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[Csnd] QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly

Date2010-12-28 05:12
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Tonight, because I'm writing a little tutorial, I decided to uninstall Csound
and QuteCsound and reinstall them from scratch, so as to be able to document
the process.

As a result, QuteCsound has now started quitting unexpectedly. It sometimes
quits (while Csound itself is not running, just the front end window is
running) when I launch OpenOffice. It also quits when I launch a .csd that
played fine last week. It has done both tricks several times.

I've tried restarting the computer. I also removed those three naughty .dll
files (fluidOpcodes, virtual, and widgets) from the Csound folder. Nope --
still crashing.

This is with QuteCsound 0.6.0 and Csound 5.12.1-d, on a Win7 64-bit machine.

Other .csd files play without apparent problems. Sometimes the file that
fails doesn't crash QuteCsound; instead, I get a message in the console that
ends like this:

Clockbase = 12.000000
Clockbase = 24.000000
Clockbase = 36.000000
Clockbase = 48.000000
sread:  text space overrun, increase MARGIN

These messages probably mean something, but they don't refer to anything in
my .csd.

Suggestions welcome....


Date2010-12-28 05:29
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Launching an OpenOffice spreadsheet while QuteCsound was running caused
corruption of the tab headers in the window. This was also a crash, and it
happened while the problematical .csd file was not playing. This same file
plays fine in QuteCsound on my Mac, by the way, but that's the floats
version, not the doubles. There doesn't seem currently to be a floats
version for Windows, so I can't test whether that's part of the problem.

Anyway, the graphic corruption looks like this:


Date2010-12-28 05:46
Fromandy fillebrown
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Hi Jim,

I'm looking into this.  Can you send me the .csd?

~ andy.f

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Jim Aikin  wrote:
> Launching an OpenOffice spreadsheet while QuteCsound was running caused
> corruption of the tab headers in the window. This was also a crash, and it
> happened while the problematical .csd file was not playing. This same file
> plays fine in QuteCsound on my Mac, by the way, but that's the floats
> version, not the doubles. There doesn't seem currently to be a floats
> version for Windows, so I can't test whether that's part of the problem.
> Anyway, the graphic corruption looks like this:
> http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/file/n3319969/CrashWindow.jpg
> --
> View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/QuteCsound-Quitting-Unexpectedly-tp3319963p3319969.html
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>            https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2010-12-28 05:58
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
On 12/27/2010 9:47 PM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> I'm looking into this.  Can you send me the .csd?

Here 'tis. I'll just copy and paste it into the message body. Note that
this piece is unfinished ... it breaks off in the middle of the B
section, probably because I got bored with it. In any event, there's
nothing special about it, as far as I'm aware, though there's a fairly
extensive use of macros. As I indicated, it was working fine on this
same computer, with the same versions of Csound and QuteCsound, a few
weeks ago ... although, now that I think of it, that might have been
with 5.12 rather than 5.12.1 ... not sure.







sr = 44100

ksmps = 8

nchnls = 2

0dbfs = 1

giBaseFreq = 49

giAmpScale = 1

giBassLevel = 0.7

giAccordLevel = 1.05

giMarimLevel = 1.1

giLeadLevel = 0.77

gaDelaySend init 0

gaRevSend init 0

; gkMelPitch is used by i7 for portamento from a grace note into a main

; note -- but I've commented out that code because I kind of like the abrupt

; pitch change. It sounds more like a bagpipe.

gkMelPitch init 196

zakinit 12, 12


; a 12-tap diffuser with a wet-only output


opcode Diffuse, aa, aii

; imult is a multiplier, somewhere between 0.5 and 2;

; irate is an LFO rate, something slow like 0.2

ain, imult, irate xin

; for testing:

imult = imult * 3

ilfomult = 1.3

; to sweep some of the delay times slightly:

klfo1 oscil 0.006 * ilfomult, irate, 1

klfo2 oscil 0.007 * ilfomult, irate + 0.05, 1

klfo3 oscil 0.008 * ilfomult, irate + 0.11, 1

adelayline delayr 0.3 * imult

atap1 deltap 0.043 * imult

atap2 deltapi (0.0321 * imult) + klfo1

atap3 deltap 0.1458 * imult

atap4 deltapi (0.1423 * imult) + klfo2

atap5 deltap 0.0103 * imult

atap6 deltapi (0.0239 * imult) + klfo3

atap7 deltap 0.0446 * imult

atap8 deltapi (0.1035 * imult) + klfo1

atap9 deltap 0.1067 * imult

atap10 deltapi (0.0087 * imult) + klfo2

atap11 deltap 0.0837 * imult

atap12 deltapi (0.1676 * imult) + klfo3

delayw ain

amixL = (atap1 - atap2 + atap3 - atap4 + atap5 - atap6) / 4

amixR = (atap7 + atap8 - atap9 - atap10 + atap11 + atap12) / 4

xout amixL, amixR



; a 4-output rotary panner


opcode Swirl, aaaa, ak

ain, krate xin

; generate unipolar sweeps:

kNS oscil 0.5, krate, 1

kEW oscil 0.5, krate, 1, 0.25

kNS = kNS + 0.5

kEW = kEW + 0.5

aoutN = ain * kNS

aoutS = ain * (1 - kNS)

aoutE = ain * kEW

aoutW = ain * (1 - kEW)

xout aoutN, aoutE, aoutS, aoutW



; a home-brew reverberator


opcode StereoVerb, aa, aii

araw, itime, ipredelay xin

ain delayr ipredelay

delayw araw

; mix it up a little:

audN, audE, audS, audW Swirl ain, 0.14

adiffL, adiffR Diffuse ain, 1.1, 0.6

acombin1 = (ain * 2) + audN + adiffL

acombin2 = (ain * 2) + audE + adiffL

acombin3 = (ain * 2) + audS + adiffL

acombin4 = (ain * 2) + audW + adiffL

acombin5 = (ain * 2) + audN + adiffR

acombin6 = (ain * 2) + audE + adiffR

acombin7 = (ain * 2) + audS + adiffR

acombin8 = (ain * 2) + audW + adiffR

acombin9 = ain * -2

; parallel comb filters

acomb1 comb acombin1, itime, 0.0137

acomb2 comb acombin2, itime * 1.03, 0.0097

acomb3 comb acombin3, itime, 0.0184

acomb4 comb acombin4, itime * 0.99, 0.0102

acomb5 comb acombin5, itime, 0.0106

acomb6 comb acombin6, itime * 1.043, 0.0156

acomb7 comb acombin7, itime, 0.0159

acomb8 comb acombin8, itime * 0.974, 0.0201

acomb9 comb acombin9, itime, 0.0188

acombsum = ain + ((acomb1 + acomb2 + acomb3 + acomb4 + acomb5 + acomb6 +
acomb7 + acomb8 + acomb9) * 0.2)

; allpass filter series with tone control

irvt1 = itime * 0.5

irvt2 = itime * 0.8

irvt3 = itime * 1.13

irvt4 = itime * 1.27

irvt5 = itime * 1.46

irvt6 = itime * 1.63

irvt7 = itime * 1.76

irvt8 = itime * 1.99

ap1 alpass acombsum, irvt1, 0.14

ap2 alpass ap1, irvt2, .09653

ap3 alpass ap2, irvt3, .0635

ap4 alpass ap3, irvt4, .043

ap5 alpass ap4, irvt5, .0347

; because the output is not guaranteed to be balanced at 1.0,

; we'll reduce the signal level a bit here:

ap6 alpass ap5 * 0.9, irvt6, .0654

ap7 alpass ap6 * 0.9, irvt7, .0716

ap8 alpass ap7 * 0.9, irvt8, .0493

at1 tone ap1, 5000

at2 tone ap2, 3700

at3 tone ap3, 3100

at4 tone ap4, 2300

at5 tone ap5, 1700

at6 tone ap6, 1150

at7 tone ap7, 900

at8 tone ap8, 650

amix = (at1 - at2 + at3 + at4 - at5 + at6 + at7 - at8) * 0.2

; prevent DC offset:

ahp atone amix, 20

ad1L, ad1R Diffuse ahp, 1.7, 0.16

ad2L, ad2R Diffuse ahp, 1.43, 0.29

aoutL = ad1L + ((ad2L * 0.6) + (ad2R * 0.2))

aoutR = ad1R + ((ad2L * 0.2) * (ad2R * 0.6))

xout aoutL, aoutR



; bass

instr 1

idur = p3

ivel = p7

iamp = p4 * giAmpScale * giBassLevel * (0.7 + (ivel * 0.4))

ioct pow 2, p5

ipitch = ioct * p6 * giBaseFreq

ipan = p8

xtratim 0.25

; fm pair 1

index1 = 3.3 * (ivel * 0.9 + 0.1)

iampatk1 = 0.05 * (1 - (ivel * 0.7 + 0.3))

imodatk1 = 0.15 * (1 - (ivel * 0.5 + 0.5))

kcar1amp linseg 0, iampatk1, 1, 0.2, 0.6, 1.5, 0.4, 1, 0.4

kcar1amprel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.08, 0, 1, 0

kcar1amp = kcar1amp * kcar1amprel * iamp

kmod1amp linseg 0, imodatk1, 1, 0.55, 0.4, 2, 0.1, 1, 0.1

kmod1amprel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.06, 0, 1, 0

kmod1amp = kmod1amp * kmod1amprel * index1

a1 foscili kcar1amp, ipitch, 1, 1, kmod1amp, 2

; fm pair 2 -- this is 1/10 the volume of pair 1, so it just adds color

index2 = 3.6 * (ivel * 0.8 + 0.2)

kcar2amp linseg 0, 0.01, 1, 0.05, 0.4, 2, 0.1, 1, 0.1

kcar2amprel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.1, 0, 1, 0

kcar2amp = kcar2amp * kcar2amprel * iamp * 0.1

kmod2amp linseg 0, 0.01, 1, 0.35, 0.4, 1.8, 0, 1, 0

kmod2amprel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.15, 0, 1, 0

kmod2amp = kmod2amp * kmod2amprel * index2

a2 foscili kcar2amp, ipitch, 2, 3, kmod2amp, 1

; mixing & output

asig = a1 + a2

aL, aR pan2 asig, ipan

outs aL, aR



; accordion

instr 2

;;; score init values ;;;

idur = abs(p3)

ivel = p7

iamp = p4 * giAmpScale * giAccordLevel * (0.8 + (ivel * 0.2))

ioct pow 2, p5

ipitch = p6 * ioct * giBaseFreq

ipan = p8

;;; non-score init values ;;;

iatt = 0.03 * (1 - (ivel * 0.5))

irel = 0.03 * (1 + (ivel * 0.5))

xtratim 0.1

index = 0.3 + (ivel * 1.1)

;;; envelopes ;;;

isuslevel = iamp * 0.8

kamp linseg 0, iatt, iamp, idur, isuslevel, 1, isuslevel

kamprel linseg 1, idur, 1, irel, 0, 1, 0

kamp = kamp * kamprel

kindex linseg index, 1.8, 0.1, 1, 0.1

kindexrel linseg 1, idur, 1, irel, 0, 1, 0

;;; tone generation ;;;

asig foscili kamp, ipitch, 1, 1, kindex, 3

;;; output ;;;

isendlevel = 0.25

gaRevSend = gaRevSend + (asig * isendlevel)

aoutL, aoutR pan2 asig, ipan

outs aoutL, aoutR



; marimba

instr 3

idur = p3

ivel = p7

iamp = p4 * giAmpScale * giMarimLevel * (0.6 + (ivel * 0.5))

ioct pow 2, p5

ipitch = ioct * p6 * giBaseFreq

ipan = p8

xtratim 0.1

; main tone

iatk1 = 0.001 + (0.004 * (1 - ivel))

kamp1 linseg 0, iatk1, iamp, 0.6, 0, 1, 0

kamp1rel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.01, 0, 1, 0

kamp1 = kamp1 * kamp1rel

index1 = 3.0 * ((ivel * 1.2) + 0.5)

kindex1 expseg 0.0001, 0.001, index1, 0.6, 0.0001, 1, 0.0001

kindex1rel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.01, 0, 1, 0

kindex1 = kindex1 * kindex1rel

a1 foscili kamp1, ipitch, 1, 1, kindex1, 1

; "mallet"

iatk2 = 0.001 + (0.004 * (1 - ivel))

imalletamp = iamp * 0.6

kamp2 linseg 0, iatk2, imalletamp, 0.012, 0, 1, 0

index2 = 6.0 * (ivel + 0.5)

kindex2 linseg 0, 0.001, index2, 0.011, 0, 1, 0

a2 foscili kamp2, (ipitch + 3), 11, 7, kindex2, 1

; mixing & output:

asig = a1 + a2

isendlevel = 0.25

gaRevSend = gaRevSend + (asig * isendlevel)

aL, aR pan2 asig, ipan

outs aL, aR



; pad

instr 4

;;; score init values ;;;

idur = abs(p3)

iamp = p4 * giAmpScale

ioct pow 2, p5

ipitch = p6 * ioct * giBaseFreq

ivel = p7

ipan = p8

;;; non-score init values ;;;

iatt1 = 0.25 + (0.03 / ivel)

irel1 = 0.35 + (0.05 / ivel)

iatt2 = 0.13 + (0.04 / ivel)

irel2 = 0.32 + (0.04 / ivel)

xtratim 0.5

index1 = 0.8 + ivel

index2 = 0.6 + (ivel * 0.8)

