| im not sure if i understand what you are trying to do, but
i think you want to use "event_i" instead
(and can get rid of all the if/then stuff -- although probably replacing goto with a kgoto would
make it work too..)
On Aug 27, 2011, at 4:25 PM, Dennis Raddle wrote:
> Below is the code I'm using to create an instrument (instr 1) that
> invokes another instrument (instr 100) via the "event" opcode. I'm
> running instr 1 as a midi instrument and invoking instr 100. I read
> the midi key number via the --midi-key=5 flag. There seems to be some
> problem doing arithmetic on the midi key and passing it to instr 100.
> See below
> ; instr 1 is
> ; a midi instrument that takes the midi key via p5 and
> ; triggers one or more events via the 'event' opcode
> instr 1
> iampl = p4
> ikey = p5
> idur = i(gk__41)
> iovl = i(gk__42)
> ; itb: time between instrument invocations
> itb = idur-iovl
> ktrigger init 1
> if (ktrigger == 0) goto contin
> ;;; it is supposed to do this: several events representing a rising scale
> event "i", 100, 0*itb, idur, iampl, ikey
> event "i", 100, 1*itb, idur, iampl, ikey + 2
> event "i", 100, 2*itb, idur, iampl, ikey + 4
> ;; but there is something wrong with adding a number to ikey. even
> ;; just the following causes the problem. see below for description of
> ;; problem
> event "i", 100, 1*itb, idur, iampl, ikey + 2
> ktrigger = 0
> contin:
> endin
> ;; instr 100 is this
> instr 100
> idur=p3
> iampl = p4
> ikey = p5
> ;; the following debugging line prints the same key
> ;; every time instr 100 is invoked. I think the specific
> ;; key it prints is the value it has on the first invocation
> print key
> ;; lots of stuff here
> endin
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