| Michael,
I still can't get over the music by Michael Praetorius that you
and I heard at St Mary Abbots, London in December 2008. He has
music that when performed just right, is amazing. It's not easy
and can sound very dissonant in a bad way, if the performers are
tight. Definitely not static, somewhat abstract, and it does
definitely express something. Got the point across well. Room
acoustics were of some help too. We tried some of his music in
college, when I was a music student. It's was passable nothing
like what you and I heard that evening.
Definitely done right that night.
But then again, music (and the arts in general) is such a
subjective thing. Almost,.... almost folly to try to quantify it
--- michael.gogins@gmail.com wrote:
From: Michael Gogins
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [Csnd] [OT] what is music?
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 09:19:12 -0500
I believe that music cannot be static, and that if people quite
producing new music, people would eventually lose interest in old
music and start doing something other than music to fulfill its
This is because although music is quite abstract, it does definitely
express something -- many things -- that often are intimately wound up
with the spirit of the times and the issues of the times. The marching
tunes of one war do not suit the next war, it requires new ones. The
dance music of one era do not suit the courtships of the next era,
they require new music.
Surely this is obvious.
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 9:12 AM, David Picón Álvarez
> On 15/02/2011 15:00, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>> Well, 'amusia' is a reported condition, so there are people who either
>> go completely without
>> music or even despise it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amusia
> Sorry, I didn't express myself clearly. What I meant is that even in
> that case there would be no lack of music for anyone. My point was that
> music supply is so abundant at this point that anyone's tastes can be
> satisfied by the existing stock of music.
> --David.
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Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com
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