N as MIDI value [0-127].
    Route MIDI note on message velocity number to pfield N as amplitude [0-0dbFS].

The reason for using the MIDI input command-line options instead of notnum etc. is that you can use the same instrument definitions with a regular Csound score, or for MIDI input, or even for both in the same performance. Such instrument definitions also work in CsoundVST.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Chuckk Hubbard 
>Sent: Dec 11, 2007 8:21 AM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Re: How to amaze young computer science & music students with Csound?
>On Dec 11, 2007 6:12 AM, Emre Sevinc  wrote:
>> Dear csounders,
>> I'll give a very brief presentation on Music and AI to a class who is
>> taking a course titled Musix & GNU/Linux at Istanbul Bilgi University
>> CS dept. given by Dr. Ruhan Ikeda.
>Very cool.  I'm told again and again when I mention Linux in Romania
>that "We aren't really into that yet."  And I wonder at how one could
>be aware of this, and know it's coming, and not therefore be
>interested.  I guess by not being a geek.
>> So which Csound pieces (im .mp3 format) would you advise me to
>> download and make those students listen?
>I'm blown away by 'Electric Priest' by Tobias Enhus at:
>> Another question: They are using Common Music from Taube and I'm sure
>> they learned how to create some MIDI files. I would like to show them
>> they can use Csound as the ultimate synthesizer to give life and sound
>> to their MIDI output. What would you suggest for that? Get some MIDI
>> file (for example?) and render it using Csound (how? since I haven't
>> tried that before and I'm not a csound expert)?
>The -F or --midifile flag will take score input from a MIDI file.  I
>haven't used MIDI input much myself, but I believe the opcodes to
>check out are:
>veloc, midictrl, notnum, ctrl7, ctrl14, ctrl21, massign, and pgmassign
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