| TclCsound is an option, another is Python.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Redfern"
Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2008 6:31 PM
Subject: [Csnd] csound runs suprisingly well on the eeepc
> At first I was just excited to get csound on the eeepc, but now that
> I'm using it to run csound in realtime, I'm suprised by how well it
> performs given that this a much more limited system than my macbook
> pro or lenovo laptops. Its a little too limited on disk space to run
> Blue though, also its got a small screen. But I'm looking at tclCsound
> library to write a live coding interface in tcl/tk that's lightweight
> enough to run on the eeepc. I could put java and blue on here, its
> fast enough, but there wouldn't be much disk space left, java se is
> pretty huge these days, while tcl/tk is still very small in
> comparison.
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