;;; envelopes ;;;

isuslevel1 = iamp * 0.8

kamp1 linseg 0, iatt1, iamp, idur, isuslevel1, 1, isuslevel1

kamprel1 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel1, 0, 1, 0

kamp1 = kamp1 * kamprel1

index1low = index1 * 0.5

kindex1 linseg index1low, 1, index1, 2, index1low, 1, index1low

kindexrel1 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel1, 0.2, 1, 0.2

kindex1 = kindex1 * kindexrel1

isuslevel2 = iamp * 0.7

kamp2 linseg 0, iatt2, iamp, idur, isuslevel2, 1, isuslevel2

kamprel2 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel2, 0, 1, 0

kamp2 = kamp2 * kamprel2

index2low = index2 * 0.5

kindex2 linseg index2low, 1, index2, 2, index2low, 1, index2low

kindexrel2 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel2, 0.2, 1, 0.2

kindex2 = kindex2 * kindexrel2

;;; tone generation ;;;

ifudge random 0, 50

idetune = 0.1 + (ifudge * 0.005)

a1 foscili kamp1, ipitch - idetune, 5, 7, kindex1, 1

a2 foscili kamp2, ipitch + idetune, 11, 6, kindex2, 1

;;; output ;;;

asig = a1 + a2

isendlevel = 0.3

gaRevSend = gaRevSend + (asig * isendlevel)

aoutL, aoutR pan2 asig, ipan

outs aoutL, aoutR



; sine plunk

instr 5

idur = p3

ivel = p7

iamp = p4 * giAmpScale * (0.8 + (ivel * 0.2))

ioct pow 2, p5

ipitch = p6 * ioct * giBaseFreq

ipan = p8

xtratim 0.1

iatk = 0.02 - (ivel * 0.02)

kamp linseg 0, iatk, iamp, 0.25, 0, 1, 0

kindex line (ivel * 2.4), idur, 0

asig foscili kamp, ipitch, 1, 1, kindex, 1

isendlevel = 0.25

gaRevSend = gaRevSend + (asig * isendlevel)

aL, aR pan2 asig, ipan

outs aL, aR



; decaying chord shimmer

instr 6

;;; score init values ;;;

idur = p3

iamp = p4 * giAmpScale

ioct pow 2, p5

icps = p6 * ioct * giBaseFreq

ivel = p7

ipan = p8

;;; non-score init values ;;;

iatt1 = 0.02

irel1 = 0.2

iatt2 = 0.01

irel2 = 0.22

xtratim 0.25

index1 = 0.8

index2 = 0.6

;;; envelopes ;;;

ibplevel1 = iamp * 0.3

islopetime = 2.0

isuslevel1 = iamp * 0.1

kamp1 linseg 0, iatt1, iamp, 1.2, ibplevel1, islopetime, isuslevel1, 1,
0, 1, 0

kamprel1 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel1, 0, 1, 0

kamp1 = kamp1 * kamprel1

index1low = index1 * 0.1

kindex1 linseg index1low, iatt1, index1, idur, index1low, 1, index1low

kindexrel1 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel1, 0.2, 1, 0.2

kindex1 = kindex1 * kindexrel1

isuslevel2 = iamp * 0.1

ibplevel2 = iamp * 0.3

islopetime2 = 2.1

kamp2 linseg 0, iatt2, iamp, 0.75, ibplevel2, islopetime2, isuslevel2,
1, 0, 1, 0

kamprel2 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel2, 0, 1, 0

kamp2 = kamp2 * kamprel2

index2low = index2 * 0.1

kindex2 linseg index2low, iatt2, index2, idur, index2low, 1, index2low

kindexrel2 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel2, 0.2, 1, 0.2

kindex2 = kindex2 * kindexrel2

;;; tone generation ;;;

ifudge random 0, 50

idetune = 0.2 + (ifudge * 0.007)

a1 foscili kamp1, icps - idetune, 3, 5, kindex1, 1

a2 foscili kamp2, icps + idetune, 7, 7, kindex2, 1

;;; output ;;;

aoutL, aoutR pan2 a1+a2, ipan

outs aoutL, aoutR



; lead tone

instr 7

;;; score init values ;;;

idur = abs(p3)

ivel = p7

iamp = p4 * giAmpScale * giLeadLevel * (0.6 + (ivel * 0.4))

ioct pow 2, p5

ipitch = p6 * ioct * giBaseFreq

ipan = p8

ioldpitch = i(gkMelPitch)

iskipinit = 0

itie tival

if (itie == 1) then

iskipinit = -1


; if this note is not a continuation of a previous note, store

; the pitch for purposes of glide:

gkMelPitch = ipitch


;;; non-score init values ;;;

iatt = 0.08 * (1.5 - ivel)

irel = 0.06 * (1.5 - ivel)

kampatk init 1

kindexatk init 1

kamprel init 1

kindexrel init 1

xtratim 0.1

if (itie == 1) kgoto noattack

kampatk linseg 0, iatt, 1, 1, 1

kindexatk linseg 0, iatt, 1, 1, 1


kamprel linseg 1, idur, 1, irel, 0, 1, 0

kindexrel linseg 1, idur, 1, irel, 0, 1, 0

indexstart = 0.9 + (1.3 * ivel)

indexend = indexstart * 0.7

;;; envelopes ;;;

isuslevel = iamp * 0.8

kamp linseg iamp, idur, isuslevel, 1, isuslevel

kamp = kampatk * kamp * kamprel

kindex linseg indexstart, 1.8, indexend, 1, indexend

kindex = kindex * kindexrel

; portamento control -- not currently in use:

iportime = 0.005

kpitch init ipitch

;if (itie == 1) then

; kpitch port ipitch, iportime, ioldpitch


;;; tone generation ;;;

asig foscili kamp, kpitch, 1, 2, kindex, 1, iskipinit

asig2 foscili (kamp * 0.35), ((kpitch * 4) + 3), 2.08, 3, (kindex *
0.6), 1, iskipinit

;;; output ;;;

amix = asig + asig2

isendlevel = 0.25

gaRevSend = gaRevSend + (amix * isendlevel)

aoutL, aoutR pan2 amix, ipan

outs aoutL, aoutR



; simple stereo delay

instr 101

ain = gaDelaySend

gaDelaySend = 0

adeloutL delayr 0.5625

delayw (ain * 0.3) + (adeloutL * 0.3)

adeloutR delayr 1.125

delayw (ain * 0.2) + (adeloutR * 0.2)

outs adeloutL, adeloutR



instr 201 ; a reverb send & return

; channel 1 is from i31, sandy, at beginning

idur = p3

iamp = p4

ichan = p5

itime = p6

ain = gaRevSend

arevL, arevR StereoVerb ain, itime, 0.1

gaRevSend = 0

kdeclick linseg 0, 0.01, iamp, (idur - 0.22), iamp, 0.2, 0, 1, 0

arevL = arevL * kdeclick

arevR = arevR * kdeclick

outs arevL, arevR





; sine wave

f 1 0 4096 10 1

; band-limited tone

f 2 0 4096 10 1 0.3 0.1

; another band-limited tone

f 3 0 4096 10 1 0.5 0 0 0.15

t0 320 219 320 228 220

; delay line instantiation:

; i101 0 50

#define BAR # 12 #

; a 0 0 [$BAR * 18.5]

; reverb instantiation

i201 0 260 0.12 0 1.2




#define FLOURISH #

i1 0 2.6 0.2 1 1 0.7 0.5

i1 3 8.6 . 1 1 0.9

i3 0 1 0.1 2 1 0.8 0.7

i3 0.6 . . . [5/4] 0.4

i3 1.2 . . . [3/2] 0.5

i3 1.8 . . 3 1 0.6

i3 2.4 . . . [5/4] 0.7

i3 3 3 0.15 . [3/2] 0.9

i3 0 1 0.1 2 [5/4] 0.8 0.85

i3 0.6 . . . [3/2] 0.4

i3 1.2 . . 3 1 0.5

i3 1.8 . . . [5/4] 0.6

i3 2.4 . . . [3/2] 0.7

i3 3 3 0.15 4 1 0.9

i6 3 8 0.03 3 1 0.4 0.4

i6 . . . . [5/4]

i6 . . . . [3/2]

i2 0 1 0.08 2 1 0.8 0.1

i2 0.6 . . . [5/4] 0.3

i2 1.2 . . . [3/2] 0.5

i2 1.8 . . 3 1 0.6

i2 2.4 . . . [5/4] 0.7

i2 3 8 . . [3/2] 0.9

i2 0 1 0.1 1 [3/2] 0.8 0.2

i2 0.6 . . 2 1 0.3

i2 1.2 . . . [5/4] 0.5

i2 1.8 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i2 2.4 . . 3 1 0.7

i2 3 8 . . [5/4] 0.9

i5 6 1 0.24 3 1 0.7 0.9

i5 7 . 0.22 . . 0.6 0.82

i5 8 . 0.19 . . 0.5 0.74

i5 9 . 0.16 . . 0.4 0.66

i5 10 . 0.13 . . 0.33 0.58

i5 11 . 0.1 . . 0.26 0.5

i5 6 1 0.21 3 [5/4] 0.7 0.9

i5 7 . 0.18 . . 0.6 0.82

i5 8 . 0.16 . . 0.5 0.74

i5 9 . 0.14 . . 0.4 0.66

i5 10 . 0.11 . . 0.33 0.58

i5 11 . 0.08 . . 0.26 0.5


#define BASS_01a #

i1 0 2.8 0.2 1 1 0.8 0.5

i1 3 . . . . 0.5

i1 6 .

i1 9 0.8 . . . 0.7

i1 10 . . 0 [16/9] 0.5

i1 11 . . 1 1 0.3


#define BASS_01b #

i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [16/9] 0.8 0.5

i1 3 . . . . 0.4

i1 6 .

i1 9 0.8 . . . 0.7

i1 10 . . . [5/3] 0.5

i1 11 . . . [16/9] 0.3


#define BASS_01d #

i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [16/9] 0.8 0.5

i1 3 0.8 . . . 0.8

i1 4 . . . [5/3] 0.3

i1 5 . . . [16/9] 0.5

i1 6 1 . 1 1 0.9

i1 7 0.8 . . . 0.7

i1 8 . . . . 0.5

i1 9 3 . . . 0.7


#define BASS_02a #

i1 0 2.8 0.2 1 1 0.8 0.5

i1 3 0.8 . 0 [3/2] 0.6

i1 4 . . . [16/9] 0.5

i1 5 0.7 . 1 1 0.4

i1 6 2.8 . 1 1 0.7

i1 9 0.8 . . . 0.6

i1 10 . . 0 [16/9] 0.5

i1 11 . . 1 1 0.6


#define BASS_02b #

i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [16/9] 0.8 0.5

i1 3 0.8 . . [4/3] 0.6

i1 4 . . . [3/2] 0.5

i1 5 0.7 . . [16/9] 0.4

i1 6 2.8 . . . 0.7

i1 9 0.8 . . . 0.6

i1 10 . . . [5/3] 0.5

i1 11 . . . [16/9] 0.6


#define BASS_02d #

i1 0 1.4 0.2 0 [16/9] 0.8 0.5

i1 1.5 1.3 . . [4/3] 0.7

i1 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i1 4.5 . . . [16/9] 0.7

i1 6 1 . 1 1 0.8

i1 7 0.8 . . . 0.7

i1 8 0.7 . . . 0.6

i1 9 3 . . . 0.8


#define BASS_03a #

i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [3/2] 0.7 0.5

i1 3 2.7 . . . 0.6

i1 6 2.9 . . . 0.7

i1 9 0.8

i1 10 0.7 . . [4/3] 0.6

i1 11 0.8 . . [3/2] 0.7


#define BASS_03b #

i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [5/3] 0.7 0.5

i1 3 2.7 . . . 0.6

i1 6 0.9 . . . 0.7

i1 7 0.8 . . [15/8] 0.5

i1 8 . . 1 1 0.6

i1 9 0.9 . . . 0.7

i1 10 0.8 . 0 [15/8] 0.6

i1 11 0.7 . . [5/3] 0.5


#define BASS_03d #

i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [5/3] 0.8 0.5

i1 3 2.7

i1 6 2.8 . . [16/9] 0.85

i1 9


#define ACC_01a #

i2 0 1 0.1 3 1 0.7 0.2

i2 1 . . . [5/4] 0.5

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 2 0.9 . . [5/4]

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 3 1 . . [5/4]

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 4 . . . [9/8] 0.6

i2 5 . . . [5/4] 0.5

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 6 . . . 1 0.7

i2 7 . . . [5/4] 0.5

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 8 0.9 . . [5/4]

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 9 2.8 . . [5/4] 0.4

i2 . . . . [3/2]


#define ACC_01b #

i2 0 1 0.1 2 [16/9] 0.7 0.2

i2 1 . . 3 [10/9] 0.5

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 2 0.9 . . [10/9]

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 3 1 . . [10/9]

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 4 . . 3 1 0.6

i2 5 . . 3 [10/9] 0.5

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 6 . . 2 [16/9] 0.7

i2 7 . . 3 [10/9] 0.5

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 8 0.9 . . [10/9]

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 9 2.8 . . [10/9] 0.4

i2 . . . . [4/3]


#define ACC_01d #

i2 0 1 0.1 2 [16/9] 0.7 0.2

i2 1 . . 3 [10/9] 0.6

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 2 . . . [10/9]

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 3 . . . [10/9]

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 4 . . . 1

i2 5 . . . [10/9]

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 6 . . . [5/4] 0.7

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 7 . . . 1 0.6

i2 8 . . . .

i2 9 3 . . .


#define ACC_02a #

i2 0 1 0.1 3 1 0.7 0.2

i2 1 . . . [5/4] 0.6

i2 . . . . [5/3]

i2 2 . . . [5/4] 0.5

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 3 . . . [5/4] 0.4

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 4 . . . [9/8] 0.5

i2 5 . . . [5/4] 0.3

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 6 . . . 1 0.7

i2 7 . . . [5/4] 0.6

i2 . . . . [5/3]

i2 8 . . . [5/4] 0.5

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 9 3 . . [5/4] 0.4

i2 . . . . [3/2]


#define ACC_02b #

i2 0 1 0.1 2 [16/9] 0.7 0.2

i2 1 . . 3 [10/9] 0.6

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 2 . . . [10/9] 0.5

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 3 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 4 . . 3 1 0.5

i2 5 . . 3 [10/9] 0.3

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 6 . . 2 [16/9] 0.7

i2 7 . . 3 [10/9] 0.6

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 8 . . . [10/9] 0.5

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 9 3 . . [10/9] 0.4

i2 . . . . [4/3]


#define ACC_02d #

i2 0 1 0.1 2 [16/9] 0.7 0.2

i2 1 . . 3 [10/9] 0.6

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 2 . . . [10/9] 0.5

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 3 . . . [10/9] 0.6

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 4 . . . [3/2] 0.5

i2 . . . . [10/9]

i2 5 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 6 . . . [5/4] 0.8

i2 . . . . [3/2]

i2 7 . . . 1 0.7

i2 8 . . . . 0.6

i2 9 3 . . .


