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Re: [Csnd] How to learn if file exists without using filevalid?

Date2013-01-06 19:46
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] How to learn if file exists without using filevalid?
John -

No, I have no compilation tools.

What I could really use is filevalid compiled for Csound 5.06 floats.

5.06 (floats) is the version of Csound I use with Lettuce (Windows) - for 
which I have only the floats version - for purposes of standalone 
performance of my realtime Csound works. 5.06 has everything I need, and 
requires the fewest modules to be shipped in comparison with later versions.

Alternately, any Windows floats version of Csound 5.11 or later (these 
include filevalid).

But see my following response to you, John.

Art Hunkins

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] How to learn if file exists without using filevalid?

> filevalid is a simple opcode with no dependencies so compiling it for
> Windows should be easy.  Do you have any  compilation tools?
>> hi,
>> perhaps system opcode http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/system.html
>> would help you., The command to run depends on the system you are using
>> greetings,
>> tarmo
>> On Saturday 05 January 2013 20:41:35 Art Hunkins wrote:
>>> Does anyoe know a simple and straightfoward way of learning whether or
>>> not a
>>> given file exists in the csound directory without using the filevalid
>>> opcode?
>>> I need to use a version of Csound (floats) prior to 5.12 (when filevalid
>>> appeared). Floats was no longer compiled for Windows from sometime
>>> before
>>> 5.12.
>>> I'm aware that events attempting to be played using nonexistent samples
>>> will
>>> be deleted, and performance continue - but I'd like a solution more
>>> "elegant" and economical than that if possible.
>>> Art Hunkins
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