| I am glad to hear that you wish to continue working on Cabel. I do not have the time to make Cabel a priority for myself, but I am willing to look the code over, offer advice, and maybe solve particular problems.
What kept me from finishing my attempted rework of Cabel was precisely this desire to "hide" aspects of Csound, because the "hiding" was reflected in the fundamental class design. I only wish that the authors had FIRST made an instrument builder that would work with both scores and MIDI, and then USED THAT to make their realtime synthesizer.
Anyway, I think Csound could really use an interactive instrument builder, I thought Cabel worked well within its limits, and it obviously showed that Python is a good choice for this kind of thing.
Good luck,
-----Original Message-----
>From: Sebastian Gutsfeld
>Sent: Dec 8, 2007 6:54 AM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: teaching csound: textbook, PD, etc
>Andrea Valle writes:
>> On 6 Dec 2007, at 02:52, Michael Gogins wrote:
>>> But somebody willing to spend the time could re-engineer it to be a
>>> component and to use the MIDI compatibility flags instead of the
>>> MIDI-only opcodes, and it would be very good.
>> Of course, I was meaning: until someone will re-engineer it
>> completely, it is a dead end (the last updare on the site is my
>> contribution of two years ago...)
>Sorry, but that is not true. Your contribution is the last listed on the
>Cabel homepage but there were changes in CVS. The most important: Cabel
>starts Csound in a thread (CsoundPerformanceThread) instead of an own
>process. However I must admit that the last changes are a year old :/
>Cabel evolved from a collaboration between the Technical University
>Munich and the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich called
>"platform independent sound synthesis". It was not primarily meant as a
>Csound instrument builder but as a realtime synthesizer running on
>Windows, Linux and Mac (although we hadn't a Mac to test it). That is
>why we decided to use MIDI opcodes and to hide the fact that Csound can
>also be controlled by score files.
>Sadly you are right, it seems like Cabel isn't maintained anymore. But
>as you also have an university background you understand that it is not
>that easy to finish a master thesis, search for a job, continue coding
>for your beloved open source projects, make music AND have a life. So
>both of us, Matthias and me, decided to put Cabel momentarily "on
>hold". However it is definitely NOT dead.
>We would really appreciate it if anyone with good Pyhton coding skills
>is willing to help us re-engineer it, clean the ugly config stuff, add
>score file support etc.
> Sebastian
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