#define ACC_03a #

i2 0 1 0.1 2 [15/8] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 1 . . 2 [5/3] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [3/2]

i2 2 . . 2 [15/8] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [3/2]

i2 3 . . 2 [15/8] 0.7

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 4 . . 2 [5/3] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [5/4]

i2 5 . . 2 [15/8] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 6 1 0.1 2 [15/8] 0.7

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 7 . . 2 [15/8] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [3/2]

i2 8 . . 2 [15/8] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [3/2]

i2 9 3 . 2 [15/8] 0.4

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]


#define ACC_03b #

i2 0 1 0.1 3 1 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [5/4]

i2 1 . . 2 [15/8] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 2 . . 3 1 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [5/4]

i2 3 3 . 3 1 0.4

i2 . . . . [5/4]

i2 6 1 0.1 3 1 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [5/4]

i2 7 . . 2 [15/8] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 8 . . 3 1 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [5/4]

i2 9 3 . 3 1 0.4

i2 . . . . [5/4]


#define ACC_03d #

i2 0 1 0.1 3 1 0.8 0.2

i2 . . . . [5/4]

i2 1 . . . [5/3] 0.7

i2 2 . . . 1 0.8

i2 . . . . [5/4]

i2 3 . . . [5/3] 0.7

i2 4 . . . 1 0.8

i2 . . . . [5/4]

i2 5 . . . [5/3] 0.7

i2 6 1 0.1 3 [10/9] 0.8 0.2

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 7 . . . [5/3] 0.7

i2 8 . . . [10/9] 0.83

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 9 . . . [16/9] 0.75

i2 10 . . . [10/9] 0.86

i2 . . . . [4/3]

i2 11 . . . 2 0.78


#define MARIMBA_01a #

i3 0 1 0.07 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.8

i3 1 . . . [3/2] 0.5

i3 2 . . . [5/4] 0.4

i3 3 . . . [5/3] 0.6

i3 4 . . . [3/2] 0.5

i3 5 . . . [5/4] 0.4

i3 6 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i3 7 . . . [5/4] 0.6

i3 8 . . . [3/2] 0.7

i3 9 3 . 4 1 0.8


#define MARIMBA_01b #

i3 0 1 0.07 3 [10/9] 0.6 0.8

i3 1 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i3 2 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i3 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i3 4 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i3 5 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i3 6 . . . [32/27] 0.5

i3 7 . . . [10/9] 0.6

i3 8 . . . [4/3] 0.7

i3 9 3 . . [16/9] 0.8


#define MARIMBA_01d #

i3 0 1 0.07 3 [10/9] 0.6 0.8

i3 1 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i3 2 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i3 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i3 4 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i3 5 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i3 6 . . . [5/4] 0.5

i3 7 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i3 8 . . . [4/3] 0.7

i3 9 . . . [5/4] 0.8

i3 10 . . . [10/9] 0.7

i3 11 . . . 1 0.6


#define MARIMBA_03a #

i3 0 1 0.08 3 [9/8] 0.6 0.8

i3 1 . . . [3/2] 0.5

i3 2 . . . [15/8] 0.4

i3 3 . . . [5/3] 0.6

i3 4 . . . [3/2] 0.5

i3 5 . . . [9/8] 0.4

i3 6 . . . [15/8] 0.5

i3 7 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i3 8 . . . [15/8] 0.7

i3 9 . . . [5/4] 0.8

i3 10 . . . [9/8] 0.7

i3 11 . . . [4/3] 0.6


#define MARIMBA_03b #

i3 0 1 0.08 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.8

i3 1 . . . [5/3] 0.5

i3 2 . . 4 1 0.4

i3 3 . . 3 [15/8] 0.6

i3 4 . . . [5/3] 0.5

i3 5 . . . [5/4] 0.4

i3 6 . . . [5/3] 0.5

i3 7 . . . [5/4] 0.6

i3 8 . . . [9/8] 0.7

i3 9 . . . [5/4] 0.8

i3 10 . . . [3/2] 0.7

i3 11 . . . [5/3] 0.6


#define MARIMBA_03d #

i3 0 0.75 0.08 3 1 0.8 0.8

i3 . . . . [5/3]

i3 0.75 . . . [5/4] 0.6

i3 . . . . 2

i3 1.5 . . . 1 0.7

i3 . . . . [5/3]

i3 2.25 . . . [5/4] 0.6

i3 . . . . 2

i3 3 . . . 1 0.8

i3 . . . . [5/3]

i3 3.75 . . . [5/4] 0.6

i3 . . . . 2

i3 4.5 . . . 1 0.7

i3 . . . . [5/3]

i3 5.25 . . . [5/4] 0.5

i3 . . . . 2

i3 6 0.75 0.08 3 [10/9] 0.8 0.8

i3 . . . . [16/9]

i3 6.75 . . . [4/3] 0.6

i3 . . . 4 1

i3 7.5 . . 3 [10/9] 0.7

i3 . . . . [16/9]

i3 8.25 . . . [4/3] 0.6

i3 . . . 4 [10/9]

i3 9 . . 3 [10/9] 0.8

i3 . . . . [16/9]

i3 9.75 . . . [4/3] 0.7

i3 . . . 4 [10/9]

i3 10.5 . . 3 [10/9] 0.8

i3 . . . . [16/9]

i3 11.25 . . . [5/3] 0.85

i3 . . . 4 [5/4]


#define MARIMBA_04a #

i3 0 1 0.07 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.8

i3 1 . . . [3/2] 0.5

i3 2 . . . [5/4] 0.4

i3 3 . . . [5/3] 0.6

i3 4 . . . [3/2] 0.5

i3 5 . . . [5/4] 0.4

i3 6 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i3 7 . . . [5/4] 0.6

i3 8 . . . [3/2] 0.7

i3 9 . . 4 1 0.8

i3 10 . . 3 [3/2] 0.7

i3 11 . . . [5/4] 0.4


#define MARIMBA_04b #

i3 0 1 0.07 3 [10/9] 0.6 0.8

i3 1 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i3 2 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i3 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i3 4 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i3 5 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i3 6 . . . [32/27] 0.5

i3 7 . . . [10/9] 0.6

i3 8 . . . [4/3] 0.7

i3 9 . . . [16/9] 0.8

i3 10 . . . [32/27] 0.7

i3 11 . . . [10/9] 0.6


#define MARIMBA_04d #

i3 0 1 0.07 3 [10/9] 0.6 0.8

i3 1 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i3 2 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i3 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i3 4 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i3 5 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i3 6 . . . [5/4] 0.5

i3 7 . . . 1 0.6

i3 8 . . . 1 0.7

i3 9 . . . [5/4] 0.8

i3 10 . . . [10/9] 0.7

i3 11 . . . 1 0.6


#define MELODY_01a #

i7 0 2.5 0.23 3 [3/2] 0.75 0.5

i7 2.6 -0.5 . . [10/9]

i7 3 1 . . [5/4]

i7 4 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i7 5 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 6 . . 4 1 0.75

i7 7 . . 3 [3/2] 0.7

i7 8 . . . [4/3] 0.6

i7 9 . . . [5/4] 0.5

i7 10 . . . [10/9]

i7 11 . . . 1


#define MELODY_01b #

i7 0 1 0.23 3 [10/9] 0.5 0.5

i7 1 . . . [5/4] 0.55

i7 2 . . . [4/3]

i7 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 4 . . . [4/3] 0.55

i7 5 . . . [5/4]

i7 6 . . . [10/9] 0.6

i7 7 . . . [5/4] 0.55

i7 8 0.8 . . 1 0.5

i7 9 -0.5 . . . 0.7

i7 9.4 2.6 . . [10/9]


#define MELODY_01c #

i7 0 1 0.23 3 [5/4] 0.5 0.5

i7 1 . . . [4/3] 0.55

i7 2 0.6 . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 2.7 -0.5 . . [16/9] 0.65

i7 3.1 0.9 . . [5/3]

i7 4 1 . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 5 . . . [4/3] 0.55

i7 6 . . . [3/2] 0.7

i7 7 . . 4 1 0.75

i7 8 . . 3 [4/3] 0.65

i7 9 . . . [5/4] 0.6

i7 10 . . . [10/9] 0.55

i7 11 . . . 1 0.5


#define MELODY_01d #

i7 0 0.75 0.23 3 [4/3] 0.6 0.5

i7 0.75 . . . [3/2] 0.62

i7 1.5 . . . [4/3] 0.65

i7 2.25 . . . [5/4] 0.7

i7 3 . . . [10/9] 0.8

i7 3.75 . . . [5/4] 0.75

i7 4.5 . . . [4/3] 0.68

i7 5.25 . . . [10/9] 0.55

i7 6 1 . . [5/4] 0.8

i7 7 . . . 1 0.6

i7 8 0.8 . . 1 0.4

i7 8.9 -0.3 . 2 [16/9] 0.6

i7 9.2 2.8 . 3 1


#define MELODY_02c #

i7 0 1 0.23 3 [5/4] 0.5 0.5

i7 1 . . . [4/3] 0.55

i7 2 0.6 . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 2.7 -0.5 . . [16/9] 0.65

i7 3.1 0.9 . . [5/3]

i7 4 1 . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 5 . . . [4/3] 0.55

i7 6 0.6 . . [3/2] 0.65

i7 6.6 0.45 . 4 1 0.7

i7 7.2 . . 3 [16/9] 0.6

i7 7.8 . . . [5/3] 0.55

i7 8.4 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i7 9 1 . . [5/4] 0.45

i7 10 . . . [10/9] 0.4

i7 11 . . . 1


#define MELODY_02d #

i7 0 0.75 0.23 3 [4/3] 0.7 0.5

i7 0.75 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 1.5 . . . [4/3] 0.5

i7 2.25 . . . [5/4]

i7 3 . . . [10/9] 0.7

i7 3.75 . . . [5/4] 0.55

i7 4.5 . . . [4/3] 0.45

i7 5.25 0.5 . . [10/9] 0.6

i7 5.9 -0.6 . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 6.4 0.6 . . [5/4]

i7 7 1 . . 1 0.7

i7 8 0.8 . . 1 0.5

i7 8.9 -0.35 . 2 [16/9] 0.7

i7 9.2 2.8 . 3 1


#define MELODY_03a #

i7 0 2.5 0.23 3 [3/2] 0.7 0.5

i7 2.6 -0.5 . . [5/3]

i7 3 1 . . [15/8]

i7 4 . . . [5/3] 0.5

i7 5 0.7 . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 5.7 -0.4 . 4 1 0.7

i7 6.1 0.9 . 4 [9/8]

i7 7 1 . . 1 0.5

i7 8 . . 3 [15/8] 0.4

i7 9 0.5 . 4 1 0.6

i7 9.5 . . 3 [15/8] 0.4

i7 10 1 . . [5/3] 0.6

i7 11 . . . [3/2] 0.6


#define MELODY_03b #

i7 0 3 0.23 3 [5/3] 0.6 0.5

i7 3 1 . . [5/4]

i7 4 . . . [9/8]

i7 5 0.8 . . [5/4]

i7 6 1 . . [5/4]

i7 7 . . . [9/8]

i7 8 0.6 . . [5/4]

i7 8.8 -0.41 . . [9/8]

i7 9.2 3 . . [5/4]


#define MELODY_03c #

i7 0 2.5 0.23 3 [3/2] 0.6 0.5

i7 2.6 -0.5 . . [5/3]

i7 3 1 . . [15/8]

i7 4 . . . [5/3]

i7 5 0.7 . . [3/2]

i7 5.7 -0.4 . 4 1

i7 6.1 0.9 . 4 [9/8]

i7 7 1 . . 1

i7 8 . . 3 [15/8]

i7 9 0.5 . 4 1

i7 9.5 . . 3 [15/8]

i7 10 1 . . [5/3]

i7 11 . . . [3/2]


#define MELODY_03d #

i7 0 0.6 0.23 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.5

i7 0.6 . . . [9/8]

i7 1.2 . . . [5/4]

i7 1.8 . . . [3/2]

i7 2.4 . . . [5/3]

i7 3 . . . [3/2]

i7 3.6 . . . [5/3]

i7 4.2 . . 4 1

i7 4.8 . . . [9/8]

i7 5.4 . . . [5/4]

i7 6 . . 3 [16/9]

i7 6.6 . . 4 1

i7 7.2 . . . [10/9]

i7 7.8 . . . [5/4]

i7 8.4 . . . [4/3]

i7 9 . . . [10/9]

i7 9.6 . . . [5/4]

i7 10.2 . . . [4/3]

i7 10.8 . . . [3/2]

i7 11.4 . . . [10/9]


#define ECHO_01 #

i1 0 1 0.2 1 1 0.7 0.5

i1 1 0.8 . . . 0.6

i1 2 . . . . 0.5

i1 3 . 0.2 . . 0.7

i1 4 . 0.2 0 [15/8] 0.6

i1 5 . 0.2 . [5/3] 0.7

i2 0 2.8 0.1 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.2

i2 . . . . [3/2] 0.5

i2 3 1 . . [5/4] 0.4

i2 4 0.9 . . [10/9] 0.55

i2 5 0.8 . . 1 0.7

i7 0 0.5 0.23 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.5

i7 0.5 0.5 . . [10/9] 0.3

i7 1 1 . . 1 0.5

i7 2 0.8 . . 1 0.4

i7 2.9 -0.35 . 2 [16/9] 0.5

i7 3.2 2.8 . 3 1

i3 0 1 0.08 3 [5/4] 0.7 0.8

i3 1 . . . [3/2] 0.2

i3 2 . . . [4/3] 0.3

i3 3 . . . [5/4] 0.4

i3 4 . . . [10/9] 0.5

i3 5 . . . 1 0.6


#define ECHO_02 #

i1 0 1 0.2 1 1 0.7 0.5

i1 1 0.8 . . . 0.6

i1 2 . . . . 0.5

i1 3 2.7 0.2 0 [9/5] 0.6

i2 0 2.8 0.1 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.2

i2 . . . . [3/2] 0.5

i2 3 1 . . [6/5] 0.4

i2 4 0.9 . . [16/15] 0.5

i2 5 0.95 . 2 [9/5] 0.6

i7 0 0.5 0.23 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.5

i7 0.5 0.5 . . [10/9] 0.3

i7 1 1 . . 1 0.5

i7 2 0.8 . . 1 0.4

i7 2.9 -0.35 . 2 [16/9] 0.5

i7 3.2 2.8 . 3 1

i3 0 1 0.08 3 [5/4] 0.7 0.8

i3 1 . . . [3/2] 0.2

i3 2 . . . [4/3] 0.3

i3 3 . . . [3/2] 0.4

i3 4 . . . [7/5] 0.5

i3 5 . . . [10/9] 0.6


#define AbmACC_01(B) #

i1 [0 + $B] 2.9 0.2 0 [8/5] 0.7 0.5

i1 [3 + $B] 2.8 . . . 0.65

i1 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i1 [9 + $B] 2.7 . . . 0.55

i2 [0 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [1 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [16/15]

i2 [2 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [3 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [4 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [16/15]

i2 [5 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [6 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [8/5]

i2 [7 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [8 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [16/15]

i2 [9 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [10 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [16/15]

i2 [11 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i3 [0 + $B] 1.3 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.8

i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5

i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [0 + $B] . . 3 [6/5] 0.7

i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5

i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3


#define AbmACC_02(B) #

i1 [0 + $B] 2.7 0.2 0 [8/5] 0.7 0.5

i1 [3 + $B] 0.9 . . [48/25]

i1 [4 + $B] 0.8 . . [9/5] 0.65

i1 [5 + $B] 0.7 . . [8/5] 0.6

i1 [6 + $B] 2.8 . . . 0.55

i1 [9 + $B] 2.7 . . . 0.5

i2 [0 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [1 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [16/15]

i2 [2 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [3 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [4 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [16/15]

i2 [5 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [6 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [8/5]

i2 [7 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [8 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [16/15]

i2 [9 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i2 [10 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [16/15]

i2 [11 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [6/5]

i3 [0 + $B] 1.3 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.8

i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5

i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [0 + $B] . . 3 [6/5] 0.7

i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5

i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3


#define AbmMEL_01 #

i7 7 1 0.23 2 [9/5] 0.35 0.5

i7 8 . . . [48/25] 0.45

i7 9 . . 3 [16/15] 0.55

i7 10 . . . [11/10] 0.6

i7 11 0.7 0.19 . [6/5] 0.5

i7 11.9 -0.4 0.2 . [11/10] 0.65

i7 12.2 3.4 0.23 . [6/5]

