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[Csnd] PVS and array

Date2020-01-12 17:25
Subject[Csnd] PVS and array
Hello All,
i'm working with pvs opcodes and i have a instrument that using pvsfreeze
freeze the input sound for a long time.
Input sounds are brief guitar note that are detected triggering a new 
with a long duration that use pvsanal and pvs freeze.
Now i thought that is not necessary that pvsanal is working for so long 
time so i
would like to separate the analize phase from the freeze.
So a input note trigger a brief analize instrument and then this trigger
a long duration freeze instrument.
I have tried with array in this way:

; global array of fsig array
gkFArr[] init 100

; create array for bin data
kArr[] init ifftsize+2

; export data to array
kflag pvs2array kArr, fsig

; put fsig array in global array. ifn is the number of the input note 
from 1.
kk init ifn
gkFArr[kk] = kArr

this give me:

Unable to find opcode entry for '=' with matching argument types:
Found: k = k[]

what i'm doing wrong?

Are there other way to obtain what i aould like?


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Date2020-01-12 17:55
SubjectRe: [Csnd] PVS and array
On Sun, 12 Jan 2020, fra wrote:

> Hello All,
> i'm working with pvs opcodes and i have a instrument that using pvsfreeze
> freeze the input sound for a long time.
> Input sounds are brief guitar note that are detected triggering a new 
> instrument
> with a long duration that use pvsanal and pvs freeze.
> Now i thought that is not necessary that pvsanal is working for so long time 
> so i
> would like to separate the analize phase from the freeze.
> So a input note trigger a brief analize instrument and then this trigger
> a long duration freeze instrument.
> I have tried with array in this way:
> ; global array of fsig array
> gkFArr[] init 100
> ; create array for bin data
> kArr[] init ifftsize+2
> ; export data to array
> kflag pvs2array kArr, fsig
> ; put fsig array in global array. ifn is the number of the input note from 1.
> kk init ifn
> gkFArr[kk] = kArr
> this give me:
> Unable to find opcode entry for '=' with matching argument types:
> Found: k = k[]

Ypu are atyempting to assign a k-rate array to a k-rate variable which is 
not avaiable even if you coud explain what you wany it to do/

Perhaps you just want gkFArr[] = kArr ?

> what i'm doing wrong?

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Date2020-01-13 08:11
SubjectRe: [Csnd] PVS and array

simply i would need to pass fsig from a instrument

to another and using many instances of these instrument

i thought i need a global array with index instance number

and containing fsig array. Like:

gkarray [instance_number] [fsig]

But i'm open to other solutions ...




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Date2020-01-13 10:58
FromJohn ff
SubjectRe: [Csnd] PVS and array
Global f variable?

⁣Sent from TypeApp ​

On Jan 13, 2020, 08:12, at 08:12, fra  wrote:
>simply i would need to pass fsig from a instrument
>to another and using many instances of these instrument
>i thought i need a global array with index instance number
>and containing fsig array. Like:
>gkarray [instance_number] [fsig]
>But i'm open to other solutions ...
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Date2020-01-13 12:07
SubjectRe: [Csnd] PVS and array

i will try to explain better what i'm trying to do.

instr 1

listen for a input note. when there is a note will start instr 2.note_number

instr 2.note_number

use pvsanal to create fsig then trigger instr 3.note_number

instr 3.note_number

use fsig for freezing that single sound

I separate analysis from freezing because analysis duration is less then 
2 seconds while freeze last for many seconds (maybe minutes).

Every note_number instance has his own fsig (one for input note).

So i would need many global f variable and i do not know how many in 

So i thought about array but i do not understand how to use it,

and if it's possible for my needs.




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Date2020-01-13 12:34
SubjectRe: [Csnd] PVS and array
Lookat the opcodes
  pvsftr — Reads amplitude and/or frequency data from function tables.
  pvsftw — Writes amplitude and/or frequency data to function tables.

and possbly pvs2tab

No tried it but these seem to do what you want, going via functin tables. 
pvs2tab writes a k array which coud be a two dimensional array.  Not found 
the array to fsig opcde yet but surely something must exist.


On Mon, 13 Jan 2020, fra wrote:

> Thanks,
> i will try to explain better what i'm trying to do.
> instr 1
> listen for a input note. when there is a note will start instr 2.note_number
> instr 2.note_number
> use pvsanal to create fsig then trigger instr 3.note_number
> instr 3.note_number
> use fsig for freezing that single sound
> I separate analysis from freezing because analysis duration is less then 2 
> seconds while freeze last for many seconds (maybe minutes).
> Every note_number instance has his own fsig (one for input note).
> So i would need many global f variable and i do not know how many in advance.
> So i thought about array but i do not understand how to use it,
> and if it's possible for my needs.
> Thanks,
> ciao,
> francesco.
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Date2020-01-13 12:51
SubjectRe: [Csnd] PVS and array
tab2pvs is the missing link

On Mon, 13 Jan 2020, john wrote:

> Lookat the opcodes
> pvsftr — Reads amplitude and/or frequency data from function tables.
> pvsftw — Writes amplitude and/or frequency data to function tables.
> and possbly pvs2tab
> No tried it but these seem to do what you want, going via functin tables. 
> pvs2tab writes a k array which coud be a two dimensional array.  Not found 
> the array to fsig opcde yet but surely something must exist.
> ==?John
> On Mon, 13 Jan 2020, fra wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> i will try to explain better what i'm trying to do.
>> instr 1
>> listen for a input note. when there is a note will start instr 
>> 2.note_number
>> instr 2.note_number
>> use pvsanal to create fsig then trigger instr 3.note_number
>> instr 3.note_number
>> use fsig for freezing that single sound
>> I separate analysis from freezing because analysis duration is less then 2 
>> seconds while freeze last for many seconds (maybe minutes).
>> Every note_number instance has his own fsig (one for input note).
>> So i would need many global f variable and i do not know how many in 
>> advance.
>> So i thought about array but i do not understand how to use it,
>> and if it's possible for my needs.
>> Thanks,
>> ciao,
>> francesco.
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>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
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>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> Csound mailing list
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