| Hello, Peter,
I very much hope that other Csounders more technically savvy than I can jump
in here and help explain MIDI issues.
Under ALSA, the XO-1 (Sugar 82) was working fine in all respects. ALSA was
handling both MIDI and audio. My (commandline flags) included
the following:
-odac -+rtaudio=alsa -+rtmidi=alsa -M hw:1,0
It was my hope that the same flags would work on SoaS (Sugar 84 and beyond).
>From what I understand you to say, they *should* work, if ALSA has been left
untouched, as you say. -+rtmidi=alsa, however, doesn't seem to give MIDI
You are completely right that MIDI input is done via USB for the most part
these days (including on the XO-1). So it should already be included in
Sugar. I assume this means, as you say, that it is emulated in software -
but I don't know.
In any case, ALSA MIDI is crucial to realtime Csound, and I fervently hope
we can get it going, as with the XO-1. I'll as always be more than happy to
do *any* sort of testing, and am well positioned to do so. (You want any
particular MIDI device? You name it; I've probably got one.)
Thanks so much for all your monumental work
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Robinson"
To: "Art Hunkins"
Cc: ;
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: csound on Fedora 11
>>> Does the sound card midi require sound fonts or samples to be loaded,
>>> or even support midi? I think a lot of the newer cheap mother board
>>> sound cards like the Intel HDA audio don't even support it. Can you
>>> get it working using one of the other midi packages? There's a list in
>>> Fedora here
>>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/AudioCreation#Packages_Accepted_into_Fedora
>> MIDI is essential to realtime Csound.
>> Portmidi has long been the MIDI standard in Csound. I note it's on the
>> list
>> you cite.
>> Any reason it can't be used?
> I don't plan on compiling it into csound on Fedora as its not the
> default sound platform on Fedora. There's alsa and pulseaudio support
> compiled in so that gives you two options. Also it was never supported
> in the previous release of olpcsound used on the XO. To add to this I
> barely have time to support csound with 2 sound options compiled in, I
> certainly don't have the time to support 3. If you want to step up and
> assist in supporting csound in Fedora I might reconsider the option.
>> OTOH, alsa was used (on the XO-1) for rtmidi. Can't it continue?
> Sure, I haven't disabled it but looking at all the devices I have on
> hand and digging out the XO-1 I don't see a single device that has
> hardware midi (including 2 laptops, a netbook, another geode based
> desktop system and a couple of other desktops) so I suspect if it was
> working it was emulated in software. I have no idea how any of that
> works so I have no idea what's broken but I don't have any way to
> debug it. Feel free to submit patches that fix the issue though.
>> (My activities are meant both for the XO-1 and SoaS; so as much
>> consistency/continuity as possible would be helpful to me. [The XO-1 used
>> alsa for both audio and midi.] Otherwise, I think separate versions will
>> be
>> required, unfortunately.)
> As mentioned it must have been software midi as I don't see HW midi on
> the XO-1 using the old 802 release that's running on XO-1 that was
> closest to hand. I don't see what could have broken as looking at the
> olpcsound build config (included below) the only audio option that was
> used was alsa. In the current build we actually have significantly
> more things enabled. Are you sure that midi is working on your
> machines? have you tested another application to see if they work? Can
> you include (as mentioned by Felipe the output of "ls -al /dev/snd" ?)
> Peter
> if env['buildOLPC'] == '1':
> env['pythonVersion'] = '2.5'
> env.Prepend(CPPFLAGS = ['-DOLPC'])
> if util.getPlatform() != 'linux': print "Build platform is
> not linux"
> # Set other options??
> env['useGettext'] = '1'
> env['useDouble'] = '0'
> env['usePortAudio'] = '0'
> env['useJack'] = '0'
> env['buildCsoundAC'] = '0'
> env['buildCsound5GUI'] = '0'
> env['useDouble'] = '0'
> env['usePortMIDI'] = '0'
> env['useALSA'] = '1'
> env['useFLTK'] = '0'
> env['buildCsoundVST'] = '0'
> env['buildCsoundAC'] = '0'
> #'buildCsound5GUI'
> env['buildLoris'] = '0'
> env['buildStkOpcodes'] = '0'
> env['useOSC'] = '1'
> env['buildFluidOpcodes'] = '0'
> env['prefix'] = '/usr'
> env['buildUtilities'] = '0'
> ##env['gcc4opt'] = '1'
> env['useLrint'] = '1'
> env['Word64'] = '0'
> env['Lib64'] = '0'
> env['buildPDClass'] = '0'
> env['buildDSSI'] = '0'
> env['buildVirtual'] = '1'
> env['buildInterfaces'] = '1'
> env['buildSDFT'] = '0'
> env['buildJavaWrapper'] = '0'
> env['buildNewParser'] = '0'
> env['buildvst4cs'] = '0'
> env['buildImageOpcodes'] = '1'
> env['dynamicCsoundLibrary'] = '1'
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