i7 16 1 0.23 3 [8/5] 0.6

i7 17 . . . [9/5] 0.5

i7 18 . . . [48/25] 0.6

i7 19 . . . [9/5] 0.5

i7 20 . . . [8/5] 0.6

i7 20.9 -0.4 0.2 . [11/10] 0.65

i7 21.2 3 0.23 . [6/5]

i7 23.8 -0.4 0.19 3 [1] 0.5 0.5

i7 24.1 2.6 0.21 3 [9/8] 0.5 0.5

i7 26.8 -0.4 . . [39/32]

i7 27.1 0.8 0.21 . [9/8]

i7 28 1 . . 1

i7 29 0.7 . . [9/8]

i7 29.8 -0.4 . . [39/32]

i7 30 1 . . [9/8]

i7 31 1 . . 1

i7 32 0.7 . . [9/8]

i7 33 0.4 . 2 [9/5]

i7 33.428 . . . [15/8]

i7 33.857 . . 3 [11/10]

i7 34.285 . . . [9/8]

i7 34.714 . . . [5/4]

i7 35.143 . . . [21/16]

i7 35.571 . . . [3/2]

i7 36 2.6 0.21 . [8/5]

i7 39 1 . . [6/5]

i7 40 . . . [8/5]

i7 41 . . . [9/5]

i7 42 . . . [48/25]

i7 43 . . 4 [16/15]

i7 44 . . 3 [48/25]

i7 45 . . . [9/5]

i7 46 . . . [8/5]

i7 47 . . 4 [16/15]

i7 48 1 0.25 3 [15/8] 0.9

i7 49 . 0.22 . [5/3] 0.7

i7 50 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 51 . 0.21 . [9/8] 0.5

i7 52 1 0.25 3 [15/8] 0.9

i7 53 . 0.22 . [5/3] 0.7

i7 54 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 55 . 0.21 . [9/8] 0.5

i7 56 1 0.25 3 [15/8] 0.9

i7 57 . 0.22 . [5/3] 0.7

i7 58 . . . [3/2] 0.6

i7 59 . 0.21 . [9/8] 0.5


#define GmACC_01(B) #

i1 [0 + $B] 2.8 0.2 0 [3/2] 0.7 0.5

i1 [3 + $B] 0.9 . . [9/5]

i1 [4 + $B] 0.8 . . [5/3] 0.65

i1 [5 + $B] 0.7 . . [3/2] 0.6

i1 [6 + $B] 2.8 . . . 0.55

i1 [9 + $B] 2.7 . . . 0.5

i2 [0 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [9/5] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 [1 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [1]

i2 [2 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 [3 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [9/5] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 [4 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [1]

i2 [5 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 [6 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [9/5] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [3/2]

i2 [7 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 [8 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [1]

i2 [9 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [9/5] 0.7 0.2

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i2 [10 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.5

i2 . . . 3 [1]

i2 [11 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.6

i2 . . . 3 [9/8]

i3 [0 + $B] 1.3 0.08 2 [9/5] 0.7 0.8

i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5

i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [0 + $B] . . 3 [9/8] 0.7

i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6

i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3

i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5

i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3


#define GmajACC_01(B) #

i1 [0 + $B] 1.8 0.2 0 [3/2] 0.8 0.5

i1 [2 + $B] . . . [9/8] 0.5

i1 [4 + $B] 1.8 0.2 0 [3/2] 0.8 0.5

i1 [6 + $B] . . . [9/8] 0.5

i1 [8 + $B] 1.8 0.2 0 [3/2] 0.8 0.5

i1 [10 + $B] . . . [9/8] 0.5






b $BAR


b [$BAR * 2]





b [$BAR * 3]





b [$BAR * 4]





b [$BAR * 5]






; 2nd phrase on C:

b [$BAR * 6]





b [$BAR * 7]





b [$BAR * 8]





b [$BAR * 9]





b [$BAR * 10]



; 3rd phrase, to G:

b [$BAR * 10.5]





b [$BAR * 11.5]





b [$BAR * 12.5]





b [$BAR * 13.5]






; back to C:

b [$BAR * 14.5]





b [$BAR * 15.5]





b [$BAR * 16.5]





b [$BAR * 17.5]





b [$BAR * 18.5]



; phrase 5 -- something in Ab minor, perhaps?

b [$BAR * 19]




b [$BAR * 21]


b [$BAR * 22]






View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2010-12-28 06:36
Fromandy fillebrown
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
I'm not sure what the problem is, but I got the same errors you got
when I rendered in QCS and on the command-line.  End result is Csound
tidy up segfault.

afaik there has only been Csound 5.12.1 for Windows.  Maybe you were
using 5.11.x before?

