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[Csnd] Problems with gen23 on win

Date2014-02-25 15:08
FromAndreas Bergsland
Subject[Csnd] Problems with gen23 on win
I have some problems with gen23 on win7 with the latest installer of csound6.02. It seems that csound omits some of the numerical character when it reads the values from the text file, making for instance 947.3 into 47.3.
Here is the csd, the text file is attached




gitab    ftgen    0, 0, 0, -23, "test3.txt"

instr    1
ilen    tableng        gitab
kind    linseg        0, p3, ilen
kindx    =        int(kind)   
kout    table        kindx, gitab
printf    "index = %i, kvalue = %3.5f\n", kindx, kindx, kout



i1    0    1


Date2014-02-25 16:10
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Problems with gen23 on win
This is to do with the line endings (seen as ^M in emacs, forgot what sequence they are), if they’re gone, it works.
 John might know how to fix it.

On 25 Feb 2014, at 15:08, Andreas Bergsland  wrote:

> Hi, 
> I have some problems with gen23 on win7 with the latest installer of csound6.02. It seems that csound omits some of the numerical character when it reads the values from the text file, making for instance 947.3 into 47.3.
> Here is the csd, the text file is attached
> Best, 
> Andreas
> -odac1
> gitab    ftgen    0, 0, 0, -23, "test3.txt"
> instr    1
> ilen    tableng        gitab
> kind    linseg        0, p3, ilen
> kindx    =        int(kind)    
> kout    table        kindx, gitab
> printf    "index = %i, kvalue = %3.5f\n", kindx, kindx, kout
> endin
> i1    0    1

Date2014-02-25 18:19
FromAndreas Bergsland
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Problems with gen23 on win
OK, thanks! Knowing it I can find a workaround until it is fixed.
> This is to do with the line endings (seen as ^M in emacs, forgot what sequence they are), if they’re gone, it works.
>   John might know how to fix it.
> Victor
> On 25 Feb 2014, at 15:08, Andreas Bergsland  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have some problems with gen23 on win7 with the latest installer of csound6.02. It seems that csound omits some of the numerical character when it reads the values from the text file, making for instance 947.3 into 47.3.
>> Here is the csd, the text file is attached
>> Best,
>> Andreas
>> -odac1
>> gitab    ftgen    0, 0, 0, -23, "test3.txt"
>> instr    1
>> ilen    tableng        gitab
>> kind    linseg        0, p3, ilen
>> kindx    =        int(kind)
>> kout    table        kindx, gitab
>> printf    "index = %i, kvalue = %3.5f\n", kindx, kindx, kout
>> endin
>> i1    0    1
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug trackers
> csound6:
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> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Andreas Bergsland,

Institutt for musikk
7491 Trondheim

Besøksadresse: Fjordgt.1 (3.etg.)
e-post: andreas.bergsland@ntnu.no
Web: http://folk.ntnu.no/andbe
Tlf: 7359 0096
Mob: 4566 3316

Date2014-02-26 13:35
FromAndreas Bergsland
SubjectSV: [Csnd] Problems with gen23 on win
I tried now without new line characters in the text file, but GEN 23 still seems to omit the first numerical character in front of the decimal sign. I really don't know how to work around this.


gitab	ftgen	0, 0, 0, -23, "test.txt"

instr	1
ilen	tableng		gitab
kindx	init		1	
kout	table		kindx-1, gitab
printf	"index = %i, kvalue = %3.5f\n", kindx, kindx-1, kout
kindx	=		kindx < ilen-1? kindx + 1: ilen


i1	0	1

Fra: Andreas Bergsland [andreas.bergsland@ntnu.no]
Sendt: 25. februar 2014 19:19
Til: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Emne: Re: [Csnd] Problems with gen23 on win

OK, thanks! Knowing it I can find a workaround until it is fixed.
> This is to do with the line endings (seen as ^M in emacs, forgot what sequence they are), if they’re gone, it works.
>   John might know how to fix it.
> Victor
> On 25 Feb 2014, at 15:08, Andreas Bergsland  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have some problems with gen23 on win7 with the latest installer of csound6.02. It seems that csound omits some of the numerical character when it reads the values from the text file, making for instance 947.3 into 47.3.
>> Here is the csd, the text file is attached
>> Best,
>> Andreas
>> -odac1
>> gitab    ftgen    0, 0, 0, -23, "test3.txt"
>> instr    1
>> ilen    tableng        gitab
>> kind    linseg        0, p3, ilen
>> kindx    =        int(kind)
>> kout    table        kindx, gitab
>> printf    "index = %i, kvalue = %3.5f\n", kindx, kindx, kout
>> endin
>> i1    0    1
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug trackers
> csound6:
>              https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/tickets/
> csound5:
>              https://sourceforge.net/p/csound/bugs/
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Andreas Bergsland,

Institutt for musikk
7491 Trondheim

Besøksadresse: Fjordgt.1 (3.etg.)
e-post: andreas.bergsland@ntnu.no
Web: http://folk.ntnu.no/andbe
Tlf: 7359 0096
Mob: 4566 3316

Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug trackers
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"