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[Csnd] [ot] quince anniversary update v0.9.7

Date2011-08-16 01:04
FromMaximilian Marcoll
Subject[Csnd] [ot] quince anniversary update v0.9.7

Dear Csounders,

It is with the greatest pleasure, that I announce quince's first anniversary update.

This is the biggest update yet, with 14 new plug-ins, 5 new features, one new object type, 
significant performance improvements and many bug-fixes.

I hope some of you will find this as exciting as I do.

As usual, the binary release is ready for download at: http://quince.maximilianmarcoll.de/

The sources are available at http://github.com/mmax/quince

All the best,


PS: As always, any feedback is much appreciated.
Please forward this message to anyone who might be interested.


Date2011-08-16 04:02
FromKelly Hirai
Subject[Csnd] mail server test -disregard-
new courier installation. don't think of a monkey sound.

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