~ andy.f

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 12:58 AM, Jim Aikin  wrote:
> On 12/27/2010 9:47 PM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> I'm looking into this.  Can you send me the .csd?
> Here 'tis. I'll just copy and paste it into the message body. Note that
> this piece is unfinished ... it breaks off in the middle of the B
> section, probably because I got bored with it. In any event, there's
> nothing special about it, as far as I'm aware, though there's a fairly
> extensive use of macros. As I indicated, it was working fine on this
> same computer, with the same versions of Csound and QuteCsound, a few
> weeks ago ... although, now that I think of it, that might have been
> with 5.12 rather than 5.12.1 ... not sure.
> --JA
> ****************************************************************************
> sr = 44100
> ksmps = 8
> nchnls = 2
> 0dbfs = 1
> giBaseFreq = 49
> giAmpScale = 1
> giBassLevel = 0.7
> giAccordLevel = 1.05
> giMarimLevel = 1.1
> giLeadLevel = 0.77
> gaDelaySend init 0
> gaRevSend init 0
> ; gkMelPitch is used by i7 for portamento from a grace note into a main
> ; note -- but I've commented out that code because I kind of like the abrupt
> ; pitch change. It sounds more like a bagpipe.
> gkMelPitch init 196
> zakinit 12, 12
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; a 12-tap diffuser with a wet-only output
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> opcode Diffuse, aa, aii
> ; imult is a multiplier, somewhere between 0.5 and 2;
> ; irate is an LFO rate, something slow like 0.2
> ain, imult, irate xin
> ; for testing:
> imult = imult * 3
> ilfomult = 1.3
> ; to sweep some of the delay times slightly:
> klfo1 oscil 0.006 * ilfomult, irate, 1
> klfo2 oscil 0.007 * ilfomult, irate + 0.05, 1
> klfo3 oscil 0.008 * ilfomult, irate + 0.11, 1
> adelayline delayr 0.3 * imult
> atap1 deltap 0.043 * imult
> atap2 deltapi (0.0321 * imult) + klfo1
> atap3 deltap 0.1458 * imult
> atap4 deltapi (0.1423 * imult) + klfo2
> atap5 deltap 0.0103 * imult
> atap6 deltapi (0.0239 * imult) + klfo3
> atap7 deltap 0.0446 * imult
> atap8 deltapi (0.1035 * imult) + klfo1
> atap9 deltap 0.1067 * imult
> atap10 deltapi (0.0087 * imult) + klfo2
> atap11 deltap 0.0837 * imult
> atap12 deltapi (0.1676 * imult) + klfo3
> delayw ain
> amixL = (atap1 - atap2 + atap3 - atap4 + atap5 - atap6) / 4
> amixR = (atap7 + atap8 - atap9 - atap10 + atap11 + atap12) / 4
> xout amixL, amixR
> endop
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; a 4-output rotary panner
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> opcode Swirl, aaaa, ak
> ain, krate xin
> ; generate unipolar sweeps:
> kNS oscil 0.5, krate, 1
> kEW oscil 0.5, krate, 1, 0.25
> kNS = kNS + 0.5
> kEW = kEW + 0.5
> aoutN = ain * kNS
> aoutS = ain * (1 - kNS)
> aoutE = ain * kEW
> aoutW = ain * (1 - kEW)
> xout aoutN, aoutE, aoutS, aoutW
> endop
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; a home-brew reverberator
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> opcode StereoVerb, aa, aii
> araw, itime, ipredelay xin
> ain delayr ipredelay
> delayw araw
> ; mix it up a little:
> audN, audE, audS, audW Swirl ain, 0.14
> adiffL, adiffR Diffuse ain, 1.1, 0.6
> acombin1 = (ain * 2) + audN + adiffL
> acombin2 = (ain * 2) + audE + adiffL
> acombin3 = (ain * 2) + audS + adiffL
> acombin4 = (ain * 2) + audW + adiffL
> acombin5 = (ain * 2) + audN + adiffR
> acombin6 = (ain * 2) + audE + adiffR
> acombin7 = (ain * 2) + audS + adiffR
> acombin8 = (ain * 2) + audW + adiffR
> acombin9 = ain * -2
> ; parallel comb filters
> acomb1 comb acombin1, itime, 0.0137
> acomb2 comb acombin2, itime * 1.03, 0.0097
> acomb3 comb acombin3, itime, 0.0184
> acomb4 comb acombin4, itime * 0.99, 0.0102
> acomb5 comb acombin5, itime, 0.0106
> acomb6 comb acombin6, itime * 1.043, 0.0156
> acomb7 comb acombin7, itime, 0.0159
> acomb8 comb acombin8, itime * 0.974, 0.0201
> acomb9 comb acombin9, itime, 0.0188
> acombsum = ain + ((acomb1 + acomb2 + acomb3 + acomb4 + acomb5 + acomb6 +
> acomb7 + acomb8 + acomb9) * 0.2)
> ; allpass filter series with tone control
> irvt1 = itime * 0.5
> irvt2 = itime * 0.8
> irvt3 = itime * 1.13
> irvt4 = itime * 1.27
> irvt5 = itime * 1.46
> irvt6 = itime * 1.63
> irvt7 = itime * 1.76
> irvt8 = itime * 1.99
> ap1 alpass acombsum, irvt1, 0.14
> ap2 alpass ap1, irvt2, .09653
> ap3 alpass ap2, irvt3, .0635
> ap4 alpass ap3, irvt4, .043
> ap5 alpass ap4, irvt5, .0347
> ; because the output is not guaranteed to be balanced at 1.0,
> ; we'll reduce the signal level a bit here:
> ap6 alpass ap5 * 0.9, irvt6, .0654
> ap7 alpass ap6 * 0.9, irvt7, .0716
> ap8 alpass ap7 * 0.9, irvt8, .0493
> at1 tone ap1, 5000
> at2 tone ap2, 3700
> at3 tone ap3, 3100
> at4 tone ap4, 2300
> at5 tone ap5, 1700
> at6 tone ap6, 1150
> at7 tone ap7, 900
> at8 tone ap8, 650
> amix = (at1 - at2 + at3 + at4 - at5 + at6 + at7 - at8) * 0.2
> ; prevent DC offset:
> ahp atone amix, 20
> ad1L, ad1R Diffuse ahp, 1.7, 0.16
> ad2L, ad2R Diffuse ahp, 1.43, 0.29
> aoutL = ad1L + ((ad2L * 0.6) + (ad2R * 0.2))
> aoutR = ad1R + ((ad2L * 0.2) * (ad2R * 0.6))
> xout aoutL, aoutR
> endop
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; bass
> instr 1
> idur = p3
> ivel = p7
> iamp = p4 * giAmpScale * giBassLevel * (0.7 + (ivel * 0.4))
> ioct pow 2, p5
> ipitch = ioct * p6 * giBaseFreq
> ipan = p8
> xtratim 0.25
> ; fm pair 1
> index1 = 3.3 * (ivel * 0.9 + 0.1)
> iampatk1 = 0.05 * (1 - (ivel * 0.7 + 0.3))
> imodatk1 = 0.15 * (1 - (ivel * 0.5 + 0.5))
> kcar1amp linseg 0, iampatk1, 1, 0.2, 0.6, 1.5, 0.4, 1, 0.4
> kcar1amprel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.08, 0, 1, 0
> kcar1amp = kcar1amp * kcar1amprel * iamp
> kmod1amp linseg 0, imodatk1, 1, 0.55, 0.4, 2, 0.1, 1, 0.1
> kmod1amprel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.06, 0, 1, 0
> kmod1amp = kmod1amp * kmod1amprel * index1
> a1 foscili kcar1amp, ipitch, 1, 1, kmod1amp, 2
> ; fm pair 2 -- this is 1/10 the volume of pair 1, so it just adds color
> index2 = 3.6 * (ivel * 0.8 + 0.2)
> kcar2amp linseg 0, 0.01, 1, 0.05, 0.4, 2, 0.1, 1, 0.1
> kcar2amprel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.1, 0, 1, 0
> kcar2amp = kcar2amp * kcar2amprel * iamp * 0.1
> kmod2amp linseg 0, 0.01, 1, 0.35, 0.4, 1.8, 0, 1, 0
> kmod2amprel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.15, 0, 1, 0
> kmod2amp = kmod2amp * kmod2amprel * index2
> a2 foscili kcar2amp, ipitch, 2, 3, kmod2amp, 1
> ; mixing & output
> asig = a1 + a2
> aL, aR pan2 asig, ipan
> outs aL, aR
> endin
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; accordion
> instr 2
> ;;; score init values ;;;
> idur = abs(p3)
> ivel = p7
> iamp = p4 * giAmpScale * giAccordLevel * (0.8 + (ivel * 0.2))
> ioct pow 2, p5
> ipitch = p6 * ioct * giBaseFreq
> ipan = p8
> ;;; non-score init values ;;;
> iatt = 0.03 * (1 - (ivel * 0.5))
> irel = 0.03 * (1 + (ivel * 0.5))
> xtratim 0.1
> index = 0.3 + (ivel * 1.1)
> ;;; envelopes ;;;
> isuslevel = iamp * 0.8
> kamp linseg 0, iatt, iamp, idur, isuslevel, 1, isuslevel
> kamprel linseg 1, idur, 1, irel, 0, 1, 0
> kamp = kamp * kamprel
> kindex linseg index, 1.8, 0.1, 1, 0.1
> kindexrel linseg 1, idur, 1, irel, 0, 1, 0
> ;;; tone generation ;;;
> asig foscili kamp, ipitch, 1, 1, kindex, 3
> ;;; output ;;;
> isendlevel = 0.25
> gaRevSend = gaRevSend + (asig * isendlevel)
> aoutL, aoutR pan2 asig, ipan
> outs aoutL, aoutR
> endin
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; marimba
> instr 3
> idur = p3
> ivel = p7
> iamp = p4 * giAmpScale * giMarimLevel * (0.6 + (ivel * 0.5))
> ioct pow 2, p5
> ipitch = ioct * p6 * giBaseFreq
> ipan = p8
> xtratim 0.1
> ; main tone
> iatk1 = 0.001 + (0.004 * (1 - ivel))
> kamp1 linseg 0, iatk1, iamp, 0.6, 0, 1, 0
> kamp1rel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.01, 0, 1, 0
> kamp1 = kamp1 * kamp1rel
> index1 = 3.0 * ((ivel * 1.2) + 0.5)
> kindex1 expseg 0.0001, 0.001, index1, 0.6, 0.0001, 1, 0.0001
> kindex1rel linseg 1, idur, 1, 0.01, 0, 1, 0
> kindex1 = kindex1 * kindex1rel
> a1 foscili kamp1, ipitch, 1, 1, kindex1, 1
> ; "mallet"
> iatk2 = 0.001 + (0.004 * (1 - ivel))
> imalletamp = iamp * 0.6
> kamp2 linseg 0, iatk2, imalletamp, 0.012, 0, 1, 0
> index2 = 6.0 * (ivel + 0.5)
> kindex2 linseg 0, 0.001, index2, 0.011, 0, 1, 0
> a2 foscili kamp2, (ipitch + 3), 11, 7, kindex2, 1
> ; mixing & output:
> asig = a1 + a2
> isendlevel = 0.25
> gaRevSend = gaRevSend + (asig * isendlevel)
> aL, aR pan2 asig, ipan
> outs aL, aR
> endin
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; pad
> instr 4
> ;;; score init values ;;;
> idur = abs(p3)
> iamp = p4 * giAmpScale
> ioct pow 2, p5
> ipitch = p6 * ioct * giBaseFreq
> ivel = p7
> ipan = p8
> ;;; non-score init values ;;;
> iatt1 = 0.25 + (0.03 / ivel)
> irel1 = 0.35 + (0.05 / ivel)
> iatt2 = 0.13 + (0.04 / ivel)
> irel2 = 0.32 + (0.04 / ivel)
> xtratim 0.5
> index1 = 0.8 + ivel
> index2 = 0.6 + (ivel * 0.8)
> ;;; envelopes ;;;
> isuslevel1 = iamp * 0.8
> kamp1 linseg 0, iatt1, iamp, idur, isuslevel1, 1, isuslevel1
> kamprel1 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel1, 0, 1, 0
> kamp1 = kamp1 * kamprel1
> index1low = index1 * 0.5
> kindex1 linseg index1low, 1, index1, 2, index1low, 1, index1low
> kindexrel1 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel1, 0.2, 1, 0.2
> kindex1 = kindex1 * kindexrel1
> isuslevel2 = iamp * 0.7
> kamp2 linseg 0, iatt2, iamp, idur, isuslevel2, 1, isuslevel2
> kamprel2 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel2, 0, 1, 0
> kamp2 = kamp2 * kamprel2
> index2low = index2 * 0.5
> kindex2 linseg index2low, 1, index2, 2, index2low, 1, index2low
> kindexrel2 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel2, 0.2, 1, 0.2
> kindex2 = kindex2 * kindexrel2
> ;;; tone generation ;;;
> ifudge random 0, 50
> idetune = 0.1 + (ifudge * 0.005)
> a1 foscili kamp1, ipitch - idetune, 5, 7, kindex1, 1
> a2 foscili kamp2, ipitch + idetune, 11, 6, kindex2, 1
> ;;; output ;;;
> asig = a1 + a2
> isendlevel = 0.3
> gaRevSend = gaRevSend + (asig * isendlevel)
> aoutL, aoutR pan2 asig, ipan
> outs aoutL, aoutR
> endin
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; sine plunk
> instr 5
> idur = p3
> ivel = p7
> iamp = p4 * giAmpScale * (0.8 + (ivel * 0.2))
> ioct pow 2, p5
> ipitch = p6 * ioct * giBaseFreq
> ipan = p8
> xtratim 0.1
> iatk = 0.02 - (ivel * 0.02)
> kamp linseg 0, iatk, iamp, 0.25, 0, 1, 0
> kindex line (ivel * 2.4), idur, 0
> asig foscili kamp, ipitch, 1, 1, kindex, 1
> isendlevel = 0.25
> gaRevSend = gaRevSend + (asig * isendlevel)
> aL, aR pan2 asig, ipan
> outs aL, aR
> endin
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; decaying chord shimmer
> instr 6
> ;;; score init values ;;;
> idur = p3
> iamp = p4 * giAmpScale
> ioct pow 2, p5
> icps = p6 * ioct * giBaseFreq
> ivel = p7
> ipan = p8
> ;;; non-score init values ;;;
> iatt1 = 0.02
> irel1 = 0.2
> iatt2 = 0.01
> irel2 = 0.22
> xtratim 0.25
> index1 = 0.8
> index2 = 0.6
> ;;; envelopes ;;;
> ibplevel1 = iamp * 0.3
> islopetime = 2.0
> isuslevel1 = iamp * 0.1
> kamp1 linseg 0, iatt1, iamp, 1.2, ibplevel1, islopetime, isuslevel1, 1,
> 0, 1, 0
> kamprel1 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel1, 0, 1, 0
> kamp1 = kamp1 * kamprel1
> index1low = index1 * 0.1
> kindex1 linseg index1low, iatt1, index1, idur, index1low, 1, index1low
> kindexrel1 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel1, 0.2, 1, 0.2
> kindex1 = kindex1 * kindexrel1
> isuslevel2 = iamp * 0.1
> ibplevel2 = iamp * 0.3
> islopetime2 = 2.1
> kamp2 linseg 0, iatt2, iamp, 0.75, ibplevel2, islopetime2, isuslevel2,
> 1, 0, 1, 0
> kamprel2 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel2, 0, 1, 0
> kamp2 = kamp2 * kamprel2
> index2low = index2 * 0.1
> kindex2 linseg index2low, iatt2, index2, idur, index2low, 1, index2low
> kindexrel2 linseg 1, idur, 1, irel2, 0.2, 1, 0.2
> kindex2 = kindex2 * kindexrel2
> ;;; tone generation ;;;
> ifudge random 0, 50
> idetune = 0.2 + (ifudge * 0.007)
> a1 foscili kamp1, icps - idetune, 3, 5, kindex1, 1
> a2 foscili kamp2, icps + idetune, 7, 7, kindex2, 1
> ;;; output ;;;
> aoutL, aoutR pan2 a1+a2, ipan
> outs aoutL, aoutR
> endin
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; lead tone
> instr 7
> ;;; score init values ;;;
> idur = abs(p3)
> ivel = p7
> iamp = p4 * giAmpScale * giLeadLevel * (0.6 + (ivel * 0.4))
> ioct pow 2, p5
> ipitch = p6 * ioct * giBaseFreq
> ipan = p8
> ioldpitch = i(gkMelPitch)
> iskipinit = 0
> itie tival
> if (itie == 1) then
> iskipinit = -1
> else
> ; if this note is not a continuation of a previous note, store
> ; the pitch for purposes of glide:
> gkMelPitch = ipitch
> endif
> ;;; non-score init values ;;;
> iatt = 0.08 * (1.5 - ivel)
> irel = 0.06 * (1.5 - ivel)
> kampatk init 1
> kindexatk init 1
> kamprel init 1
> kindexrel init 1
> xtratim 0.1
> if (itie == 1) kgoto noattack
> kampatk linseg 0, iatt, 1, 1, 1
> kindexatk linseg 0, iatt, 1, 1, 1
> noattack:
> kamprel linseg 1, idur, 1, irel, 0, 1, 0
> kindexrel linseg 1, idur, 1, irel, 0, 1, 0
> indexstart = 0.9 + (1.3 * ivel)
> indexend = indexstart * 0.7
> ;;; envelopes ;;;
> isuslevel = iamp * 0.8
> kamp linseg iamp, idur, isuslevel, 1, isuslevel
> kamp = kampatk * kamp * kamprel
> kindex linseg indexstart, 1.8, indexend, 1, indexend
> kindex = kindex * kindexrel
> ; portamento control -- not currently in use:
> iportime = 0.005
> kpitch init ipitch
> ;if (itie == 1) then
> ; kpitch port ipitch, iportime, ioldpitch
> ;endif
> ;;; tone generation ;;;
> asig foscili kamp, kpitch, 1, 2, kindex, 1, iskipinit
> asig2 foscili (kamp * 0.35), ((kpitch * 4) + 3), 2.08, 3, (kindex *
> 0.6), 1, iskipinit
> ;;; output ;;;
> amix = asig + asig2
> isendlevel = 0.25
> gaRevSend = gaRevSend + (amix * isendlevel)
> aoutL, aoutR pan2 amix, ipan
> outs aoutL, aoutR
> endin
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; simple stereo delay
> instr 101
> ain = gaDelaySend
> gaDelaySend = 0
> adeloutL delayr 0.5625
> delayw (ain * 0.3) + (adeloutL * 0.3)
> adeloutR delayr 1.125
> delayw (ain * 0.2) + (adeloutR * 0.2)
> outs adeloutL, adeloutR
> endin
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> instr 201 ; a reverb send & return
> ; channel 1 is from i31, sandy, at beginning
> idur = p3
> iamp = p4
> ichan = p5
> itime = p6
> ain = gaRevSend
> arevL, arevR StereoVerb ain, itime, 0.1
> gaRevSend = 0
> kdeclick linseg 0, 0.01, iamp, (idur - 0.22), iamp, 0.2, 0, 1, 0
> arevL = arevL * kdeclick
> arevR = arevR * kdeclick
> outs arevL, arevR
> endin
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; sine wave
> f 1 0 4096 10 1
> ; band-limited tone
> f 2 0 4096 10 1 0.3 0.1
> ; another band-limited tone
> f 3 0 4096 10 1 0.5 0 0 0.15
> t0 320 219 320 228 220
> ; delay line instantiation:
> ; i101 0 50
> #define BAR # 12 #
> ; a 0 0 [$BAR * 18.5]
> ; reverb instantiation
> i201 0 260 0.12 0 1.2
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> #define FLOURISH #
> i1 0 2.6 0.2 1 1 0.7 0.5
> i1 3 8.6 . 1 1 0.9
> i3 0 1 0.1 2 1 0.8 0.7
> i3 0.6 . . . [5/4] 0.4
> i3 1.2 . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i3 1.8 . . 3 1 0.6
> i3 2.4 . . . [5/4] 0.7
> i3 3 3 0.15 . [3/2] 0.9
> i3 0 1 0.1 2 [5/4] 0.8 0.85
> i3 0.6 . . . [3/2] 0.4
> i3 1.2 . . 3 1 0.5
> i3 1.8 . . . [5/4] 0.6
> i3 2.4 . . . [3/2] 0.7
> i3 3 3 0.15 4 1 0.9
> i6 3 8 0.03 3 1 0.4 0.4
> i6 . . . . [5/4]
> i6 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 0 1 0.08 2 1 0.8 0.1
> i2 0.6 . . . [5/4] 0.3
> i2 1.2 . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i2 1.8 . . 3 1 0.6
> i2 2.4 . . . [5/4] 0.7
> i2 3 8 . . [3/2] 0.9
> i2 0 1 0.1 1 [3/2] 0.8 0.2
> i2 0.6 . . 2 1 0.3
> i2 1.2 . . . [5/4] 0.5
> i2 1.8 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i2 2.4 . . 3 1 0.7
> i2 3 8 . . [5/4] 0.9
> i5 6 1 0.24 3 1 0.7 0.9
> i5 7 . 0.22 . . 0.6 0.82
> i5 8 . 0.19 . . 0.5 0.74
> i5 9 . 0.16 . . 0.4 0.66
> i5 10 . 0.13 . . 0.33 0.58
> i5 11 . 0.1 . . 0.26 0.5
> i5 6 1 0.21 3 [5/4] 0.7 0.9
> i5 7 . 0.18 . . 0.6 0.82
> i5 8 . 0.16 . . 0.5 0.74
> i5 9 . 0.14 . . 0.4 0.66
> i5 10 . 0.11 . . 0.33 0.58
> i5 11 . 0.08 . . 0.26 0.5
> #
> #define BASS_01a #
> i1 0 2.8 0.2 1 1 0.8 0.5
> i1 3 . . . . 0.5
> i1 6 .
> i1 9 0.8 . . . 0.7
> i1 10 . . 0 [16/9] 0.5
> i1 11 . . 1 1 0.3
> #
> #define BASS_01b #
> i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [16/9] 0.8 0.5
> i1 3 . . . . 0.4
> i1 6 .
> i1 9 0.8 . . . 0.7
> i1 10 . . . [5/3] 0.5
> i1 11 . . . [16/9] 0.3
> #
> #define BASS_01d #
> i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [16/9] 0.8 0.5
> i1 3 0.8 . . . 0.8
> i1 4 . . . [5/3] 0.3
> i1 5 . . . [16/9] 0.5
> i1 6 1 . 1 1 0.9
> i1 7 0.8 . . . 0.7
> i1 8 . . . . 0.5
> i1 9 3 . . . 0.7
> #
> #define BASS_02a #
> i1 0 2.8 0.2 1 1 0.8 0.5
> i1 3 0.8 . 0 [3/2] 0.6
> i1 4 . . . [16/9] 0.5
> i1 5 0.7 . 1 1 0.4
> i1 6 2.8 . 1 1 0.7
> i1 9 0.8 . . . 0.6
> i1 10 . . 0 [16/9] 0.5
> i1 11 . . 1 1 0.6
> #
> #define BASS_02b #
> i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [16/9] 0.8 0.5
> i1 3 0.8 . . [4/3] 0.6
> i1 4 . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i1 5 0.7 . . [16/9] 0.4
> i1 6 2.8 . . . 0.7
> i1 9 0.8 . . . 0.6
> i1 10 . . . [5/3] 0.5
> i1 11 . . . [16/9] 0.6
> #
> #define BASS_02d #
> i1 0 1.4 0.2 0 [16/9] 0.8 0.5
> i1 1.5 1.3 . . [4/3] 0.7
> i1 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i1 4.5 . . . [16/9] 0.7
> i1 6 1 . 1 1 0.8
> i1 7 0.8 . . . 0.7
> i1 8 0.7 . . . 0.6
> i1 9 3 . . . 0.8
> #
> #define BASS_03a #
> i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [3/2] 0.7 0.5
> i1 3 2.7 . . . 0.6
> i1 6 2.9 . . . 0.7
> i1 9 0.8
> i1 10 0.7 . . [4/3] 0.6
> i1 11 0.8 . . [3/2] 0.7
> #
> #define BASS_03b #
> i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [5/3] 0.7 0.5
> i1 3 2.7 . . . 0.6
> i1 6 0.9 . . . 0.7
> i1 7 0.8 . . [15/8] 0.5
> i1 8 . . 1 1 0.6
> i1 9 0.9 . . . 0.7
> i1 10 0.8 . 0 [15/8] 0.6
> i1 11 0.7 . . [5/3] 0.5
> #
> #define BASS_03d #
> i1 0 2.8 0.2 0 [5/3] 0.8 0.5
> i1 3 2.7
> i1 6 2.8 . . [16/9] 0.85
> i1 9
> #
> #define ACC_01a #
> i2 0 1 0.1 3 1 0.7 0.2
> i2 1 . . . [5/4] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 2 0.9 . . [5/4]
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 3 1 . . [5/4]
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 4 . . . [9/8] 0.6
> i2 5 . . . [5/4] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 6 . . . 1 0.7
> i2 7 . . . [5/4] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 8 0.9 . . [5/4]
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 9 2.8 . . [5/4] 0.4
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> #
> #define ACC_01b #
> i2 0 1 0.1 2 [16/9] 0.7 0.2
> i2 1 . . 3 [10/9] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 2 0.9 . . [10/9]
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 3 1 . . [10/9]
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 4 . . 3 1 0.6
> i2 5 . . 3 [10/9] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 6 . . 2 [16/9] 0.7
> i2 7 . . 3 [10/9] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 8 0.9 . . [10/9]
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 9 2.8 . . [10/9] 0.4
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> #
> #define ACC_01d #
> i2 0 1 0.1 2 [16/9] 0.7 0.2
> i2 1 . . 3 [10/9] 0.6
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 2 . . . [10/9]
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 3 . . . [10/9]
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 4 . . . 1
> i2 5 . . . [10/9]
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 6 . . . [5/4] 0.7
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 7 . . . 1 0.6
> i2 8 . . . .
> i2 9 3 . . .
> #
> #define ACC_02a #
> i2 0 1 0.1 3 1 0.7 0.2
> i2 1 . . . [5/4] 0.6
> i2 . . . . [5/3]
> i2 2 . . . [5/4] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 3 . . . [5/4] 0.4
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 4 . . . [9/8] 0.5
> i2 5 . . . [5/4] 0.3
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 6 . . . 1 0.7
> i2 7 . . . [5/4] 0.6
> i2 . . . . [5/3]
> i2 8 . . . [5/4] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 9 3 . . [5/4] 0.4
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> #
> #define ACC_02b #
> i2 0 1 0.1 2 [16/9] 0.7 0.2
