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[Csnd] getting chiptune sounds out of CSound

Date2010-11-05 13:18
From"Arthur Pirika"
Subject[Csnd] getting chiptune sounds out of CSound
Hi, as the subject says, I've been looking and I think I've found most, of 
what would be needed to get that classic chiptune sound out of our favourite 
toy/tool... I'm thinking of things like the classic sound of the sid, or the 
nes, or the warbling, arpeggiated chords. Here's what I've found so far, and 
what I need help with.

waveforms. cs has all the basics, pwm, tri, saw, even noise, although it's 
not quite the noise I'd be looking for here. Most chips tied the noise gen 
to the CPU clock, so, you could varry the frequency of the noise and get 
either the typical high hiss of white noise, or a low, rumbling/seashore 
type effect.

Filters: no problem here, loads of different options available. going to 
have fun with this one.

chip drums: The problem here is that many chip composers would do rapid 
switching of waveforms, typically noise, to a square/triangle, combined with 
a pitch envelope. The problem here is, how would you have an instrument 
switch to completely different waveforms, but still keep a note going? Maybe 
some table lookups?

finally, arps: Again, the question is, how to store and use a sequence of 
relative steps from a bass note, and have this sequence looping for the 
duration of a note? Typical arps would be, 0, 3, 7 for a c minour chord (0 
steps from bass note of c, then 3 steps from c, to Eb, and finally 7 steps 
from C, to g). same for 0, 4, 7, a major arp.

If anyone wants to look mor deeply into the way computer chips work, in 
terms of sound, take a look at:
http://www.zenpho.co.uk/PhillPhelps-ChiptuneSynth.pdf. It was written for 
max/pd, but I'm sure could be adopted to cSound.


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Date2010-11-05 13:28
FromRory Walsh
Subject[Csnd] Re: getting chiptune sounds out of CSound
You can load the arpeggiator steps into a function table, see below.
Also there are a few oscillators that allow changes of function
tables, you'll need to look at the manual, i can't recall the names of
them off the top of my head.


sr = 44100
nchnls = 1

instr 1
k1 oscil 1, .5, 2
a1 oscil 10000, cpspch(7+k1),1
out a1

f1 0 1024 10 1
f2 0 4 -2 0 .04 .07 .04
i1 0 100

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Date2010-11-06 14:05
Subject[Csnd] Re: getting chiptune sounds out of CSound
Am 05.11.2010 14:18, schrieb Arthur Pirika:
> waveforms. cs has all the basics, pwm, tri, saw, even noise, although 
> it's not quite the noise I'd be looking for here. Most chips tied the 
> noise gen to the CPU clock, so, you could varry the frequency of the 
> noise and get either the typical high hiss of white noise, or a low, 
> rumbling/seashore type effect.

Hi Arthur,

feeding white noise into a sample/hold unit and sampling it at audio 
rate gives that effect of clocked digital noise generators. Like in the 
following example. ksmps = 1 is important here to generate proper 
trigger signals for the s&h stage.


sr = 44100
kr = 44100
ksmps = 1
nchnls = 1

instr 1
   ; demonstration of variable clock frequencies
   kfreq expon 4000, p3, 40
   ; make noise
   anoise noise 20000, 0
   ; clock generator for the sample & hold unite
   kclock lfo 1, kfreq, 2
   ktrigger trigger kclock, 0, 0
   ; sample the white noise peridocally
   asampled samphold anoise, ktrigger
   ; no comment ;-)
   out asampled

i1 0 6

Hope that's what you looked for...


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Date2010-11-06 21:24
FromMark Van Peteghem
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: getting chiptune sounds out of CSound
Jana wrote:
> Am 05.11.2010 14:18, schrieb Arthur Pirika:
>> waveforms. cs has all the basics, pwm, tri, saw, even noise, although 
>> it's not quite the noise I'd be looking for here. Most chips tied the 
>> noise gen to the CPU clock, so, you could varry the frequency of the 
>> noise and get either the typical high hiss of white noise, or a low, 
>> rumbling/seashore type effect.
> Hi Arthur,
> feeding white noise into a sample/hold unit and sampling it at audio 
> rate gives that effect of clocked digital noise generators. Like in 
> the following example. ksmps = 1 is important here to generate proper 
> trigger signals for the s&h stage.

Doesn't the randh opcode do the same thing? And it doesn't require ksmps 
= 1.

Date2010-11-06 22:30
FromAidan Collins
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: getting chiptune sounds out of CSound
Jacob Joaquin had a nice blog post about creating Pac Man sounds on
the csound blog.


might want to check out the .csd in that post.


On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Mark Van Peteghem
> Jana wrote:
>> Am 05.11.2010 14:18, schrieb Arthur Pirika:
>>> waveforms. cs has all the basics, pwm, tri, saw, even noise, although
>>> it's not quite the noise I'd be looking for here. Most chips tied the noise
>>> gen to the CPU clock, so, you could varry the frequency of the noise and get
>>> either the typical high hiss of white noise, or a low, rumbling/seashore
>>> type effect.
>> Hi Arthur,
>> feeding white noise into a sample/hold unit and sampling it at audio rate
>> gives that effect of clocked digital noise generators. Like in the following
>> example. ksmps = 1 is important here to generate proper trigger signals for
>> the s&h stage.
> Doesn't the randh opcode do the same thing? And it doesn't require ksmps =
> 1.
> --
>  Mark
>  _________________________________________
>  When you get lemons, you make lemonade.
>  When you get hardware, you make software.
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