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Re: [Csnd] fractional sample waveguide opcode?

Date2019-03-02 04:45
FromPartev Barr Sarkissian
SubjectRe: [Csnd] fractional sample waveguide opcode?

Julius Orion Smith, III, books. Karplus-Strong, Euler identities, 
Fourier and "z" transforms,... a whole lot of trig (Euler),... some DSP, 
Julius' Digital Waveguides for audio,... a lot of the math is the same 
as microwave communications waveguides, with the difference being that 
it's adapted to audio wave .: air wave densities and velocities. 

3-main function blocks in those kind of waveguides,...

After that, it's all about how you patch, route and feedback the blocks 
into one another. 

Really cool stuff, "fractional sample",... I think there may something 
about that version of it in one of Julius' books. 

Cool stuff, 


--- ljc@INTERNET.COM.UY wrote:

From:         luis jure 
Subject: Re: [Csnd] fractional sample waveguide opcode?
Date:         Thu, 28 Feb 2019 20:56:14 -0300

el 2019-02-28 a las 14:15 Michael Mossey escribió:

> I haven't used Csound in a while, but a while back I was using Victor
> Lazzarini's UDO, the "modern waveguide" (a fractional sample, all pass
> waveguide, with flat group delay). I'm wondering if this has made it into
> an opcode yet.

good question... i always wondered that myself. if it's not there yet, it
would be a great addition. a cursory manual search didn't return any


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