> i2 1 . . 3 [10/9] 0.6
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 2 . . . [10/9] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 3 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 4 . . 3 1 0.5
> i2 5 . . 3 [10/9] 0.3
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 6 . . 2 [16/9] 0.7
> i2 7 . . 3 [10/9] 0.6
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 8 . . . [10/9] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 9 3 . . [10/9] 0.4
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> #
> #define ACC_02d #
> i2 0 1 0.1 2 [16/9] 0.7 0.2
> i2 1 . . 3 [10/9] 0.6
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 2 . . . [10/9] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 3 . . . [10/9] 0.6
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 4 . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i2 . . . . [10/9]
> i2 5 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 6 . . . [5/4] 0.8
> i2 . . . . [3/2]
> i2 7 . . . 1 0.7
> i2 8 . . . . 0.6
> i2 9 3 . . .
> #
> #define ACC_03a #
> i2 0 1 0.1 2 [15/8] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 1 . . 2 [5/3] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [3/2]
> i2 2 . . 2 [15/8] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [3/2]
> i2 3 . . 2 [15/8] 0.7
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 4 . . 2 [5/3] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [5/4]
> i2 5 . . 2 [15/8] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 6 1 0.1 2 [15/8] 0.7
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 7 . . 2 [15/8] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [3/2]
> i2 8 . . 2 [15/8] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [3/2]
> i2 9 3 . 2 [15/8] 0.4
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> #
> #define ACC_03b #
> i2 0 1 0.1 3 1 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [5/4]
> i2 1 . . 2 [15/8] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 2 . . 3 1 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [5/4]
> i2 3 3 . 3 1 0.4
> i2 . . . . [5/4]
> i2 6 1 0.1 3 1 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [5/4]
> i2 7 . . 2 [15/8] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 8 . . 3 1 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [5/4]
> i2 9 3 . 3 1 0.4
> i2 . . . . [5/4]
> #
> #define ACC_03d #
> i2 0 1 0.1 3 1 0.8 0.2
> i2 . . . . [5/4]
> i2 1 . . . [5/3] 0.7
> i2 2 . . . 1 0.8
> i2 . . . . [5/4]
> i2 3 . . . [5/3] 0.7
> i2 4 . . . 1 0.8
> i2 . . . . [5/4]
> i2 5 . . . [5/3] 0.7
> i2 6 1 0.1 3 [10/9] 0.8 0.2
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 7 . . . [5/3] 0.7
> i2 8 . . . [10/9] 0.83
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 9 . . . [16/9] 0.75
> i2 10 . . . [10/9] 0.86
> i2 . . . . [4/3]
> i2 11 . . . 2 0.78
> #
> #define MARIMBA_01a #
> i3 0 1 0.07 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.8
> i3 1 . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i3 2 . . . [5/4] 0.4
> i3 3 . . . [5/3] 0.6
> i3 4 . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i3 5 . . . [5/4] 0.4
> i3 6 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i3 7 . . . [5/4] 0.6
> i3 8 . . . [3/2] 0.7
> i3 9 3 . 4 1 0.8
> #
> #define MARIMBA_01b #
> i3 0 1 0.07 3 [10/9] 0.6 0.8
> i3 1 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i3 2 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i3 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i3 4 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i3 5 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i3 6 . . . [32/27] 0.5
> i3 7 . . . [10/9] 0.6
> i3 8 . . . [4/3] 0.7
> i3 9 3 . . [16/9] 0.8
> #
> #define MARIMBA_01d #
> i3 0 1 0.07 3 [10/9] 0.6 0.8
> i3 1 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i3 2 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i3 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i3 4 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i3 5 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i3 6 . . . [5/4] 0.5
> i3 7 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i3 8 . . . [4/3] 0.7
> i3 9 . . . [5/4] 0.8
> i3 10 . . . [10/9] 0.7
> i3 11 . . . 1 0.6
> #
> #define MARIMBA_03a #
> i3 0 1 0.08 3 [9/8] 0.6 0.8
> i3 1 . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i3 2 . . . [15/8] 0.4
> i3 3 . . . [5/3] 0.6
> i3 4 . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i3 5 . . . [9/8] 0.4
> i3 6 . . . [15/8] 0.5
> i3 7 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i3 8 . . . [15/8] 0.7
> i3 9 . . . [5/4] 0.8
> i3 10 . . . [9/8] 0.7
> i3 11 . . . [4/3] 0.6
> #
> #define MARIMBA_03b #
> i3 0 1 0.08 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.8
> i3 1 . . . [5/3] 0.5
> i3 2 . . 4 1 0.4
> i3 3 . . 3 [15/8] 0.6
> i3 4 . . . [5/3] 0.5
> i3 5 . . . [5/4] 0.4
> i3 6 . . . [5/3] 0.5
> i3 7 . . . [5/4] 0.6
> i3 8 . . . [9/8] 0.7
> i3 9 . . . [5/4] 0.8
> i3 10 . . . [3/2] 0.7
> i3 11 . . . [5/3] 0.6
> #
> #define MARIMBA_03d #
> i3 0 0.75 0.08 3 1 0.8 0.8
> i3 . . . . [5/3]
> i3 0.75 . . . [5/4] 0.6
> i3 . . . . 2
> i3 1.5 . . . 1 0.7
> i3 . . . . [5/3]
> i3 2.25 . . . [5/4] 0.6
> i3 . . . . 2
> i3 3 . . . 1 0.8
> i3 . . . . [5/3]
> i3 3.75 . . . [5/4] 0.6
> i3 . . . . 2
> i3 4.5 . . . 1 0.7
> i3 . . . . [5/3]
> i3 5.25 . . . [5/4] 0.5
> i3 . . . . 2
> i3 6 0.75 0.08 3 [10/9] 0.8 0.8
> i3 . . . . [16/9]
> i3 6.75 . . . [4/3] 0.6
> i3 . . . 4 1
> i3 7.5 . . 3 [10/9] 0.7
> i3 . . . . [16/9]
> i3 8.25 . . . [4/3] 0.6
> i3 . . . 4 [10/9]
> i3 9 . . 3 [10/9] 0.8
> i3 . . . . [16/9]
> i3 9.75 . . . [4/3] 0.7
> i3 . . . 4 [10/9]
> i3 10.5 . . 3 [10/9] 0.8
> i3 . . . . [16/9]
> i3 11.25 . . . [5/3] 0.85
> i3 . . . 4 [5/4]
> #
> #define MARIMBA_04a #
> i3 0 1 0.07 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.8
> i3 1 . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i3 2 . . . [5/4] 0.4
> i3 3 . . . [5/3] 0.6
> i3 4 . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i3 5 . . . [5/4] 0.4
> i3 6 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i3 7 . . . [5/4] 0.6
> i3 8 . . . [3/2] 0.7
> i3 9 . . 4 1 0.8
> i3 10 . . 3 [3/2] 0.7
> i3 11 . . . [5/4] 0.4
> #
> #define MARIMBA_04b #
> i3 0 1 0.07 3 [10/9] 0.6 0.8
> i3 1 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i3 2 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i3 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i3 4 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i3 5 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i3 6 . . . [32/27] 0.5
> i3 7 . . . [10/9] 0.6
> i3 8 . . . [4/3] 0.7
> i3 9 . . . [16/9] 0.8
> i3 10 . . . [32/27] 0.7
> i3 11 . . . [10/9] 0.6
> #
> #define MARIMBA_04d #
> i3 0 1 0.07 3 [10/9] 0.6 0.8
> i3 1 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i3 2 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i3 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i3 4 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i3 5 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i3 6 . . . [5/4] 0.5
> i3 7 . . . 1 0.6
> i3 8 . . . 1 0.7
> i3 9 . . . [5/4] 0.8
> i3 10 . . . [10/9] 0.7
> i3 11 . . . 1 0.6
> #
> #define MELODY_01a #
> i7 0 2.5 0.23 3 [3/2] 0.75 0.5
> i7 2.6 -0.5 . . [10/9]
> i7 3 1 . . [5/4]
> i7 4 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i7 5 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 6 . . 4 1 0.75
> i7 7 . . 3 [3/2] 0.7
> i7 8 . . . [4/3] 0.6
> i7 9 . . . [5/4] 0.5
> i7 10 . . . [10/9]
> i7 11 . . . 1
> #
> #define MELODY_01b #
> i7 0 1 0.23 3 [10/9] 0.5 0.5
> i7 1 . . . [5/4] 0.55
> i7 2 . . . [4/3]
> i7 3 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 4 . . . [4/3] 0.55
> i7 5 . . . [5/4]
> i7 6 . . . [10/9] 0.6
> i7 7 . . . [5/4] 0.55
> i7 8 0.8 . . 1 0.5
> i7 9 -0.5 . . . 0.7
> i7 9.4 2.6 . . [10/9]
> #
> #define MELODY_01c #
> i7 0 1 0.23 3 [5/4] 0.5 0.5
> i7 1 . . . [4/3] 0.55
> i7 2 0.6 . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 2.7 -0.5 . . [16/9] 0.65
> i7 3.1 0.9 . . [5/3]
> i7 4 1 . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 5 . . . [4/3] 0.55
> i7 6 . . . [3/2] 0.7
> i7 7 . . 4 1 0.75
> i7 8 . . 3 [4/3] 0.65
> i7 9 . . . [5/4] 0.6
> i7 10 . . . [10/9] 0.55
> i7 11 . . . 1 0.5
> #
> #define MELODY_01d #
> i7 0 0.75 0.23 3 [4/3] 0.6 0.5
> i7 0.75 . . . [3/2] 0.62
> i7 1.5 . . . [4/3] 0.65
> i7 2.25 . . . [5/4] 0.7
> i7 3 . . . [10/9] 0.8
> i7 3.75 . . . [5/4] 0.75
> i7 4.5 . . . [4/3] 0.68
> i7 5.25 . . . [10/9] 0.55
> i7 6 1 . . [5/4] 0.8
> i7 7 . . . 1 0.6
> i7 8 0.8 . . 1 0.4
> i7 8.9 -0.3 . 2 [16/9] 0.6
> i7 9.2 2.8 . 3 1
> #
> #define MELODY_02c #
> i7 0 1 0.23 3 [5/4] 0.5 0.5
> i7 1 . . . [4/3] 0.55
> i7 2 0.6 . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 2.7 -0.5 . . [16/9] 0.65
> i7 3.1 0.9 . . [5/3]
> i7 4 1 . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 5 . . . [4/3] 0.55
> i7 6 0.6 . . [3/2] 0.65
> i7 6.6 0.45 . 4 1 0.7
> i7 7.2 . . 3 [16/9] 0.6
> i7 7.8 . . . [5/3] 0.55
> i7 8.4 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i7 9 1 . . [5/4] 0.45
> i7 10 . . . [10/9] 0.4
> i7 11 . . . 1
> #
> #define MELODY_02d #
> i7 0 0.75 0.23 3 [4/3] 0.7 0.5
> i7 0.75 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 1.5 . . . [4/3] 0.5
> i7 2.25 . . . [5/4]
> i7 3 . . . [10/9] 0.7
> i7 3.75 . . . [5/4] 0.55
> i7 4.5 . . . [4/3] 0.45
> i7 5.25 0.5 . . [10/9] 0.6
> i7 5.9 -0.6 . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 6.4 0.6 . . [5/4]
> i7 7 1 . . 1 0.7
> i7 8 0.8 . . 1 0.5
> i7 8.9 -0.35 . 2 [16/9] 0.7
> i7 9.2 2.8 . 3 1
> #
> #define MELODY_03a #
> i7 0 2.5 0.23 3 [3/2] 0.7 0.5
> i7 2.6 -0.5 . . [5/3]
> i7 3 1 . . [15/8]
> i7 4 . . . [5/3] 0.5
> i7 5 0.7 . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 5.7 -0.4 . 4 1 0.7
> i7 6.1 0.9 . 4 [9/8]
> i7 7 1 . . 1 0.5
> i7 8 . . 3 [15/8] 0.4
> i7 9 0.5 . 4 1 0.6
> i7 9.5 . . 3 [15/8] 0.4
> i7 10 1 . . [5/3] 0.6
> i7 11 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> #
> #define MELODY_03b #
> i7 0 3 0.23 3 [5/3] 0.6 0.5
> i7 3 1 . . [5/4]
> i7 4 . . . [9/8]
> i7 5 0.8 . . [5/4]
> i7 6 1 . . [5/4]
> i7 7 . . . [9/8]
> i7 8 0.6 . . [5/4]
> i7 8.8 -0.41 . . [9/8]
> i7 9.2 3 . . [5/4]
> #
> #define MELODY_03c #
> i7 0 2.5 0.23 3 [3/2] 0.6 0.5
> i7 2.6 -0.5 . . [5/3]
> i7 3 1 . . [15/8]
> i7 4 . . . [5/3]
> i7 5 0.7 . . [3/2]
> i7 5.7 -0.4 . 4 1
> i7 6.1 0.9 . 4 [9/8]
> i7 7 1 . . 1
> i7 8 . . 3 [15/8]
> i7 9 0.5 . 4 1
> i7 9.5 . . 3 [15/8]
> i7 10 1 . . [5/3]
> i7 11 . . . [3/2]
> #
> #define MELODY_03d #
> i7 0 0.6 0.23 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.5
> i7 0.6 . . . [9/8]
> i7 1.2 . . . [5/4]
> i7 1.8 . . . [3/2]
> i7 2.4 . . . [5/3]
> i7 3 . . . [3/2]
> i7 3.6 . . . [5/3]
> i7 4.2 . . 4 1
> i7 4.8 . . . [9/8]
> i7 5.4 . . . [5/4]
> i7 6 . . 3 [16/9]
> i7 6.6 . . 4 1
> i7 7.2 . . . [10/9]
> i7 7.8 . . . [5/4]
> i7 8.4 . . . [4/3]
> i7 9 . . . [10/9]
> i7 9.6 . . . [5/4]
> i7 10.2 . . . [4/3]
> i7 10.8 . . . [3/2]
> i7 11.4 . . . [10/9]
> #
> #define ECHO_01 #
> i1 0 1 0.2 1 1 0.7 0.5
> i1 1 0.8 . . . 0.6
> i1 2 . . . . 0.5
> i1 3 . 0.2 . . 0.7
> i1 4 . 0.2 0 [15/8] 0.6
> i1 5 . 0.2 . [5/3] 0.7
> i2 0 2.8 0.1 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.2
> i2 . . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i2 3 1 . . [5/4] 0.4
> i2 4 0.9 . . [10/9] 0.55
> i2 5 0.8 . . 1 0.7
> i7 0 0.5 0.23 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.5
> i7 0.5 0.5 . . [10/9] 0.3
> i7 1 1 . . 1 0.5
> i7 2 0.8 . . 1 0.4
> i7 2.9 -0.35 . 2 [16/9] 0.5
> i7 3.2 2.8 . 3 1
> i3 0 1 0.08 3 [5/4] 0.7 0.8
> i3 1 . . . [3/2] 0.2
> i3 2 . . . [4/3] 0.3
> i3 3 . . . [5/4] 0.4
> i3 4 . . . [10/9] 0.5
> i3 5 . . . 1 0.6
> #
> #define ECHO_02 #
> i1 0 1 0.2 1 1 0.7 0.5
> i1 1 0.8 . . . 0.6
> i1 2 . . . . 0.5
> i1 3 2.7 0.2 0 [9/5] 0.6
> i2 0 2.8 0.1 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.2
> i2 . . . . [3/2] 0.5
> i2 3 1 . . [6/5] 0.4
> i2 4 0.9 . . [16/15] 0.5
> i2 5 0.95 . 2 [9/5] 0.6
> i7 0 0.5 0.23 3 [5/4] 0.6 0.5
> i7 0.5 0.5 . . [10/9] 0.3
> i7 1 1 . . 1 0.5
> i7 2 0.8 . . 1 0.4
> i7 2.9 -0.35 . 2 [16/9] 0.5
> i7 3.2 2.8 . 3 1
> i3 0 1 0.08 3 [5/4] 0.7 0.8
> i3 1 . . . [3/2] 0.2
> i3 2 . . . [4/3] 0.3
> i3 3 . . . [3/2] 0.4
> i3 4 . . . [7/5] 0.5
> i3 5 . . . [10/9] 0.6
> #
> #define AbmACC_01(B) #
> i1 [0 + $B] 2.9 0.2 0 [8/5] 0.7 0.5
> i1 [3 + $B] 2.8 . . . 0.65
> i1 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i1 [9 + $B] 2.7 . . . 0.55
> i2 [0 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [1 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [16/15]
> i2 [2 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [3 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [4 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [16/15]
> i2 [5 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [6 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [8/5]
> i2 [7 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [8 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [16/15]
> i2 [9 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [10 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [16/15]
> i2 [11 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i3 [0 + $B] 1.3 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.8
> i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5
> i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [0 + $B] . . 3 [6/5] 0.7
> i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5
> i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> #
> #define AbmACC_02(B) #
> i1 [0 + $B] 2.7 0.2 0 [8/5] 0.7 0.5
> i1 [3 + $B] 0.9 . . [48/25]
> i1 [4 + $B] 0.8 . . [9/5] 0.65
> i1 [5 + $B] 0.7 . . [8/5] 0.6
> i1 [6 + $B] 2.8 . . . 0.55
> i1 [9 + $B] 2.7 . . . 0.5
> i2 [0 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [1 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [16/15]
> i2 [2 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [3 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [4 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [16/15]
> i2 [5 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [6 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [8/5]
> i2 [7 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [8 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [16/15]
> i2 [9 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i2 [10 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [16/15]
> i2 [11 + $B] . . 2 [48/25] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [6/5]
> i3 [0 + $B] 1.3 0.08 2 [48/25] 0.7 0.8
> i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5
> i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [0 + $B] . . 3 [6/5] 0.7
> i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5
> i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> #
> #define AbmMEL_01 #
> i7 7 1 0.23 2 [9/5] 0.35 0.5
> i7 8 . . . [48/25] 0.45
> i7 9 . . 3 [16/15] 0.55
> i7 10 . . . [11/10] 0.6
> i7 11 0.7 0.19 . [6/5] 0.5
> i7 11.9 -0.4 0.2 . [11/10] 0.65
> i7 12.2 3.4 0.23 . [6/5]
> i7 16 1 0.23 3 [8/5] 0.6
> i7 17 . . . [9/5] 0.5
> i7 18 . . . [48/25] 0.6
> i7 19 . . . [9/5] 0.5
> i7 20 . . . [8/5] 0.6
> i7 20.9 -0.4 0.2 . [11/10] 0.65
> i7 21.2 3 0.23 . [6/5]
> i7 23.8 -0.4 0.19 3 [1] 0.5 0.5
> i7 24.1 2.6 0.21 3 [9/8] 0.5 0.5
> i7 26.8 -0.4 . . [39/32]
> i7 27.1 0.8 0.21 . [9/8]
> i7 28 1 . . 1
> i7 29 0.7 . . [9/8]
> i7 29.8 -0.4 . . [39/32]
> i7 30 1 . . [9/8]
> i7 31 1 . . 1
> i7 32 0.7 . . [9/8]
> i7 33 0.4 . 2 [9/5]
> i7 33.428 . . . [15/8]
> i7 33.857 . . 3 [11/10]
> i7 34.285 . . . [9/8]
> i7 34.714 . . . [5/4]
> i7 35.143 . . . [21/16]
> i7 35.571 . . . [3/2]
> i7 36 2.6 0.21 . [8/5]
> i7 39 1 . . [6/5]
> i7 40 . . . [8/5]
> i7 41 . . . [9/5]
> i7 42 . . . [48/25]
> i7 43 . . 4 [16/15]
> i7 44 . . 3 [48/25]
> i7 45 . . . [9/5]
> i7 46 . . . [8/5]
> i7 47 . . 4 [16/15]
> i7 48 1 0.25 3 [15/8] 0.9
> i7 49 . 0.22 . [5/3] 0.7
> i7 50 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 51 . 0.21 . [9/8] 0.5
> i7 52 1 0.25 3 [15/8] 0.9
> i7 53 . 0.22 . [5/3] 0.7
> i7 54 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 55 . 0.21 . [9/8] 0.5
> i7 56 1 0.25 3 [15/8] 0.9
> i7 57 . 0.22 . [5/3] 0.7
> i7 58 . . . [3/2] 0.6
> i7 59 . 0.21 . [9/8] 0.5
> #
> #define GmACC_01(B) #
> i1 [0 + $B] 2.8 0.2 0 [3/2] 0.7 0.5
> i1 [3 + $B] 0.9 . . [9/5]
> i1 [4 + $B] 0.8 . . [5/3] 0.65
> i1 [5 + $B] 0.7 . . [3/2] 0.6
> i1 [6 + $B] 2.8 . . . 0.55
> i1 [9 + $B] 2.7 . . . 0.5
> i2 [0 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [9/5] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 [1 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [1]
> i2 [2 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 [3 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [9/5] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 [4 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [1]
> i2 [5 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 [6 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [9/5] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [3/2]
> i2 [7 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 [8 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [1]
> i2 [9 + $B] 1 0.08 2 [9/5] 0.7 0.2
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i2 [10 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.5
> i2 . . . 3 [1]
> i2 [11 + $B] . . 2 [9/5] 0.6
> i2 . . . 3 [9/8]
> i3 [0 + $B] 1.3 0.08 2 [9/5] 0.7 0.8
> i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5
> i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [0 + $B] . . 3 [9/8] 0.7
> i3 [1.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [3 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [4.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [6 + $B] . . . . 0.6
> i3 [7.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> i3 [9 + $B] . . . . 0.5
> i3 [10.5 + $B] . . . . 0.3
> #
> #define GmajACC_01(B) #
> i1 [0 + $B] 1.8 0.2 0 [3/2] 0.8 0.5
> i1 [2 + $B] . . . [9/8] 0.5
> i1 [4 + $B] 1.8 0.2 0 [3/2] 0.8 0.5
> i1 [6 + $B] . . . [9/8] 0.5
> i1 [8 + $B] 1.8 0.2 0 [3/2] 0.8 0.5
> i1 [10 + $B] . . . [9/8] 0.5
> #
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> b $BAR
> b [$BAR * 2]
> $BASS_01a
> $ACC_01a
> $MARIMBA_01a
> $MELODY_01a
> b [$BAR * 3]
> $BASS_01b
> $ACC_01b
> $MARIMBA_01b
> $MELODY_01b
> b [$BAR * 4]
> $BASS_01a
> $ACC_01a
> $MARIMBA_01a
> $MELODY_01c
> b [$BAR * 5]
> $BASS_01d
> $ACC_01d
> $MARIMBA_01d
> $MELODY_01d
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; 2nd phrase on C:
> b [$BAR * 6]
> $BASS_02a
> $ACC_02a
> $MARIMBA_01a
> $MELODY_01a
> b [$BAR * 7]
> $BASS_02b
> $ACC_02b
> $MARIMBA_01b
> $MELODY_01b
> b [$BAR * 8]
> $BASS_02a
> $ACC_02a
> $MARIMBA_01a
> $MELODY_02c
> b [$BAR * 9]
> $BASS_02d
> $ACC_02d
> $MARIMBA_01d
> $MELODY_02d
> b [$BAR * 10]
> $ECHO_01
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; 3rd phrase, to G:
> b [$BAR * 10.5]
> $BASS_03a
> $ACC_03a
> $MARIMBA_03a
> $MELODY_03a
> b [$BAR * 11.5]
> $BASS_03b
> $ACC_03b
> $MARIMBA_03b
> $MELODY_03b
> b [$BAR * 12.5]
> $BASS_03a
> $ACC_03a
> $MARIMBA_03a
> $MELODY_03c
> b [$BAR * 13.5]
> $BASS_03d
> $ACC_03d
> $MARIMBA_03d
> $MELODY_03d
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; back to C:
> b [$BAR * 14.5]
> $BASS_02a
> $ACC_02a
> $MARIMBA_04a
> $MELODY_01a
> b [$BAR * 15.5]
> $BASS_02b
> $ACC_02b
> $MARIMBA_04b
> $MELODY_01b
> b [$BAR * 16.5]
> $BASS_02a
> $ACC_02a
> $MARIMBA_04a
> $MELODY_02c
> b [$BAR * 17.5]
> $BASS_02d
> $ACC_02d
> $MARIMBA_04d
> $MELODY_02d
> b [$BAR * 18.5]
> $ECHO_02
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; phrase 5 -- something in Ab minor, perhaps?
> b [$BAR * 19]
> $AbmACC_01(0)
> $AbmACC_02(12)
> $AbmMEL_01
> b [$BAR * 21]
> $GmACC_01(0)
> b [$BAR * 22]
> $AbmACC_02(0)
> $GmajACC_01(12)
> e
> ________________________________
> View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2010-12-28 07:02
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
On 12/27/2010 10:37 PM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
> I'm not sure what the problem is, but I got the same errors you got
> when I rendered in QCS and on the command-line.  End result is Csound
> tidy up segfault.
> afaik there has only been Csound 5.12.1 for Windows.  Maybe you were
> using 5.11.x before?

