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[Csnd] Funded MSc, Ireland.

Date2007-12-04 18:52
FromRory Walsh
Subject[Csnd] Funded MSc, Ireland.
I hope this doesn't go against list etiquette but below are details of a 
funded two year MSc which some people on this list may find interesting. 
The deadline is Friday but if anyone needs a little more time please let 
me know and I can see what I can do.


Efficient Algorithms for Music Information Retrieval

Applications are invited for a 24-month research studentship on the 
above topic leading to the award of MSc by research. The ideal candidate 
will have a strong programming background (e.g. good honours degree in 
Computing) and a knowledge of music theory. Familiarity with music 
notation software and computer music representation systems would be an 
advantage. This research project is funded under the Technology Sector 
Strand 1 scheme; the successful candidate will have his/her fees paid 
and will also receive a monthly stipend of €900 for 24 months.

For further information contact Dr. Eibhlis Farrell at 

The closing date for receipt of CVs (hardcopy only) is 4.00 p.m., 
Friday, 7 December, 2007.

CVs should be sent to:

The Human Resources Office,
Dundalk Institute of Technology,
Dublin Road, Dundalk.
Tel: 042- 9370256.

The Institute is an equal opportunities employer.