| I am not sure of the questions as your message was totally garbledin my inbox. However regarding q4 there is no problem in going
instr 1
a1 oscil p4, p5
a2 oscil p4, p6
a3 ocsil p4, p7
out a1+a2+a3
and activating it with
i1 0 3, 0.2, 440, 660, 880
or an enything like that
If I understand the problem
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On Mar 22, 2021, 16:28, at 16:28, "Jeanette C." wrote:
>Hi Tom,
>I can only answer a few of these. Maybe it helps. :)
>Mar 22 2021, Tom Peters has written:
>> 3) I apply the ADSR envelope at the output, twice, which I think is
>not logical or optimal. The examples suggest to apply it to the
>amplitude parameter but that does not work with oscils. Please advise.
>It does not work with oscils, because it only allows for constant
>(iamp instead of kamp, aamp or xamp). xsomething means that the
>parameter can be i-rate, k-rate or a-rate, usually.
>You can use oscil or poscil. Or with osils:
>aOscil = oscils(iAmp, iCps,, iPhase)
>aOscil *= kAdsr
>> 4) Is there a neater way to sound a chord of specified frequencies
>without running the instrument multiple times at the same time point?
>Depends. It's the way a hardware synth would do it, allocate one
>complete voice for a note.
>If you have a very simple and restricted use case, i.e. always three
>note chords, you could put three oscillators into one instrument and
>have three parameters for the three different notes.
>Or you could double wrap: create one instrument that plays one note,
>write another instrument that will call the first instrument three
>and that accepts three not values.
>Or you can work with arrays and write a UDO (User defined opcode) that
>calls itself recursively...
>> 5) I am confused if, when, and how to use a table to generate an
>oscillation: in some of the examples I do not see how it is used in the
>instrument or how the frequency is applied. Some directives?
>There are many different oscillators. Some fall under the "f-table"
>based oscillators. Something like vco2 brings its own waveforms, oscils
>comes with a default waveform. Also many - if not all - oscil* opcodes
>can default to playing a sine wave, if the ftable parameter is -1 .
>a shortcut for convenience. It's something to get used to. Soon you'll
>know the basic oscillator families and when to look for what.
>I have no idea, how things are organised in CsoundQT, maybe there are
>HTH, best wishes,
> * Website: http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
> * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMS4rfGrTwz8W7jhC1Jnv7g
> * Audiobombs: https://www.audiobombs.com/users/jeanette_c
> * GitHub: https://github.com/jeanette-c
>She's so lucky,
>she's a star
>But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart... <3
>(Britney Spears)
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