I was using 5.12.1 before, installed on Sept. 15. What I don't know is
whether that .csd used to work with that version of Csound, because I
don't know when I last played it. I do know that it was _composed_ using
5.11, because my backup copy is dated June 18. So quite possibly I
hadn't played it after installing 5.12.1.

The problems with QuteCsound may involve other issues than that .csd,
however, as wasn't running during some of the crashes. One odd thing ...
the corrupted screenshot I posted shows this file (jig_02.csd) as the
active, unsaved file (look at the top of the window), but it wasn't the
file that was finishing playing at the moment when the crash happened,
and it hadn't been edited at any point. An entirely different file, one
that plays successfully every time, was just finishing up when that
crash occurred -- the crash occurred when I opened a spreadsheet in
OpenOffice (maybe a coincidence, maybe not). Other crashes happened when
nothing was playing, when I launched OpenOffice or when (just after
installing) I clicked on the browse button in the Configuration dialog
to select an audio output.

But in general, that one .csd seems to crash quite consistently. It did
play successfully once (out of a dozen or so tries).

View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2010-12-28 07:09
Fromandy fillebrown
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Hi Jim,

You may want to check your environment variables.  They tend to get
messed up when Csound is re-installed.  Other than that, the only
reason I can think of that OpenOffice would cause issues for
QuteCsound is if the virtual and widgets opcodes are in the plugins
folder, but you said they were removed so I'm mystified at the moment.
 I may know more later.

~ andy.f

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 2:02 AM, Jim Aikin  wrote:
> On 12/27/2010 10:37 PM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
>> I'm not sure what the problem is, but I got the same errors you got
>> when I rendered in QCS and on the command-line.  End result is Csound
>> tidy up segfault.
>> afaik there has only been Csound 5.12.1 for Windows.  Maybe you were
>> using 5.11.x before?
> I was using 5.12.1 before, installed on Sept. 15. What I don't know is
> whether that .csd used to work with that version of Csound, because I
> don't know when I last played it. I do know that it was _composed_ using
> 5.11, because my backup copy is dated June 18. So quite possibly I
> hadn't played it after installing 5.12.1.
> The problems with QuteCsound may involve other issues than that .csd,
> however, as wasn't running during some of the crashes. One odd thing ...
> the corrupted screenshot I posted shows this file (jig_02.csd) as the
> active, unsaved file (look at the top of the window), but it wasn't the
> file that was finishing playing at the moment when the crash happened,
> and it hadn't been edited at any point. An entirely different file, one
> that plays successfully every time, was just finishing up when that
> crash occurred -- the crash occurred when I opened a spreadsheet in
> OpenOffice (maybe a coincidence, maybe not). Other crashes happened when
> nothing was playing, when I launched OpenOffice or when (just after
> installing) I clicked on the browse button in the Configuration dialog
> to select an audio output.
> But in general, that one .csd seems to crash quite consistently. It did
> play successfully once (out of a dozen or so tries).
> ________________________________
> View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2010-12-28 07:11
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Okay, that file plays successfully in 5.11.1-d for Windows, so there would
appear to be a bug in 5.12.1.

