1) yes i do get crashes, but usually i have got my pvx file out first, & then
the crash.
so thank heaven for small mercies, because if i couldn't pvoc in csound
(given that i have some technical or preventative issue with just about
every other form of resynthesis currently offered in csound ATS: can't
playback noise LORIS: no compiled opcodes ADSYN: no ktimptr playback (should
this be made consistant with the other resynth file playback "paradigms" in
being re-written or updated to enable this?)) then i'm not sure i'd still be
here. thank god for the (working) phase vocoder basically.
running the -u from the command line of course would be a sensible thing to
do, but i know what it's like when trying to get to "know" something - a GUI
of any sort is often a good idea
2) http://www.csounds.com/journal/issue6/pythonOpcodes.html
haven't even gone through these myself yet. too busy with python itself
please keep us posted as to your sucesses or otherwise using python opcodes.
do you have much / any python experience to date?
Mr Dave H wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been wondering about two things.
> 1. Is anyone else experiencing crashes with csound 5 gui while using the
> analysis utilities. If so is there a work around?
> 2. Id like to learn how to utilize python within csound. Does anyone have
> links to good tutorials for python especially pertaining to csound.
> Thanks,
> Dave Hanft
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