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[Csnd] Getting around the device assignment problem in SoaS

Date2009-09-16 02:39
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Csnd] Getting around the device assignment problem in SoaS
For SoaS (Fedora Linux), there remains the problem of device assignment 
involving audio out and MIDI in.

Basically, if you boot SoaS then plug in a MIDI controller, audio is 
assigned C0D0; and MIDI, C1D0 (this is as expectesd). If you plug in a MIDI 
controller and then boot SoaS, MIDI gets C0D0 and audio C1D0 (this is *not* 
as expected!)

It will be necessary to either do something either in Sugar, its Csound 
module, or in the python script that runs Csound to work with this issue.

My question is this: With respect to the python option, is it possible 
(through the API) to pass queried values for audio and MIDI devices to 
 in order to specify the correct device "numbers" to Csound?

Art Hunkins 

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