However -- bam, QuteCsound just quit unexpectedly again, while Csound
(5.11.1) was NOT running a playback process, when I opened a word processor
file using OpenOffice 3.1. Twice in a row. Something very ugly going on


Date2010-12-28 07:21
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Forgot to remove the three naughty .dll files when I reinstalled 5.11.1. Now
that they're gone, I can launch OpenOffice files without QuteCsound

However, the earlier unexpected quits, when I was running 5.12.1, happened
even though those .dll's were NOT in the Csound system.

Date2010-12-28 07:33
Fromandy fillebrown
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Can you post your system's environment variables?  They're probably a
mess at this point.

~ af

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 2:21 AM, Jim Aikin  wrote:
> Forgot to remove the three naughty .dll files when I reinstalled 5.11.1. Now
> that they're gone, I can launch OpenOffice files without QuteCsound
> crashing.
> However, the earlier unexpected quits, when I was running 5.12.1, happened
> even though those .dll's were NOT in the Csound system.
> --
> View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/QuteCsound-Quitting-Unexpectedly-tp3319963p3320018.html
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>            https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2010-12-28 07:51
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
On 12/27/2010 11:33 PM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
> Can you post your system's environment variables?  They're probably a
> mess at this point.
Where would I find that information? I'm looking in the QuteCsound
Configuration > Environment box, and OPCODEDIR is blank, which may be a
bad sign. On the other hand, there's no field in that box for
OPCODEDIR64, which according to the Canonical Manual is "mandatory." So
it's a reasonable bet that the variables are set elsewhere.

That page in the Manual tells how to find the environment variables in
Windows XP and 2000, but there's no information on Windows 7. I can't
find anything about environment variables in Windows Control Panel -- I
think I need to run something or other from the command line, but what???

Okay, here's a clue, maybe. From the command prompt, I type 'path'. I
get a list of the PATH settings. No less than six of the settings are:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin

To my untutored eye, this doesn't look good. But I would have not the
faintest clue how to edit it, or even whether it needs editing. Suggestions?


View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2010-12-28 08:04
Fromandy fillebrown
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
In the command prompt, type "set" to see all your variables.

To post those here you have to change the command-line box to "Quick
Edit" mode first.
Click the system menu at the top left corner of the command-line box
and select "Properties".
Then, enable "QuickEdit Mode".

If that worked you can select the text output from the "set" command
and press "Enter" to copy it to the system clipboard.  Paste that in
an email so I can take a look.

To change the environment variables on Win7, click through the
following to get to the environment variables dialog box:
Computer->Properties->Advanced System Settings->Environment Variables

It should be self-explanatory after that but programs won't see the
changes until they are individually restarted, or you can just reboot
to make sure.

~ af

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 2:51 AM, Jim Aikin  wrote:
> On 12/27/2010 11:33 PM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
>> Can you post your system's environment variables?  They're probably a
>> mess at this point.
> Where would I find that information? I'm looking in the QuteCsound
> Configuration > Environment box, and OPCODEDIR is blank, which may be a
> bad sign. On the other hand, there's no field in that box for
> OPCODEDIR64, which according to the Canonical Manual is "mandatory." So
> it's a reasonable bet that the variables are set elsewhere.
> That page in the Manual tells how to find the environment variables in
> Windows XP and 2000, but there's no information on Windows 7. I can't
> find anything about environment variables in Windows Control Panel -- I
> think I need to run something or other from the command line, but what???
> Okay, here's a clue, maybe. From the command prompt, I type 'path'. I
> get a list of the PATH settings. No less than six of the settings are:
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin
> To my untutored eye, this doesn't look good. But I would have not the
> faintest clue how to edit it, or even whether it needs editing. Suggestions?
> --JA
> ________________________________
> View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2010-12-28 08:06
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
On 12/27/2010 11:33 PM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
> Can you post your system's environment variables?  They're probably a
> mess at this point.
Okay, here's some more information. I found the Environment Variables

OPCODEDIR is C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins, and OPCODEDIR64 is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins64. That looks okay. However,
Csound\bin is listed six times under Path (along with some other stuff),
and also six times under PYTHONPATH (by itself, as Python is not
installed on this system). This doesn't look so good.

RAWWAVE_PATH shows C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\samples. That may be
okay. Also probably okay is CSOUNDRC, which is C:\Program Files

View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2010-12-28 08:08
Fromandy fillebrown
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
I need to see the "other stuff" on the PATH, and I need to know what
order it's in.

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 3:06 AM, Jim Aikin  wrote:
> On 12/27/2010 11:33 PM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
>> Can you post your system's environment variables?  They're probably a
>> mess at this point.
> Okay, here's some more information. I found the Environment Variables
> window.
> OPCODEDIR is C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins, and OPCODEDIR64 is
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins64. That looks okay. However,
> Csound\bin is listed six times under Path (along with some other stuff),
> and also six times under PYTHONPATH (by itself, as Python is not
> installed on this system). This doesn't look so good.
> RAWWAVE_PATH shows C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\samples. That may be
> okay. Also probably okay is CSOUNDRC, which is C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Csound\.csoundrc.
> ________________________________
> View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
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Date2010-12-28 08:14
Fromandy fillebrown
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
To elaborate, there only needs to be one C:\Program Files
(x86)\Csound\bin in the PATH and PYTHONPATH, but it doesn't cause a
problem if there's more than one and it's identical to the first one.
What's important to me is the stuff that comes before the first
Csound\bin entry in the PATH, and ideally I'd like to see all your
environment variables as output by the "set" command -- just to make
sure something funky is going on.

~ af

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 3:08 AM, andy fillebrown
> I need to see the "other stuff" on the PATH, and I need to know what
> order it's in.
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 3:06 AM, Jim Aikin  wrote:
>> On 12/27/2010 11:33 PM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
>>> Can you post your system's environment variables?  They're probably a
>>> mess at this point.
>> Okay, here's some more information. I found the Environment Variables
>> window.
>> OPCODEDIR is C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins, and OPCODEDIR64 is
>> C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins64. That looks okay. However,
>> Csound\bin is listed six times under Path (along with some other stuff),
>> and also six times under PYTHONPATH (by itself, as Python is not
>> installed on this system). This doesn't look so good.
>> RAWWAVE_PATH shows C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\samples. That may be
>> okay. Also probably okay is CSOUNDRC, which is C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\Csound\.csoundrc.
>> ________________________________
>> View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
>> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2010-12-28 08:16
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
On 12/28/2010 12:05 AM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:

> In the command prompt, type "set" to see all your variables.
> To post those here you have to change the command-line box to "Quick
> Edit" mode first.
> Click the system menu at the top left corner of the command-line box
> and select "Properties".
> Then, enable "QuickEdit Mode".
> If that worked you can select the text output from the "set" command
> and press "Enter" to copy it to the system clipboard.  Paste that in
> an email so I can take a look.

Here ya go.

C:\Users\Jim Aikin>set
APPDATA=C:\Users\Jim Aikin\AppData\Roaming
CLASSPATH=.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files
CSOUNDRC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\.csoundrc
GS_PROG=C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.71\bin\gswin32c.exe
HOMEPATH=\Users\Jim Aikin
LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\Jim Aikin\AppData\Local
OnlineServices=Online Services
OPCODEDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins
OPCODEDIR64=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins64
\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program
Files (x86
)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\GTK2-Runtime\bin;C:\Program Files
nd\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
em\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
am Files (x86)\CVSNT\
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel
ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)
ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files
PYTHONPATH=;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
(x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program F
iles (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin
QTJAVA=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
RAWWAVE_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\samples
USERPROFILE=C:\Users\Jim Aikin

View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2010-12-28 08:27
Fromandy fillebrown
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Thanks.  Unfortunately, I don't see anything funky going on there.
I'll see if I can get OpenOffice to reproduce the QCS crash you're
describing when I get a chance.

~ andy.f

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 3:16 AM, Jim Aikin  wrote:
> On 12/28/2010 12:05 AM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
>> In the command prompt, type "set" to see all your variables.
>> To post those here you have to change the command-line box to "Quick
>> Edit" mode first.
>> Click the system menu at the top left corner of the command-line box
>> and select "Properties".
>> Then, enable "QuickEdit Mode".
>> If that worked you can select the text output from the "set" command
>> and press "Enter" to copy it to the system clipboard.  Paste that in
>> an email so I can take a look.
> Here ya go.
> C:\Users\Jim Aikin>set
> APPDATA=C:\Users\Jim Aikin\AppData\Roaming
> asl.log=Destination=file;OnFirstLog=command,environment
> CLASSPATH=.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
> CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
> CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
> CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files
> ComSpec=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
> CSOUNDRC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\.csoundrc
> GS_PROG=C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.71\bin\gswin32c.exe
> HOMEPATH=\Users\Jim Aikin
> LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\Jim Aikin\AppData\Local
> OnlineServices=Online Services
> OPCODEDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins
> OPCODEDIR64=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins64
> OS=Windows_NT
> Path=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32
> \WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program
> Files (x86
> )\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\GTK2-Runtime\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Csou
> nd\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\QuickTime\QTSyst
> em\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Progr
> am Files (x86)\CVSNT\
> PCBRAND=Pavilion
> Platform=HPD
> PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel
> ProgramData=C:\ProgramData
> ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
> ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)
> ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files
> PSModulePath=C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
> PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public
> PYTHONPATH=;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Csound\bin;
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program F
> iles (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin
> QTJAVA=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
> RAWWAVE_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\samples
> SystemDrive=C:
> SystemRoot=C:\Windows
> TEMP=C:\Users\JIMAIK~1\AppData\Local\Temp
> TMP=C:\Users\JIMAIK~1\AppData\Local\Temp
> USERNAME=Jim Aikin
> USERPROFILE=C:\Users\Jim Aikin
> windir=C:\Windows
> ________________________________
> View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
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Date2010-12-28 09:17
FromAndres Cabrera
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Hi Jim,

Was the problem solved by removing the fltk plugins or is it still happening?


On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 8:16 AM, Jim Aikin  wrote:
> On 12/28/2010 12:05 AM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
>> In the command prompt, type "set" to see all your variables.
>> To post those here you have to change the command-line box to "Quick
>> Edit" mode first.
>> Click the system menu at the top left corner of the command-line box
>> and select "Properties".
>> Then, enable "QuickEdit Mode".
>> If that worked you can select the text output from the "set" command
>> and press "Enter" to copy it to the system clipboard.  Paste that in
>> an email so I can take a look.
> Here ya go.
> C:\Users\Jim Aikin>set
> APPDATA=C:\Users\Jim Aikin\AppData\Roaming
> asl.log=Destination=file;OnFirstLog=command,environment
> CLASSPATH=.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
> CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
> CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
> CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files
> ComSpec=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
> CSOUNDRC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\.csoundrc
> GS_PROG=C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.71\bin\gswin32c.exe
> HOMEPATH=\Users\Jim Aikin
> LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\Jim Aikin\AppData\Local
> OnlineServices=Online Services
> OPCODEDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins
> OPCODEDIR64=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins64
> OS=Windows_NT
> Path=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32
> \WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program
> Files (x86
> )\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\GTK2-Runtime\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Csou
> nd\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\QuickTime\QTSyst
> em\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Progr
> am Files (x86)\CVSNT\
> PCBRAND=Pavilion
> Platform=HPD
> PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel
> ProgramData=C:\ProgramData
> ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
> ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)
> ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files
> PSModulePath=C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
> PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public
> PYTHONPATH=;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Csound\bin;
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program F
> iles (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin
> QTJAVA=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
> RAWWAVE_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\samples
> SystemDrive=C:
> SystemRoot=C:\Windows
> TEMP=C:\Users\JIMAIK~1\AppData\Local\Temp
> TMP=C:\Users\JIMAIK~1\AppData\Local\Temp
> USERNAME=Jim Aikin
> USERPROFILE=C:\Users\Jim Aikin
> windir=C:\Windows
> ________________________________
> View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2010-12-28 12:52
Fromandy fillebrown
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
I am unable to reproduce the OpenOffice issue, so far.  I tried it
with and without the offending fltk opcodes and it wouldn't crash
either way.  I also tried it with the QuteCsound from the Csound
package and the QuteCsound from the QuteCsound package.  Everything
worked fine.  I'm sorry, but I don't know what's wrong.

~ andy.f

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 3:27 AM, andy fillebrown
> Thanks.  Unfortunately, I don't see anything funky going on there.
> I'll see if I can get OpenOffice to reproduce the QCS crash you're
> describing when I get a chance.
> Cheers,
> ~ andy.f
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 3:16 AM, Jim Aikin  wrote:
>> On 12/28/2010 12:05 AM, andy fillebrown [via Csound] wrote:
>>> In the command prompt, type "set" to see all your variables.
>>> To post those here you have to change the command-line box to "Quick
>>> Edit" mode first.
>>> Click the system menu at the top left corner of the command-line box
>>> and select "Properties".
>>> Then, enable "QuickEdit Mode".
>>> If that worked you can select the text output from the "set" command
>>> and press "Enter" to copy it to the system clipboard.  Paste that in
>>> an email so I can take a look.
>> Here ya go.
>> C:\Users\Jim Aikin>set
>> APPDATA=C:\Users\Jim Aikin\AppData\Roaming
>> asl.log=Destination=file;OnFirstLog=command,environment
>> CLASSPATH=.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
>> CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
>> CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
>> CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files
>> ComSpec=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
>> CSOUNDRC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\.csoundrc
>> GS_PROG=C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.71\bin\gswin32c.exe
>> HOMEPATH=\Users\Jim Aikin
>> LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\Jim Aikin\AppData\Local
>> OnlineServices=Online Services
>> OPCODEDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins
>> OPCODEDIR64=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\plugins64
>> OS=Windows_NT
>> Path=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32
>> \WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program
>> Files (x86
>> )\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\GTK2-Runtime\bin;C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\Csou
>> nd\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\QuickTime\QTSyst
>> em\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Progr
>> am Files (x86)\CVSNT\
>> PCBRAND=Pavilion
>> Platform=HPD
>> PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel
>> ProgramData=C:\ProgramData
>> ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
>> ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)
>> ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files
>> PSModulePath=C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
>> PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public
>> PYTHONPATH=;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\Csound\bin;
>> C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program F
>> iles (x86)\Csound\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\bin
>> QTJAVA=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
>> RAWWAVE_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Csound\samples
>> SystemDrive=C:
>> SystemRoot=C:\Windows
>> TEMP=C:\Users\JIMAIK~1\AppData\Local\Temp
>> TMP=C:\Users\JIMAIK~1\AppData\Local\Temp
>> USERNAME=Jim Aikin
>> USERPROFILE=C:\Users\Jim Aikin
>> windir=C:\Windows
>> ________________________________
>> View this message in context: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
>> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Date2010-12-28 13:46
FromVictor Lazzarini
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: QuteCsound Quitting Unexpectedly
Windows ;-)
On 28 Dec 2010, at 12:52, andy fillebrown wrote:

> I'm sorry, but I don't know what's wrong.

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